The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 653 There is a pusher behind

Chapter 653 There is a pusher behind

After Nangong Yuting received the news from Xunyi, she immediately clicked to check it.

The video was still the same video, but his face was shown.

From the looks of it, it was quite satisfactory.

After appreciating for a moment, his eyes fell on the message sent by Xunyi.

The source of the video is a person from Yin Xiaoyu.

Below that is Yin Xiaoyu's personal information from childhood to adulthood.

Yin Xiaoyu?The name is so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere...

"...Let us congratulate Yin Tianhou for winning the latest Golden Voice Queen. This is another rising music goddess after the goddess of power." The host's excited voice was still in my ears.

Then came Yin Xiaoyu's words.

She said: "Thank you for your recognition of me, I will definitely live up to everyone's expectations of me, and continue to sing my wonderful life in the music world..."

In subsequent interviews, Nangong Yuting's memory is not very clear.


A reporter asked sharply: "Yin Xiaoyu, please explain why the Queen of Quan just passed away here, and her bones were not cold, so you swaggered through the market with her title? Is this car accident related to you..."

Nangong Yuting suddenly raised his eyes.

It was her!

At that time, not long after Quanquan passed away, his heart was filled with pain, and he ignored everything in the outside world.

That day, it was also the housekeeper at home who saw that he was depressed, and specially turned on the TV for him, hoping to divert his attention.

In the end, I happened to meet Yin Xiaoyu's interview.

He knew too well how much Quan Jing valued her dream, and how could he possibly let himself have a car accident?
The only possibility is that there is a pusher behind this!

It's a pity that even though he has a lot of connections, the investigation was fruitless, which made the murderer go free.

Until he was reborn, he still failed to catch the murderer...

It never occurred to him that the incident of this video actually reminded him of this past event.

Yin Xiaoyu?She better not have done those things, otherwise, he doesn't mind, let her live or die!
In this life, no one can take away everything from the circle.

He doesn't allow it either!
Yin Xiaoyu, who had no idea that she had offended someone invisibly, ran into Zheng Xinyan who had just returned at the entrance of the company building after leaving the office.

To say that He Lan is really kind to Zheng Xinyan.

Not only did she get a big-produced third female lead, but she also got a female lead in a web drama.

Although the salary is not much, they all play pleasing roles.

As long as Zheng Xinyan plays well, when the show is broadcast, it will more or less accumulate a lot of fans.

It would be a lie to say that Yin Xiaoyu has no envy for Zheng Xinyan.

But, after all, she still has to rely on Zheng Xinyan to help her speak with He Lan, even if she doesn't like it in her heart, on the surface, she still has to coax her.

Zheng Xinyan stepped forward and patted Yin Xiaoyu on the shoulder, and greeted with a smile: "Xiaoyu, I called you just now, why are you ignoring me?"

Yin Xiaoyu seemed to have just turned around, and tried to smile at her: "Xinyan, it's you, today's scene is over?"

Zheng Xinyan nodded heartily.

It took a long time to realize that something was wrong with Yin Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? I think your complexion is not very good..."

Yin Xiaoyu pretended to be strong and shook her head: "It's okay, it doesn't matter."

However, the more she said that, Zheng Xinyan was in a daze to ask what happened.

There was no other way, Yin Xiaoyu had no choice but to tell her half-heartedly...

How could Zheng Xinyan see her so sad, she quickly patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her: "It's okay, Xiaoyu, Sister He, I'll go and tell you, you wait for me here for a while, don't go!"

(End of this chapter)

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