Chapter 831

Quan Jing has put on a new costume.

For this event, Han Dongqing invited Charlene to be the host.

Firstly, Charlene is well-known in the hosting industry; secondly, she can take care of Quan Jing more on stage.

When the time comes, the lights on the stage are dazzling and radiant.

The seated fans kept shouting.

"Little fairy! Little fairy! Little fairy!"

Amid the shouts, Charlene walked slowly to the front of the stage, and greeted everyone confidently and familiarly: "Hello~ we meet again. I am the host Charlene, yes, it is the Charlene you are familiar with..."

After talking about fifty cents, Charlene suddenly pointed to the back screen: "Now, let us welcome today's protagonist—Quan Jing!"

The BGM sounded at the right time, and under the expectation of everyone, Quan Jing, who was dressed in a cool black outfit, came out from behind.

In order to match this strong outfit, the makeup artist specially purified Quan's super-A makeup.

The long black hair that was originally slightly curly was straightened, but if you look closely, you will find that a strand of long hair has been dyed blue.

At first glance, it is full of aura.

Except for the scene where Quan Jing ripped off her skirt on the day of her debut last year, and just a few minutes of playing drums on the show, fans have never seen her dressed like this again since then.

When she appeared on the stage, the male fans who were close couldn't help whistling.

Lu Liangchen, who was sitting in the VIP seat, was also amazed when he saw Quan Jing on the stage.

People around who knew him couldn't help joking: "Brother ruffian, is the little fairy saucy?"

Lu Liangchen nodded subconsciously: "Sa." That's not just Sa, it's A and Sa, okay?

It was also the first time for Charlene to see Quan Jing dressed up like this. While she was amazed, it took her a long time to realize it.

Walking to Quan Jing's side, she faced the audience: "Little Fairy, say hello to everyone."

Quan Jing clasped the microphone with her black leather gloved hands, raised her eyes lightly, and curled her lips, unknowingly: "Hi everyone, I'm Quan Jing."

There was a group of screams of "ahhhhhhhhh".

Lu Liangchen, who was close, silently took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the stage.

After some interaction, it was Quan Jing's stage.

She raised her hand, and live music sounded.

The familiar "Xinhai" accompaniment sounded, and the fans were excited again.

The ethereal and hoarse voice spread throughout the performing arts center through the microphone.

dialogue under the sky
weak and pale

My love to you

hidden in

Heart sea

Different from the previous DJ version, the live version at this moment is more affectionate and soft-spoken, as if telling people about their pain.

The song "Xin Hai" ended, followed by Quan Jing's "Northern Light" and "Flying Sky"...

After a few songs were sung, the atmosphere at the scene was immediately ignited.

More fans sang along.

When the right time came, Charlene returned to the center of the stage and walked to Quan Jing's side: "Next, let's play a small interactive game. Later, a staff member will send you a piece of paper. You can think about what to do." If you want to ask Quan Jing, then write it down on paper..."

When Charlene said above, some staff members began to distribute papers.

The fans who got the paper couldn't wait to bow their heads and write.

Lu Liangchen also got the paper, after a little thought, he wrote three questions seriously.

Soon, the staff shuffled the written question papers and put them all in empty boxes.

On the stage at this time, someone brought up a table.

The staff put the box on and left.

Charlene continued to talk about the rules: "Quan Jing will randomly select three cards from these questions later..."

(End of this chapter)

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