The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 826 She's Pregnant

Chapter 826 She's Pregnant
Company dormitory.

Yin Xiaoyu, who had no notice, was bored in the dormitory.

She flipped through Weibo and saw that the popularity of Quanjing's Weibo has been decreasing recently, her eyes darkened slightly.

The fourth season of "Hey Singing and Matching" has all been broadcasted, except that she still has some enthusiasm after each episode, but afterward, there is no spark at all.

However, she was considered a little red for a while.

He Lan didn't inform her, so she found a few by herself.

It was also because of the "scandal" with Jiang Yuhan that several small companies approached her and signed several endorsements with her.

For the money, she agreed.

As a result, I didn't know until I arrived that they were all unpopular advertisements!
Every time she shoots commercials, she has to endure the risk of being robbed by male stars...

After the filming of the signed endorsement was finished, she locked herself in the dormitory and didn't go anywhere.

But at this critical moment, she was pregnant!

She clearly remembered that every time she had sex with someone, she had taken medicine beforehand and took protective measures well, so how could she still be pregnant?
Moreover, besides Ma Zhenliang, she also followed another director, including a TV series producer... She didn't even know who the child's father was.

After much deliberation, Yin Xiaoyu decided to abort the child.

But as a public figure, once she went to the hospital, there would definitely be news the next day.

Yin Xiaoyu hates it, especially seeing that Quan Jing's resources are so good, and they are frequently searched, she hates it even more!
They are all artists from the same company, so why does the company only see Quan Jing?
Jingle Bell.

The phone rang.

Yin Xiaoyu didn't even need to lower her head to know whose call it was.

She didn't answer it, she threw the phone aside, buried her head in her hands, some wanted to cry, and some wanted to laugh.

How did she become like this now?

Obviously before... She can be very proud.

The phone keeps ringing, hangs up and there are new ones.

But, to Yin Xiaoyu's ears, it was like a nightmare.

She was troubled by this magic sound time and time again, if it wasn't for this, she wouldn't have...

In the next second, she changed her clothes, picked up her backpack, took a mobile phone from the drawer, and went out.

private hospital.

Yin Xiaoyu stepped in wearing a mask, sunglasses, and carrying a bag.

A nurse-like person walked towards him, Yin Xiaoyu said in a low voice, "Make an appointment..."

The nurse seemed to be used to it, with a calm expression: "Queue up to get the number, waiting for the examination."

Yin Xiaoyu complied.

An hour later, it was her turn.

She went in to check.

Soon, the doctor told her a time to come over for surgery that day.

After leaving the hospital, Yin Xiaoyu smiled wryly as she looked at the list in her hand.

After a while, she crumpled the list into a ball, and finally stuffed it into her bag.

Her name was written on the list, and she couldn't just throw these away casually.

If someone picked this up, she would be in big trouble!
After Yin Xiaoyu left, she didn't go anywhere, but went back to the dormitory.

As for the mobile phone she threw away before leaving, she also ignored it...

Tianyin Media.

There are two days left until the first anniversary of Quan Jing's debut, and Han Dongqing kept in touch with people.

Even at the Nanwan Sports Performing Arts Center, she called again to confirm.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, she called Quan Jing again and asked her about the situation there.

After all, on the afternoon of the 1st, she had to go to the on-site rehearsal first.

(End of this chapter)

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