Chapter 830

Chi Yutong chewed on potato chips, pulled away the chair next to Quan Jing, and sat down.

She opened her mouth, and a spicy smell filled her nostrils: "Little Fairy, why did you come back so early today, this doesn't look like you at all!"

Quan Jing: "???"

It's close, and the spicy taste is a bit choking.

But Quan Jing was well-bred and did not show a trace of disgust, only curious: "Yutong, how many spicy snacks have you eaten?"

She discovered that Chi Yutong likes spicy food very much, and it can be said that he does not like spicy food.

As a result, every time this guy eats snacks, the windows of their dormitory have to be opened for ventilation.

Otherwise, when the dormitory aunt makes rounds, she must be able to smell that smell...

Chi Yutong thought that Quan Jing wanted to eat, so he generously handed over the potato chips.

Quan Jing waved her hand: "Eat it, I won't eat it."

She seldom eats these small snacks. If she really wants to eat them, there are more things with mangoes.

Speaking of it, she hasn't eaten mango for a long time, and she feels a little greedy.

Seeing Quan Jing staring at her, but not eating, Chi Yutong felt a little embarrassed: "Little fairy, don't look at me like that, I will be shy."

Quan Jing coughed lightly and looked away.

Sheng Ke, who did not know when she woke up, called Quan Jing in a low voice.

When she walked over, Sheng Ke took out a lollipop in a different way: "I'll eat it for you."

Ever since she knew that Quan Jing liked to eat mangoes, she prepared a lot of mango-flavored lollipops, just to satisfy her craving occasionally.

Quan Jing took the lollipop, tore open the bag, took a sip, and narrowed her eyes happily.

Sheng Ke looked at it, revealing a shallow smile.

How is she so easy to please?

After eating a lollipop, Quan Jing began to prepare for tomorrow's show.

Chi Yutong and the others were a feast for the ears.

That night, Quan Jing went to bed early in order to have a good mental outlook the next day.

On the morning of the 1st, under the great anticipation of everyone, Quan Jing attended class very calmly at school.

After the morning class ended, the bell rang. Quan Jing packed her schoolbag and left the school gate.

School gate.

A nanny van was waiting there early.

Seeing Quan Jing's figure, Han Dongqing opened the door of the nanny's car.

Quan Jing got into the car and called out "Sister Han".

Han Dongqing responded, and just as she was about to close the door, Sheng Ke's figure fell into her pupils.

When the other party said "I want to protect Quan Jing's safety", she froze to give way.

On the way, Han Dongqing told Quan Jing about the itinerary for the event.

Quan Jing wrote down one by one.


The much-anticipated one-year anniversary celebration is here!
Twelve o'clock sharp.

A group of fans came outside the Nanwan Sports Performing Arts Center.

There are pure water people holding support signs and support sticks, there are also passers-by who just watch the show, and there are fans from other families.

In short, there are many people.

The security guards who maintained order at the scene tried their best to stop this group of people.

Nima, this is simply desperate!
Right now, Quan Jing was still doing the final rehearsal on the spot.

When it's time, the doors to the South Bay Sports and Performing Arts Center open.

Fans lined up and took tickets to enter one by one.

After filling up the seats one after another, suddenly——

With the sound of "Duang—" everyone was stunned.

What happened?
However, after less than a minute of silence, the scene started to become noisy again.

Until a voice came from the loudspeaker arranged at the scene: "The event is about to begin, please take your seat as soon as possible if you haven't found your seat, and please keep quiet if you have already sat down, and don't cause trouble to the staff... Thank you for your cooperation !"

(End of this chapter)

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