The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 634 Meeting is fate

Chapter 634 Meeting is fate

Mu Yunchen walked in.

Following him was Han Dongqing.

Originally, Han Dongqing wanted to wait for Quan Jing, but after Mu Yunchen said a word, she thought about it and came here first.

However, she did not forget to send Quan Jing a message to save her from worrying.

Unlike Mu Yunchen, Han Dongqing was at ease with Nangong Yuting.

After all, this man is a hot-headed beauty!

She couldn't forget what happened in the chairman's office earlier, she was like a king pointing out the country.

Walking into the hotel lobby, a waiter came over.

Knowing that they were attending the curtain call banquet, the waiter led them to the second floor.

It is reported that the director has reserved the entire second floor, so that no one will be disturbed, just to make this global competition at the top of music come to a successful conclusion!

click -

The closed door on the second floor opened.

When everyone looked over, they saw Mu Yunchen and Han Dongqing behind him.

The director came over: "Oh, Yun Chen, why are you here so late? I've been waiting for you. Hey, this is..."

Han Dongqing nodded generously to the director and said hello: "Hi, I'm Han Dongqing, Quan Jing's manager."

The director naturally knew that Quan Jing was an artist, so it was not surprising that she had a manager.

It was just a little accident that he would meet here.

The other party greeted him, and the director smiled again and again: "Hey, hello, welcome to the capital of Vienna."

Han Dongqing smiled politely and said nothing more.

Mu Yunchen was taken to the main table, while Han Dongqing randomly found a low-key seat and sat down.

She took out her phone and checked the time.

It's [-]:[-] p.m. local time.

10: 30.

The director walked to a catwalk in front of him, took a microphone, and said some words: "First of all, welcome to our Vienna. Although we got together because of the competition, meeting is fate... Tonight, let Let's drink to our heart's content, and we won't go home until we're drunk!"

None of these young children are timid, and upon hearing this, they blurted out the word "good" endlessly.

The director picked up the wine glass from the table and raised his hand.

click -

The closed door on the second floor was suddenly pushed open.

Everyone looked over in unison.

But I saw that there were two more people outside the door.

One is Quan Jing, one is... Nangong Yuting.

Seeing the two appearing at the same time, Mu Yunchen frowned.

Han Dongqing was also startled.

Quan Jing, the little ancestor, although this is a foreign country, but she is so "high-profile", is she really afraid that these people will over the wall and be exposed?
Suddenly, a discussion sounded in my ears.

Han Dongqing's English is not bad, so she naturally listened to everything they talked about.

"Who is this man? Have you ever seen him?"

"Ah, he's so handsome!"

"Nympho, what's the use of being handsome?"

"Tch, with your frustrating appearance, of course I don't think so."

"He is a good match for Quan Jing!"


Discussions say whether it is big or not, or whether it is small or not.

Nangong Yuting also heard the words that he and Quan Jing are good-for-nothing, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously curled up into a slight smile.

In this way, those female players were even more excited.

Quan Jing noticed Han Dongqing standing there, stretched out his hand to pull Nangong Yuting's cuff, and walked towards Han Dongqing.

Without saying a word, Nangong Yuting followed behind her.

Then, the contestants at the table with Han Dongqing watched the pair of Bi people walking towards them...

As they got closer, they realized that these two people were more than just a match, they were a match made in heaven!
(End of this chapter)

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