The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 825 8 Changes in Women's University

Chapter 825

Quan Jing is not such a narcissistic person, and she doesn't have the idea that everyone must know her.

Seeing that Ye Yufeng didn't remember her, she stopped talking with others.


"Please delete the photo you just took, thank you." If she heard correctly, he should have taken a photo towards her just now.

Moreover, when she turned her head, his camera lens was facing her.

Ye Yufeng likes all the beautiful pictures, just now when he came over, he accidentally saw Quan Jing standing in the courtyard.

She was bathed in the sun, hugging Dian Dian, with a faint sweet smile on her lips.

The background is next to the mountains, and the scenery of the surrounding bamboo houses can't even cover her beauty.

So, without even thinking about it, he took pictures of this scene.

The girl in the camera is very beautiful, perhaps because of the support of small animals and warm sunshine, she is very soft.

Ye Yufeng lowered his head and glanced at the camera file.

That photo is really beautiful, like a fairy in a painting.

He wanted to keep this photo selfishly...

Ye Yufeng raised a smiling face: "Well, can I keep this photo? I promise, I won't use it to do bad things."

His eyes are very clear, Quan Jing believes that what he said is true.

However, she is a public figure now, and she has to consider the consequences.

Quan Jing: "I'm sorry..."

He was only halfway through when Ye Yufeng suddenly walked towards her.

Quan Jing took two steps back subconsciously.

Sensing her actions, Ye Yufeng paused, and from a distance, showed Quan Jing the picture he took in the camera: "I can show you my work."

Yes, for Ye Yufeng, every frame in the camera is a work he is satisfied with.

Including the scene just filmed, which he also approved of.

Quan Jing looked down, and the pictures in the camera lens changed one after another.

She raised her eyes slightly and looked at the serious boy.


"Quanquan, Yufeng, you are here, come quickly." Ye Qinglan stood not far away and waved to the two of them.

Ye Yufeng knew who Quan Jing was with just a "circle", "Are you Sister Quan Jing?"

Unlike Ye Qinglan who still saw Quan Jing occasionally, Ye Yufeng seldom saw Quan Jing since he lived in a boarding school.

What's more, the women's college has eighteen changes.

Not seeing each other for several years, Ye Yufeng really didn't recognize Quan Jing for a while.

Quan Jing gave a "hmm" and acquiesced in his title.

Without saying much, Ye Yufeng smiled brightly: "Sister Quanjing, my mother has called us, let's go over."

Quan Jing blinked: "Okay."

The two walked towards Ye Qinglan one after the other.

Quan Jing, who was walking behind: "???" Wait!Did she forget something?

Seeing the two siblings coming together, Ye Qinglan also had a smile on his face: "It seems that you youngsters have something to say."

Quan Jing: "..." Aunt Qinglan, have you misunderstood something...

Of course, Ye Qinglan changed the subject after saying this sentence.

Wen Shuwan on the side also recognized Ye Yufeng at a glance: "This is Yufeng, she has grown so big."

Wen Shuwan was still like that, so Ye Yufeng would naturally not forget, calling out sweetly, "Hello, Aunt Wan."

Wen Shuwan responded with a smile.

The mother and daughter stayed in Ye Qinglan's mountain tea garden all afternoon, and then they were ready to go back.

It's not that Ye Qinglan didn't want to keep the two of them for dinner, but thinking of someone's jealousy, she might as well forget it.

Quan Jing didn't realize until she got in the car that she forgot to remind Ye Yufeng to delete the photos!
Hope nothing happens...

(End of this chapter)

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