Chapter 824 You Speak Well

Open air courtyard.

Wen Shuwan's mother and daughter sat on chairs, waiting quietly for Ye Qinglan to change clothes.

Quan Jing stretched out her hand and tapped the head of the little guy in her arms: "You, you, you are still running around."

Diandian seemed to have a little temper, and turned her head away, pointing her tail at Quan Jing.

Quan Jing: "..."

10 minute later.

Ye Qinglan, who had finished changing, walked over in high heels.

It's no longer the old-fashioned dress before. At this time, she changed into a red dress with straight ankles and a pair of black high-heeled shoes.

She also touched up her makeup, put on lipstick and eyeliner.

At first glance, it looks very charming.

Quan Jing watched, unable to move his eyes away.

Ye Qinglan hooked her lips, stretched out her hand to lift Quan Jing's chin, narrowed her phoenix eyes, and smiled very attractively: "What's the matter, little beauty, you are fascinated by your Aunt Qinglan?"

Quan Jing blushed, and lowered her eyes to stop looking at her.

Although Ye Qinglan is 48 years old, she is well maintained, and people will believe that she is 28 years old.

The temperament on her body is precipitated by the years, and no one can compare with it.

I heard from Mommy that when Aunt Qinglan was young, many people fell in love with her pomegranate skirt.

However, she chose a poor boy in the end.

Fortunately, after marriage, the husband and wife lived a happy life and gave birth to two sons.

Ye Qinglan pulled out the chair and sat down, and started to make tea with familiar movements, and said while making tea, "What kind of wind is it today that brought both of you, mother and daughter, here?"

Wen Shuwan smiled: "What? We are not welcome."

Ye Qinglan's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and she clapped her hands coquettishly and slapped Wen Shuwan: "Look at what you said, if I don't welcome anyone, I won't not welcome you."

Her tone made Wen Shuwan tremble: "Speak well."

Ye Qinglan gave a "tsk", and said angrily: "My old lady finally became a lady once, you must force me to show my original shape."

Wen Shuwan: "..."

Quan Jing on the side couldn't stop laughing.

Ye Qinglan caught her smile, and suddenly moved closer: "Little circle baby, is it funny, huh?"

Knowing Ye Qinglan's bad taste, Quan Jing quickly covered her mouth, shook her head full of desire to survive, and told her with actions: No, it's not funny!
After all, after a generation, when Wen Shuwan was talking to Ye Qinglan, Quan Jing occasionally felt bored.

She didn't bother the two of them to reminisce about the old days, and after talking, she carried Diandian to the mountain tea garden and walked around.

The air in the mountains is really nice.

Breathing the fresh air, bathing in the sunshine, Quan Jing narrowed her eyes lazily, with a sweet smile on her lips.


A shutter sound disturbed Quan Jing.

When she turned around, she saw a sunny boy with a camera around his neck standing not far away.

Seeing her looking over, the sunny boy raised his hand to greet her: "Hi."

Quan Jing tilted her head, and after a little thought, she guessed who this person was: "You are... Ye Yufeng."

Ye Qinglan's second son, Ye Yufeng, is 18 years old and has just finished the college entrance examination.

Ye Yufeng was surprised that Quan Jing knew his name, and curiosity flashed across Ye Qinglan's phoenix eyes: "How do you know my name? And you, you look like my classmate's goddess..."

Quan Jing: "???" What do you mean she looks so similar to his classmate's goddess?

Ye Yufeng doesn't hang out in social circles, and doesn't play Weibo. Apart from studying, every day is shooting.

What he likes to do most is to take pictures of what he thinks are the most beautiful scenes in his camera.

His biggest dream is to become an excellent photographer one day.

(End of this chapter)

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