The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 809 Data Explosion

Chapter 809 Data Explosion

Mango Music finally released the official data!

Many people stared at "10273312" for a long time, and then it exploded.

[Fuck, I counted on my fingers three times, and it's still more than 1000 million, did I read it wrong? 】

[Upstairs you counted correctly, I also counted several times! 】

[Mamma Mia, what kind of fairy is Quan Jing?The data of the first album exploded! 】

[Reply upstairs, you don't even look at how popular people are]

[Bah, what are Quan Jing fans talking about, this is not her true level, if you have the ability, don't let so many people help to promote it]


It's okay to start commenting, everyone was shocked by the number.

But later, it suddenly went crooked.

Many people started to attack Quan Jing.

It was probably because she found so many people to promote it, not all for the sake of building momentum for herself.

Of course, these people are pure black.

People who are black for black's sake.

Of course, there are also some people who deliberately discredit Quanjing for the sake of their idols.

This trouble will be serious.

You said, if you only talk about Quan Jing, other people will not participate.

However, some people were stupid enough to bring all kinds of people who helped Quan Jing to promote it.He also said that those people took advantage of Quan Jing to help her like this.

Fans from all walks of life: "???"

So, all of a sudden, it annoyed a lot of fans.

You know, almost half of the stars in the entertainment industry have helped Quan Jing, no matter how bad it is, there are also some artists who repost it casually just to gain popularity.

What's more, there are big names like Mu Yunchen!

Not to mention anything else, just the fighting power of the wontons is amazing.

However, in one morning, several hot topics were raised on Weibo.

The most prominent one is #quanjingfirstdigitalalbumbreakingmillion#.

However, when I clicked in, it was a situation where black fans were fighting with fans from all walks of life.

The fighting power of the black fans is not weak, but they can't hold back a few fans to unite and hate them.

There was no need to wait for Han Dongqing to find out that he was looking for a publicist, and the black fans could not stand it and retreated.

Nima, isn't this the same as nine out of ten people unite to beat one person? How can they fight?
Can't be bothered, can't be bothered!

Tianyin Media.

Artist's agent's office.

dong dong dong.

"Come in." Han Dongqing said without raising his head.

The assistant Xiao Chen walked in quickly, came to the desk, and handed over the tablet: "Sister Han, there is a fight on Weibo..."

Han Dongqing: "Huh?"

While listening to Xiao Chen, Han Dongqing looked down at the tablet.

Flicking through with her fingertips, she frowned slightly when she saw those comments.

She guessed that someone would use Quan Jing's data to make an argument, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

How long does it take for the official figures to be released?
Some people can't wait...

Han Dongqing is very serious: "Well, how is the situation?"

She has a lot of work and doesn't have time to stare at her all the time, but Xiao Chen is different.

As early as when he was looking for an assistant for Quan Jing, Han Dongqing asked Xiao Chen to follow any news about Quan Jing on Weibo in real time.

You can't let go of a little trouble.

So, after hearing her words, Xiao Chen said directly: "Currently, there are the wontons of Mushen and the coconuts of Mr. Ye who are fighting for the main battle... Those black fans no longer dare to show their heads."

Han Dongqing: "I see, you continue to pay attention."

Xiao Chen: "Okay, Miss Han."

Seeing that Han Dongqing lowered her head and started to work again, Xiao Chen said, "Then Sister Han, I'm going out first", and left the office holding the tablet.

(End of this chapter)

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