The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 752 Waiting for that person to come

Chapter 752 Waiting For That Person To Come Back
Quan Jing, who was being talked about by Qin Jing, is currently in Nalanyin's private villa.

Seeing the half-asleep and half-awake state of Nalan Yin who was lazily lying on the sofa, Quan Jing pursed her lips: "Sister Yinyin, did you call me here just to let me watch you sleep? Bar?"

Nalanyin supported the back of his head, and answered the irrelevant question in a very soft tone: "Jingzai, you said... are all men liars?"

Quan Jing: "???"

After a while, Nalanyin sat up from the sofa, gathered the shawl, went to the storage room, took an unopened bottle of whiskey, and took two red wine glasses.

Opening the bottle with a corkscrew, Nalanyin poured a glass naturally and handed it to Quan Jing.

Quan Jing waved her hand: "Sister Yinyin, I don't drink."

Nalanyin didn't force it either.

She took a sip, as if intoxicated by the aroma of wine, she closed her eyes and savored carefully.

Just when Quan Jing thought she would drink slowly, Nalanyin suddenly drank all the remaining wine in the glass into his stomach.

Quan Jing: "!!!"

Watching Nalanyin pour himself another cup and hand it to his mouth, Quan Jing immediately stopped her: "Sister Yinyin, drink slowly..."

According to her boring way of drinking, I'm afraid she will be drunk after a few drinks.

Doesn't she know how high the whiskey is?

Nalanyin raised the corners of her lips, like a blooming red rose, which was extra alluring: "It's better to clean up my house, man, heh, fuck him, I don't care anymore!"

Quan Jing's mouth twitched.

She only had one drink, why does she feel that Sister Yinyin is drunk?
No, what the hell happened?

Quan Jing helped Nalan Yin to sit on the sofa, and looked up at the nanny who was standing by.

Aunt Song shook her head, indicating that she didn't know either.

Quan Jing had never seen Nalan Yin like this before, her eyes seemed to be the same as before, but she inadvertently showed a touch of sadness.

This situation is very similar to that time in Youlan Bar...

It's just that Nalanyin was drinking alone at that time.

Quan Jing looked at the auntie nanny: "Aunt Song, go and do your work first, sister Yinyin has me here."

Aunt Song went to work, only Quan Jing and Nalan Yin were left in the living room.

Quan Jing didn't pay attention, and Nalan Yin finished drinking the wine in the cup again.

Watching her pour himself another glass, Quan Jing: "..."

After two cups, Nalanyin was still clear.

Quan Jing thought for a while, and only came to one conclusion: "Sister Yinyin, is Aunt Rui urging you to get married again?"

Other than that, she couldn't think of anything else that could make Nalan Yin drink away his worries.

Her memory has always been very good. Earlier in Youlan Bar, she faintly heard a man's name from Nalanyin's mouth, called...Ran Chen!
No matter how dull she is, she should know that this Ran Chen holds a very important place in Sister Yinyin's heart.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so resistant to Aunt Rui's arrangement.


Nalanyin let out a casual "hmm", which seemed to be in response to Quan Jing's words.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup her mother was poured into by Xu Xiwen, so speak for him!

Thinking of this, Nalanyin became angry.

Quan Jing has been paying attention to Nalan Yin's emotions, seeing the irritability on her face, she touched her nose: "Sister Yinyin, can I ask you a question?"

Nalanyin raised his eyebrows: "Ask."

Quan Jing: "Why are you so resistant to...cough, this matter?"

At the moment when Nalanyin glanced over, Quan Jing changed his rhetoric in seconds.

Nalanyin is already 29 years old. Marrying at this age is neither too old nor too young.

However, as a financially independent woman, Nalanyin never planned to get married so early!
Of course, the more important reason was because... She was waiting for that person to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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