Chapter 746
Yin Xiaoyu also just finished watching "Youth with You, No Regrets".

She was watching it on her mobile phone, and she could clearly see the barrage that had increased significantly after Quan Jing's appearance.

Even the reviews for this episode are better than the previous dozen or so episodes!

For a newcomer to catch up with the popularity of international superstars and actresses, this is simply a fantasy.

Unfortunately, Quan Jing did it!
How could this make Yin Xiaoyu angry?
She has recorded the sixth episode of "Hey Singing, Matching and Touching", and now it has broadcast five episodes.

Because she formed a team with Jiang Yuhan, she actually took a lot of shots in the show.

But also because of this, the feathers find fault with her every issue.

Her heat is coming up, but most of them are black and red.

But Yin Xiaoyu didn't care much about it.

But now, seeing that Quan Jing just made an appearance, and even the plot lasted less than 3 minutes, this group of people swiped the screen frequently, and also begged for all kinds of tidbits about Lin Wanwan on the official blog.

With such a gap, how could Yin Xiaoyu not feel jealous?
Ever since Quan Jing appeared in the training class, she knew that this person would block her way sooner or later.


Whether it's his personal debut, or even the company's treatment, or his agent...all the benefits have been taken by Quan Jing alone!
Yin Xiaoyu felt aggrieved.

She is not reconciled.

Forget about these, she still needs to be on guard against Ma Zhenliang all the time.

That man, he is simply a tumor!Still can't get rid of the kind...

Jingle Bell.

The phone ringing interrupted Yin Xiaoyu's thoughts.

She lowered her eyes and saw "Brother Ma" constantly jumping on the screen. There was obvious disgust between her brows, but she still endured the nausea and answered the phone.

Not surprisingly, the other party called her over again.

After hanging up the phone, Yin Xiaoyu took out a small box from the drawer, poured out a pill from it, and took it.

Immediately, she locked the drawer and changed her clothes before leaving the dormitory building.

The TV series is over, but the hot discussion among fans has not.

Xu felt that swiping twice and swiping three times was not enough, and a wave of people went to Amway on Weibo.

Although the official blog was also promoted on Weibo, and the leading actors also forwarded it, but some cuties couldn't help but didn't receive the news in time...

As a result, a wave of Amway came down, and a group of fans who hadn't had time to follow the show looked shocked.

Why do so many people share the same drama?

Let's take a look at the starring lineup: actor Mu Yunchen, actress An Yelin.

Fuck, this drama must be watched!

That night, the ratings of "Youth with You, No Regrets" reached another level.

Wei Dongxu, the executives of Grapefruit TV and Qingmang Video couldn't hide the smiles at the corners of their mouths as they watched the rising data.

That's wasted money!
But the people who didn't buy the broadcasting rights of David TV and video platforms are all regretful.

They had known for a long time that Mu Yunchen was the guarantee of ratings, but because of that little gain and loss, they had to worry about it several times, and missed a chance to make a big profit.

What a loss, what a loss.

As Quan Jing's manager, Han Dongqing naturally followed the fans' opinions on her online in real time.

From the current point of view, there are more praises than criticisms.

Han Dongqing also proposed the idea of ​​letting Quan Jing open Weibo.

However, Quan Jing still refused.

She doesn't want to market herself too much.

Therefore, she declined because she was too busy with her studies and didn't have time to take care of Weibo.

This is not an excuse, she is full of classes almost every day!

Han Dongqing also looked at Quan Jing's class schedule, thought about it, and let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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