The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 635 Cherish Her

Chapter 635 Cherish Her

The curtain call ended at 02:30 am local time.

During the whole meal, Han Dongqing watched Nangong Yuting gently "serve" Quan Jing.

Unexpectedly, Quan Jing still has a face of peace of mind.

The way the two get along is like a pair of young people in a sweet love.

Looking at them, Han Dongqing wiped her head away and stopped looking at them.

These two people are too low-key, they even show their affection abroad!
Even so, she didn't stop it.

For one thing, Nangong Yuting's identity was there, and she couldn't stop it even if she wanted to.

Secondly, because it was in Vienna, there were no photos of Nangong Yuting on the Internet.Therefore, even if someone photographed him, he would not contact "Nangong".

In the end, the director said enthusiastically, "Welcome to Vienna again", and the curtain call ended completely.

Before leaving, Jennifer came to say goodbye to Nangong Yuting, and Quan Jing was not surprised to be excited again.

Sensing the girl's strangeness, Nangong Yuting's eyes darkened slightly, and he led her behind him calmly.

Quan Jing, who couldn't see her own goddess, tried her best to poke her head out.

That look is really cute.

Noticing this scene, Mu Yunchen clenched his fist and coughed lightly.

He can now be sure that Quan Jing was so excited on stage before, all because of Jennifer.

As far as he knows, Jennifer doesn't play domestic social software, otherwise...

Nangong Yuting's actions made Jennifer look at Quan Jing again.

Suddenly meeting the Goddess' gaze, Quan Jing froze, holding Nangong Yuting's suit jacket with her small hand.

Knowing Nangong Yuting for these years, Jennifer is too aware of his cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The girl grabbed his suit and even made a lot of wrinkles, but he didn't respond at all.

Well, there is only one explanation.

He fell in love with her.

Perhaps, it was in love.

It's not easy, when she met this guy, he was still a half-old child.

Now he has grown into an attractive man.

Jennifer turned her eyes around the two of them before reaching out to pat Nangong Yuting on the shoulder: "Treasure her, she is a good girl."

Nangong Yuting: "I will."

Quan Jing: "???" No, who can tell her what happened?

Jennifer left, leaving Quan Jing in a daze.

She gently tugged at Nangong Yuting's sleeve, and poked her head over: "Do you know Jennifer?"

The girl's low voice fell into her ears, and her ears were itchy.

Looking at the disappearing figure not far away, Nangong Yuting nodded: "Well, I met a few times in a foreign country before."

Quan Jing looked at him suspiciously: "Really?"

The way she looks at the goddess, it's not just a few encounters.

Quan Jing didn't get too entangled in this matter.

Because...they are going back.

Turning his head to look at Mu Yunchen, Quan Jing blinked twice: "Yun...Senior Yunchen, let's go together?"

Han Dongqing was about to say that Mu Yunchen had his arrangements when he heard a magnetic voice: "Okay."

Han Dongqing: "???" No, he actually agreed?

How does she feel... The people she saw these two days were all strange.

Luo Xuefan was not with them, so he left first.

Over there, Guo Jiayi chatted with the director for a few words, then walked towards Mu Yunchen, and asked casually, "Yun Chen, what time is your flight?"

Mu Yunchen: "With them."

Han Dongqing: "..." Mu Shen is too casual.

Quan Jing smiled sweetly at Guo Jiayi, and called "Teacher Guo".

Only Nangong Yuting kept his eyes on Quan Jing...

(End of this chapter)

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