The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 808 The last tenderness

Chapter 808 The last tenderness
The school bell rang.

Quan Rin didn't care whether the teacher left or not, so he took out his mobile phone blatantly and logged into Weibo.

The deskmate caught a glimpse of him, leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Fatty, what are you looking at?"

The busy Quan Rin ignored him.

Click on the Mango Music official blog, but there is still no update.

Quan Rin: "???" What's the situation?

Not knowing why, Quan Rin simply ran to ask his sister.

Over there, Quan Jing, who had just finished class, only heard a "ding dong" from the phone.

She took the phone out of her pocket and glanced at it.

The message was sent by Quan Rin, asking if she knew about the sales of digital albums.

She typed "I don't know", her eyes twinkled slightly.

That's right, it's all over, why didn't Sister Han tell her the final situation?

Thinking this way, Quan Jing called Han Dongqing.

The phone rang and was answered shortly after.

Quan Jing called out "Sister Han" sweetly, and went straight to business.

Hearing Quan Jing's words at first, Han Dongqing was taken aback, but she didn't hide it from her: "The official statistics came out, and a total of 10273312 copies were sold...By the way, the other party wants to sign your exclusive license, what do you think?"

Quan Jing was still shocked to sell so many albums, when she heard what Han Dongqing said later, her little face was full of seriousness: "Exclusive authorization? Is it a new song?"

Han Dongqing: "Listen to the other party's meaning, it's all your songs."

Quan Jing: "Sister Han, I need to think carefully about this matter."

Han Dongqing: "That's what I told the other party, please let me know when you think about it."

Quan Jing: "Yes."

After hanging up the phone, Quan Jing's eyes were deep.

Sheng Ke, who was sitting next to her, noticed her appearance, took out a mango-flavored lollipop from his pocket, and handed it over: "Do you want to eat it?"

Quan Jing couldn't resist anything with mango, so naturally, she took it happily: "Thank you, A Ke."

Tear open the bag, just smelling that smell, Quan Jing narrowed his eyes happily.

It tastes like mango.

Somehow, for a moment, Sheng Ke wanted to draw Quan Jing's appearance at this moment.

She had an idea in her mind, so she took out her phone, turned on the camera, and took a picture of Quan Jing.


Quan Jing heard the sound and looked over, looking very stupid: "A Ke?"

Sheng Ke said "hmm", slowly put away her phone, clicked into the photo album, and admired the photos she just took.

In the photo, Quan Jing held a lollipop in her mouth and looked out the window.A beam of sunlight came in and shone on her face, creating a halo of light.

In the classroom, in front of the desks, the girl looked very quiet and looked very good.

Looking at it, the corner of Sheng Ke's mouth curled up slightly, but it was fleeting.

However, Quan Jing, who had been staring at her, seemed to see some diluted treasure: "A Ke, you just laughed!"

When Quan Jing said this, she subconsciously moved closer to Sheng Ke.

Hearing the sound, Sheng Ke glanced sideways, but met Shang Quanjing's approaching face.

She made a face suddenly, even Sheng Ke was taken aback by her.

She didn't feel much disgusted, she just turned her head away silently, denying what Quan Jing said just now: "No, you read it wrong."

Quan Jing stared, propped up the desk with one hand, and held the lollipop in the other: "No, I have good eyesight, so I can't read wrong."

Sheng Ke: "..."

In the eyes of others, Quan Jing is very smart, but in Sheng Ke's eyes, she is just a little confused, cute... even, it is her last bit of tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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