The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 751 Invitation List

Chapter 751 Invitation List

After Chu Hansheng, many singers also forwarded this Weibo.

However, it was not as big as the sensation caused by Chu Hansheng.


Jiang Yuhan reposted it.

Today's Jiang Yuhan has begun to develop in all aspects in the direction of film and television dramas, his career is booming, his net worth has also risen and rises, and his feather fans are also increasing day by day.

With that face, he just stopped there casually, and countless fans applauded.

It's the acting's not flattering.

For a while, Jiang Yuhan overshadowed Chu Hansheng.

Chu Hansheng didn't mind this.

Or rather, he disdains it.

Star Culture.

The moment Qin Jing received the invitation to the Qingmang Music Festival from Song Zhen, Qin Jing was actually dumbfounded.

In the past few years since her debut, she is too aware of the weight of an invitation to a music festival.

But it was also the case, she was even more surprised when she clearly knew her current embarrassing situation.

Qin Jing held the invitation letter, full of caution: "Sister Zhen, this invitation letter..."

Song Zhen knew what she was thinking, holding the document behind her back, and said calmly: "This is the meaning of the organizer, and it is also the meaning of the company."

Without waiting for Qin Jing to be happy, Song Zhen continued: "Qin Jing, this is your last chance, you should grasp it well. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

When Song Zhen disappeared, Qin Jing stared at the invitation letter in her hand, full of thoughts.

Qin Jing is very clear that Song Zhen has already started to cultivate the next artist, and once she has no value, she is afraid that she will be abandoned soon.

At that time, not only her manager, but even the company...

No!She will never let this happen!

At the Qingmang Music Festival, she will definitely turn the situation around.

Carefully keeping the invitation letter, Qin Jing switched accounts to log in to Weibo.

I don't know if all her luck was in the first ten years, she had a smooth journey, but after that, she once went downhill.

First, "Enjoy Music" was said by the seniors that all her songs have not changed, and "Hey Singing" and Tang Qing teamed up without much breakthrough...

Her trumpet was registered five years after her debut. At that time, every word and deed of her would be used to criticize her. She was once depressed and didn't want to read those words that scolded her, so she registered another account.

People, when you are not popular, who cares what you do.

But once you become popular, any of your actions will be infinitely magnified.

In other words, as much praise as you receive, you have to bear as much slander!
Power is mutual, not to mention the love of fans?

Occasionally, when she couldn't bear it anymore, Qin Jing would change her account and make some funny jokes to cheer herself up.

She is well protected, so far, her trumpet has not been dug out.

Even if she is as close as Song Zhen, she doesn't know that she still has a Weibo account.

Today, as usual, she was going to find some funny jokes to read, but inadvertently clicked into the hot search list.

#The 28th Qingmang Music Festival Invitation List# New

Qin Jing clicked in and took a look.

I don't know if it was her psychological effect, but the first thing she saw was not her name, but... Quan Jing.

Yes, Qin Jing saw Quan Jing on the list.

At that moment, Qin Jing felt like a bolt from the blue.

How can this be?

How long has it been since Quan Jing made her debut, how is she qualified to attend the Qingmang Music Festival!

Suspecting that she was wrong, Qin Jing took a closer look.

In the end, Quan Jing's name was still on the list...

(End of this chapter)

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