Chapter 833 Wow~
After the song was over, the choreographer stepped down, Quan Jing straightened her sleeves, and looked at the audience with a smile in her eyes.

It was just a smile, and the fans who were close were so excited that they were about to cry!

Charlene walked over, and the one who opened her mouth was full of praise: "Wow, the little fairy's dance just now was so beautiful, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it at all..."

Quan Jing blushed when she praised her.

The audience in the audience also yelled in cooperation: "Little Fairy, let's do it again!"

There's no way, it's the first time they've seen the little fairy dancing in ancient costumes, and it's nothing new.

After all, it was a day for the benefit of the fans, and Charlene didn't ignore their intentions. She looked at Quan Jing and said, "Why don't you give us a short dance?"

Quan Jing opened his eyes and looked innocently at the auditorium.

Everyone waved their support sticks one after another, and all kinds of voices continued.

Quan Jing even saw someone get so excited that he fell off the chair directly.

She covered half of her face with her water sleeve and snickered.

The moment Charlene looked over, she coughed lightly: "Then, it's done, just a short section."

Come on.

Quan Jing spun around, and the long sleeves fluttered down from the top of Charlene's head, giving the illusion of an ancient daughter-in-law taking off her veil.

The fans couldn't stop laughing.

Only Charlene was completely dumbfounded.

However, Quan Jing was very innocent, and started to circle around in circles.

The skirt and long sleeves, with her movements, became a perfect painting.

Said to be a short paragraph, after Quan Jing danced, it ended in an instant.

Audience: "???" Is this gone?
Ahhh, they haven't seen enough!

Charlene, who stayed close to the stage, was directly beautified.

How can this girl be so beautiful!
Fortunately, she still knew that she was hosting, so she immediately calmed down: "Hey, are you enjoying watching?"

The voices sounded in unison: "No, enjoy, enjoy!" How can it be enjoyable, is it not enough to watch!

Charlene smirked: "Hey, I don't think it's fun either."

Quan Jing on the side: "???"

Seeing Quan Jing's appearance at the moment, the fans all laughed.

How can the little fairy be so cute!
Yeah, they're all going to be cute.

Of course, Charlene didn't let Quan Jing come for a while, as for the welfare, it has to come little by little.

She faced the audience and said a very tragic fact: "This is the last question, you should cherish it."

Following Charlene's words, and under her signal, Quan Jing reached in to ask questions again.

Charlene leaned over and took a look: "Wow~"

The audience who didn't know why: "???" What's the matter? What's the matter?
The os in the hearts of the audience: Sister Lin, what did you see, you just said it!To whet their appetites so much...

Then, they saw that Quan Jing's expression was a little... well, like crying.

Not long after, the last question was put on the big screen.

[Little Fairy's future partner, what kind of person do you expect him to be? 】

The audience couldn't help whistling.

That's it!

Who on earth is so courageous.

But...they love it!
Charlene took out the question paper and raised her hand: "Come on, the audience who wrote this question, please raise your hand."

Countless people in the audience followed and looked around.

Finally, in a corner, a shy boy raised his hand.

Charlene pointed at him: "That audience, please stand up, let me visit you."

The staff handed the boy a microphone.

The boy stood up slowly, before answering, his face turned red instantly.

Especially, when Quan Jing looked over, his face turned even redder.

(End of this chapter)

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