Chapter 832

Quan Jing's debut anniversary celebration this time, there is no live broadcast throughout the whole process, and it is all on-site interaction.

Considering that some fans wanted to come but couldn't come to the scene, Han Dongqing specially hired a special person to record the filming, and it was considered... to distribute fan benefits afterwards.

In anticipation of the fans, Quan Jing reached into the lucky draw box and took out the first piece of paper.

The camera focused on Quan Jing's hand in an instant.

At that time, problems on paper also appeared above the large LED screen.


Charlene turned her head to look: "???"

Quan Jing was also shocked by the handwriting on the paper. Those words were written crookedly. It took her a lot of effort to barely recognize one of the questions.

[Will Little Fairy enter the entertainment industry in the future? 】

Changed into an off-white mid-to-long-term Quan Jing, removed the heavy makeup, only put on foundation, her long hair was curled, a strand was draped over her shoulders, and the rest was scattered behind her, making her look full of fairy spirit.

Seeing this question, she smiled: "In the future, my focus will be on music."

She has not yet stood on the stage of the Grammy Awards, her music road, there is still a long way to go...

Such an answer made the fans feel a little regretful.

Quan Jing didn't know what the fans were thinking. After answering this question, she smiled and blinked: "Sorry, forgive my blindness, I really can't recognize other questions..."

The audience burst into laughter.

Charlene also said at the right time: "Hey, you only have one chance, this fan, I can only say that you are out of luck."

After saying that, she reached out for the piece of paper in Quan Jing's hand, signaling her to continue to draw another lucky winner.

This time, the handwriting on the paper Quan Jing got was beautiful, and it was written by a girl at first glance.

The question is clear and straightforward.

[Little Fairy, I like your singing voice very much, I wonder if there is a chance to hear you sing a full version of "Dunhuang"]

Quan Jing was a little surprised.

Originally, this song "Dunhuang" was supposed to be sung live by her at the peak of music, but it's a pity... Although she sang a few lines later, it was still incomplete.

After that, she had no chance.

The song was also shelved.

Clearly capturing Quan Jing's expression, Charlene instantly stirred up the atmosphere of the scene: "Do you want to listen to this song "Dunhuang" too?"

The audience: "Yes!"

Charlene: "Then please Quan Jing to make some preparations, let us look forward to - "Dunhuang"!"

Audience: "Dunhuang! Dunhuang! Dunhuang!"

Quan Jing was moved by everyone's enthusiasm, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled brightly.

The curtain fell on the stage.

The accompaniment music belonging to "Dunhuang" sounded little by little.

Gradually, the curtain was pulled back again.

The dancers appeared one after another.

The audience in the audience opened their eyes wide, but they couldn't find Quan Jing.

strangeness?Where did the little fairy go?

As an ethereal female voice suddenly sounded, everyone saw with their own eyes that Quan Jing, in the center of a group of dancers, was wearing an ancient costume, her hair was pulled into a crescent moon, and her wide sleeves fluttered to the left and waved to the right under her movements. , very beautiful.

Audience: "!!!" Fuck, how could she stimulate them so much!

Who has ever seen a little fairy dancing softly on stage?

Quan Jing wears an ear-mounted microphone, her voice is captivating, and her dancing is moving.

For a moment, everyone seemed to have returned to ancient times and witnessed the glory of the past with their own eyes...

Until the line "My heart is at Dunhuang", it is so touching that people get goosebumps.

The audience cheered: "Quan Jing! Quan Jing! Quan Jing!"

(End of this chapter)

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