The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 816 Silly girl, Zhang Shen

Chapter 816 Silly girl, regained consciousness

After chatting with An Yimo, Quan Jing thought about it and sent another message to Nangong Yuting.

Circle 3: [I heard that you donated 2000 million in my name? 】

The other party seemed to be busy, and Quan Jing waited for a few minutes without replying.

Glancing at the time, it was 12:48.

At this point, he should be busy...

Quan Jing didn't think much, put away the phone and went back.

By the time she received a reply, it was already the end of the afternoon class.

Royal: [um]

Yu: [You can understand that I was influenced by you]

Seeing this reply, Quan Jing almost choked on himself without a sip of water.

He was influenced by her?

Where does he need her influence... Oh no, why should she influence him?
Accidentally, Quan Jing entered a dead end.

Before she could figure out how to reply, the class bell rang.

Quan Jing thought about it, but decided not to reply to him.

Lingyun Group.

At twelve noon, Nangong Yuting held an impromptu company meeting.

In a hurry, his mobile phone dropped on the desk.

When he finished the meeting and returned to the office, it was already after 02:30 in the afternoon.

Sitting back on the president's chair, he casually picked up his phone and glanced at it.

A new message pops up on the screen.

Looking at the note, Nangong Yuting's eyebrows were curved, and the corners of his mouth curled up into a beautiful arc.

He swiped his face to unlock.

After reading the message sent to him by Quan Jing, he replied "Yes", and was afraid that he would not take it seriously, so he thought about it, and then typed and sent it.

He clearly saw the words "The other party is typing..." pop up above the message.

However, after a long time, no news came.

Later, even the input is gone.

However, Nangong Yuting was in a very good mood.

I accidentally saw today's date, the 26th, Wednesday...

Why is it not Friday today?
Nangong Yuting stared, put the phone aside and continued to work.

2000 million is a small amount for Nangong Yuting, and it is the same for Quan Jing.

Over the years, she has received millions of dollars in just the New Year's money every year, not to mention the pocket money Quan Tianxiang gave her every month...

It's just that she can't let people spend so much money on her.

Even if it's for charity.

After thinking about it, Quan Jing thought about buying a gift for Nangong Yuting.

After all, he is also her boyfriend, so it's normal for a girlfriend to give a gift to her boyfriend.

Returning to the dormitory after class, Sheng Ke rarely saw Quan Jing propping his chin with his hands, his eyes were dull, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After she finished her handstand, she walked to Quan Jing's side, snapped her fingers in front of her eyes, and a cold voice sounded: "What are you thinking about?"

Quan Jing regained consciousness, her eyes drooped slightly, like a deflated balloon, lying limply on the square table: "Ah Ke, tell me... what gift should I buy for him?"

Sheng Ke raised his eyebrows and glanced at Quan Jing.

The girl murmured silently, her expression slightly tangled.

It was the first time she saw Quan Jing like this.

Pulling out the chair and sitting down, Sheng Ke tapped the table with her left hand: "Silly girl, you're back to your senses."

There was a clear sound of knocking on the table, and Quan Jing sat up lazily and looked at Sheng Ke innocently: "A Ke, if it were you, what gift would you choose?"

Facing those eyes, Sheng Ke looked away unnaturally: "I don't lack gifts."

Quan Jing: "..."

She stretched out her hand and took Sheng Ke's hand, and said softly like a baby: "A Ke, think about it, such as watches, ties, clothes..."

The warmth of her wrist made Sheng Ke stiff.

She withdrew her arm calmly, and said slowly, "Watch."

Quan Jing: "Watch?" Nangong Yuting seems to have one in his hand...

(End of this chapter)

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