Chapter 747#心爱林晓#
Quan Jing didn't have many roles in the play.

On the evening of the 8th, Lin Wanwan, who she played, received a lunch box.

Looking at Lin Wanwan who lived in Lin Xiao's memories, many people shed tears of distress.

That is a talented young girl!
Just like that, he was ruthlessly taken away by a car accident.

For the rest of his life, every time he celebrates his birthday, Lin Xiao will think of this day. How cruel is that?

This thorn pierced hard into the hearts of Lin Xiao and Tong Sheng...

The last scene of Quan Jing left the audience with her bright and youthful smile.

Lin Wanwan, she should have been admitted to a good university like her brother.

It's a pity that God made a joke with her.

Until the ending song ended and the next episode was announced, many people hadn't gotten out of the plot yet.

It was not only this group of people who fell into the plot, but also those who had personally experienced this scene... Nangong Yuting.

Looking at Lin Wanwan who also had a car accident in the play, Nangong Yuting frowned fiercely.

He immediately called Quan Jing.

He was completely awake when he heard the girl's voice.

Just when the two were talking on the phone, there was an additional topic of #心爱林晓# on Weibo.

However, when I clicked in, I found that most people were discussing Quanjing.

Made a group of people dumbfounded.

However, since Quan Jing is their "sister" who admires God, they forgive this wave of operations.

That's right, although the topic was covered under the cover of "Lin Xiao", it was actually about "Lin Wanwan".

Xiao Yu took this incident as a joke and told Mu Yunchen all about it.

For the first time, Mu Yunchen logged into his weibo.

Ding dong.

Xiao Yu lowered his head and saw Mu Yunchen's Weibo post just now.

Mu Yunchen V: [Goodbye Lin Wanwan, hello Quanjing, looking forward to your future (picture jpg)]

The picture is the "family portrait" that Wei Dongxu took for Mu Yunchen, An Yelin, and Quanjing earlier.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, it instantly attracted countless people to forward it.

The comments and likes instantly exceeded [-].

The popularity of this international superstar is not covered at all!
In particular, some fans discovered that the three of them were dressed as they were in the play.

For a moment, the fans who were still a little bit upset commented eagerly.

【I really hope to be resurrected at night, our brother Lin Xiao is so pitiful】

[Agree upstairs.The only family member in the play is gone, too pitiful]

【Don't cry if you admire God, you still have us! 】

【Yes, our wonton will always be your most solid backing】


After commenting to the back, somehow it got crooked.

Xiao Yu flipped through the comments, dumbfounded.

How did they pull off such serious nonsense?
Turning his head by accident, Xiao Yu saw that Mu Yunchen was not reading a magazine, but was staring at his mobile phone.

He leaned over and saw that Mu Yunchen was actually reading the comments, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Brother Mu, when did you like to read comments?
Staring at one of the words "Looking forward to Mushen's cooperation with Little Fairy again", Mu Yunchen smiled slightly.


"The appearance when we first met..." A familiar bell rang.

Mu Yunchen put away the smile on his face, and returned to his usual indifference: "Hello?"

On the other end of the phone was Fei Xiang's chirping voice: "Yun Chen, that Chu Hansheng, you still remember, the young man who has been arguing to sing with you on the same stage..."

Fei Xiang's voice was a bit loud, and Xiao Yu who was standing beside him could also hear it.

When he first heard him mention Chu Hansheng, Xiao Yu was also a little surprised.

After all, he can clearly see how pestering that person is.

(End of this chapter)

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