The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 652 Are You Really Together?

Chapter 652 Are You... Really Together?

Quan Jing only found out that Quan Rin had called her when she was playing.

She hesitated to open WeChat and sent him a message: "Fat Rin, did you call me?"

There is a second reply, no, it is a second to send a video call.

Quan Jing switched to a voice call and answered: "What's wrong?"

On the other side, Quan Rin was like pouring beans, how he found the video on Weibo in the afternoon, and was almost discovered by Wen Shuwan, and then said all kinds of worries.

Quan Lin: "...Sister, what's the situation with you and Uncle Nangong? The people in the video are you, right? Also, are you...really together?"

I've always known that Quan Rin is talkative, but I didn't expect him to gossip like this at this time.

Quan Jing frowned, and asked the most important thing: "How about the video?"

Quan Lin can be so sure that it is her and Nangong Yuting, so there is nothing wrong with it.

But, who would deliberately take that video?

What is the purpose of the other party doing this?
Quan Lin, who has been anxious about how to let his sister know that his mother is going to find out about this, really didn't pay attention to the movement on Weibo in real time.

While resting his mobile phone on his shoulder, he took the notebook next to his desk, turned it on, logged in to Weibo, and searched for "Quanjing Video".

As a result, nothing?
Quan Rin: "???" What's going on?
Xu Shi was too quiet on the other side, Quan Jing called suspiciously: "Fat Rin? What's wrong?"

Quan Rin came back to his senses and stammered a little: "Sister... the video, that video, seems to have been disposed of. It's Uncle Nangong, yes, it must be him!"

Listening to his incoherent words, Quan Jing was momentarily speechless.

As if to verify something, Quan Rin pressed the voice speaker, wanting to find the video.

However, the video cannot be opened during a voice call.

There was no other way, Quan Rin had no choice but to give up.

After a while, the recorder called to continue filming, and Quan Jing only had time to tell Quan Rin, "Don't let Mommy know about the video for now" and ended the call.

Tianyin Media.

Broker's office.

On the sofa, sat a figure.

At this time, the figure was staring at the phone, looking at the video she sent someone, and then watching the discussion of the group of people below, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Quan net?So what if she won glory for the country, if the fans know that their fan is a vulgar woman who is greedy for wealth in private, I'm afraid it will be disillusioned.

She will not admit that she is jealous of her!
What is there for her to be jealous of such a person?


A lukewarm voice sounded behind her: "What are you doing here?"

The figure got up, turned around, and saw He Lan opened the door and walked in.

Walking to the sofa, He Lan frowned displeasedly: "Yin Xiaoyu, did I tell you that you are not allowed to enter my office without my permission?"

Yin Xiaoyu hurriedly lowered her head, with a nervous expression on her face: "I'm sorry, Sister He, I didn't mean to..."

Obviously, He Lan didn't want to hear her explanation: "I don't want to listen to your nonsense. If it's still for the announcement, you go back first, and I will notify you if there is any news."

If Yin Xiaoyu was a little more sensible, maybe He Lan would not treat her like this.

It's a pity...she misplaced her cleverness.

Afraid that He Lan would be displeased if he continued speaking, Yin Xiaoyu responded in a low voice: "Then Sister He, I'm leaving first."

He Lan gave a cold "um" and waved his hand.

After leaving the office, Yin Xiaoyu's timid and fearful expression changed, and a hint of sinisterness flashed in her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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