The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 829 Sweet to His Heart

Chapter 829 Sweet to His Heart
The girl's wide-eyed look full of astonishment pleased Nangong Yuting.

He took her hand instead, and led her to sit on the sofa beside him: "Didn't you say that you will give me a surprise in two days?"

Quan Jing's inner European style: Well, she miscalculated.

She turned sideways, took the bag she put on the sofa, and took out a small exquisitely packaged box from the bag: "Neng, it's for you."

Nangong Yuting reached out to take it.

He opened it and took a look, it was KH Siyuan's watch.


He suddenly raised his head and looked at Quan Jing, with a strange light in his eyes.

Quan Jing was startled by him, her little heart thumped, and she urged: "Put it on and show me."

The girl's eyes are very pure, maybe...she doesn't even know what it means for a girl to give a man a watch.

But it doesn't matter, he will let her know slowly.

Nangong Yuting took out the watch and put it on his left wrist.

The left hand, that is close to the heart.

He would, give her all his time.

He will remember and miss her all the time, and for the rest of his life, it will only be her...

Ignoring his fiery eyes, Quan Jingpa took his hand and watched carefully.

At the end, she nodded in satisfaction.

Well, her vision is really good!

Nangong Yuting chuckled: "The gift is very good, I like it very much."

Quan Jing curved her lips and smiled even brighter: "That's right, I don't want to see who picked it."

The girl's arrogant appearance is extraordinarily dazzling.

Nangong Yuting couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her little head.

His girl is just a little sweetheart, so sweet to his heart.

Quan Jing didn't bother Nangong Yuting for too long, after delivering the gift, she got up: "Okay, then I won't disturb your work, I'll go back to school first."

Nangong Yuting got up and said, "I'll see you off."

Before she refused, he added: "I'm in the car with business."

Quan Jing murmured: "Then... okay."

at the same time.

Han Dongqing V: [July 7st, 1:01 pm, #权静出去一年周年#We are waiting for you at the Nanwan Sports Performing Arts Center, see you soon]

As soon as this Weibo was posted, many pure water lovers rushed to hear the news.

[My home is nearby, I can go and watch! 】

[Time flies so fast, Little Fairy will be debuting for one year anniversary tomorrow]

【Am I the only one who wants to know what show the little fairy will perform tomorrow? 】

【Looking forward to...】

After posting on Weibo, Han Dongqing didn't read the follow-up. She had a few variety shows and endorsements that she thought were good, and planned to talk to Quan Jing.

Quan Jing was too "low-key" in the first half of the year. If this continues, she will be very difficult to deal with in this entertainment circle where there are many newcomers.

Emperor One Academy.

Quan Jing got off the car, stood on the side of the road and waved goodbye to the man in the car: "I'm leaving."

Nangong Yuting, who had already stopped working, nodded slightly: "Go."

Quan Jing turned around, and a gust of wind blew over, making her half-doveyed hair flutter in the wind.

Nangong Yuting took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the girl's back, it was very beautiful.

He clicked on Moments, edited a message, and sent it.

Seeing the words "sent successfully", the corner of his mouth curled up.

Immediately, he put away his mobile phone and said to the driver, "Go back to the company."

Quan Jing came back so early for the first time.

The moment he stepped into the dormitory, three pairs of eyes swiped over him.

She froze for a moment, then chuckled: "Why are you looking at me like this? You don't know me anymore?"

While talking, she put her bag on the desk before pulling out the chair and sitting down.

(End of this chapter)

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