The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 817 KH Siyuan Watch

Chapter 817 KH Siyuan Watch
Quan Jing, who really couldn't think of what to buy, finally decided to buy a watch first.

She dug out her address book and found her cousin, Xiang Guohuai.

Xiang Guohuai, the founder of KH Siyuan, has developed high-end watches as its main production line. The brand has been established for 37 years.In the list of famous watches, KH Siyuan has been ranked No. 1 in sales for ten years!
There are many well-known male and female celebrities in China who have been struggling to get the endorsement advertisement of KH Siyuan.

It is not only a high-end luxury fashion, but also an irresistible temptation, and it is also a symbol of fame!
Of course, KH Siyuan's endorsement advertising conditions are particularly harsh.

For this reason, the male stars who have won the endorsement so far are Mu Yunchen who won the trophy, Xia Houye who was made emperor the year before last, and Chu Hansheng who just signed the endorsement contract.

For female stars, even less,
The first generation spokesperson Wen Shuwan, the second generation spokesperson An Yelin, the third generation be determined.

After hesitating for a moment, Quan Jing dialed the other party's phone.

The bell rang for about thirty seconds, and a kind and friendly middle-aged male voice came from the phone: "Quanquan, you are finally willing to call me."

Quan Jing was a little embarrassed to hear the familiar voice, "Cousin..."

Xiang Guohuai smiled heartily, exposing the problem: "Haha, tell me, what do you want to do with my cousin?"

Quan Jing thought about the latest watch that his cousin Xiang Qian had posted in Moments before, blinked his eyes, and said truthfully: "Cousin, I saw that Brother Qian posted a watch called 'Encounter' in Moments earlier. , I wonder if there is still stock in the store?"

Xiang Guohuai murmured "encounter", and continued after a long time: "Which watch do you want? It's a men's model, not suitable for you... Uncle Biao is developing a new women's watch here, and I will leave you a watch when the time comes." share?"

Quan Jing waved her hands again and again: "No need, uncle, I... Oh, I'm asking for my friend."

Xiang Guohuai is an old fritter, how could he be fooled by a little girl: "Friend? Boyfriend?"

Quan Jing: "..." Why do you catch someone and ask her if she is her boyfriend?

Although the person she sent was indeed her boyfriend.

The little girl was silent, and Xiang Guohuai didn't make fun of her: "That's enough, I won't tease you, I asked Xiang Qian to prepare a copy for you, come and get it when you are free."

When Quan Jing heard this, she narrowed her eyes and smiled: "Thank you cousin, then I will go over on the weekend."

The design of KH Siyuan's watch is very user-friendly. What is more high-end than ordinary watches is that it can automatically adjust the tightness according to the size of the watch wearer.

Therefore, Quan Jing was not worried that what Xiang Qian prepared would not be suitable for Nangong Yuting.

After one matter was resolved, Quan Jing felt much more at ease.

Over there, Xiang Guohuai hung up the phone and ordered his son to prepare a Encounter brand watch.

When he learned that this watch was for Quan Jing, Xiang Qian became a little more serious on his usual indifferent face.

The entertainment industry is full of changes.

One day today, another tomorrow.

The popularity of Quan Jing and JY-Yu's donation gradually faded over time.

Seeing that the first anniversary of Quan Jing's debut was approaching, Han Dongqing was extremely busy.

this day.


Quan Jing received the news from Nangong Yuting early in the morning.

Said he would come to pick her up in the afternoon.

Quan Jing did not refuse.

After finally getting out of class, after packing her schoolbag, she said hello to Sheng Ke, and she took a step ahead.

Walking to the other side of the playground, Quan Jing heard someone calling her.

(End of this chapter)

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