The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 815 1 Throwing Gold into Circles

Chapter 815
Quan Jing still found out about JY-Yu's donation of 2000 million.

As a loyal fan of Mrs. Yu, An Yimo always pays attention to her wife's activities.

Paying attention to Weibo is a trivial matter.

After lunch, she clicked on the Youchuang Comics APP as usual, and after she finished watching the latest painting of "Starry Sky", she went to check Weibo again.

Not long after, a new message alert popped up on her special level.

She clicked in excitedly, and saw JY-Yufa's Weibo.

After staring at the "circles" on the picture for a long time, An Yimo tilted her head slightly, a little puzzled.

Circle?Isn't that Jingzi's nickname?
An Yimo commented suspiciously. After seeing some comments, her eyes widened.

Mrs. Yu is a fan of Jingzi?

Why she doesn't know...

After reading through some comments, to make sure that she read it correctly, An Yimo took a few pictures and sent them to Quan Jing as if she was bitter.

The incessant WeChat notification tone brought Quan Jing back to his senses from the stave.

She unplugged the charger before taking the phone to look at it.

Momo: [Jingzi!Be lenient when confessing, and be strict when resisting! 】

Momo: [I just found out that Mrs. Yu is actually your fan! 】

Momo: 【Ahhhhhhhh, suddenly I feel so lucky】

Momo: […]

Quan Jing carefully read all the screenshots and messages posted by An Yimo.

Even just looking at the text, she could feel An Yimo's excitement at the moment.

Quan Jing raised the corner of her mouth slightly, her eyes were gentle, and she tapped on the screen with her fingertips: "I just found out not too long ago."

After receiving a reply over there, a video call popped up directly.

Quan Jing blinked and hesitated for a moment, A Ke was resting, Qing Qing was reviewing, and as for Yu Tong, she was holding the mobile phone and reading the drama.

So, Quan Jing walked towards the balcony.

As soon as the video was picked up, An Yimo's familiar face appeared on the camera.

Quan Jing sweetly called "Momo" before continuing: "Why did you suddenly mention JY-Yu?"

The great thing about video is that you can see the other person's reaction in real time.

An Yimo caught a glimpse of Quan Jing's innocent face, as if she didn't know anything about Weibo, she asked suspiciously: "Jingzi, you don't know about Mrs. Yu's donation of 2000 million, do you?"

Quan Jing slightly opened her eyes wide: "What?"

Knowing the temperament of her deskmate, An Yimo sighed, and briefly told Quan Jing about the things on Weibo.

At the end, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Hey, I never imagined that one day, my Mrs. Yu would spend a lot of money to make trouble..."

Quan Jing: "..." Why did she sound so sour?


An Yimo's eyes lit up: "By the way, Jingzi, you haven't told me what JY-Yu looks like!"

Quan Jing was startled, and the face of Nangong Yuting appeared in his mind, with his mouth slightly open, and he didn't know where to start: "He... is like us, with two eyes, one nose, and one mouth , two ears, nothing special."

An Yimo: "???" Sister, what are you talking about?
Fools don't bring such things!

Seeing An Yimo's bewildered expression, Quan Jing couldn't hold back a "puchi" laugh: "Okay, I'll find a chance another day and introduce you two."

An Yimo's voice raised a lot unconsciously when he first heard these words: "Really!"

Quan Jing nodded: "Really."

An Yimo made a kiss, her small mouth was extremely sweet: "Hey, I know that Jingzi is the best, I love you the most, Trojan horse, give me a kiss. Hahaha, I can finally meet the mysterious Yu Ma'am!"

The smile on the corner of Quan Jing's mouth couldn't be stopped, and there was tenderness in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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