The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 836 Exam Week Opens

Chapter 836 Exam Week Opens

The person concerned returned to school after a short rest.

She doesn't know anything about the discussions on the Internet.

In the car, Han Dongqing talked to Tong Quanjing about the variety show in her hands, "...I personally like Director Chen's variety show, so don't worry about the ratings. More importantly, this show is also a music show... As for I read the endorsements, and they are all pretty good. Take these back and have a good look at them, and give me an answer later."

Quan Jing: "Okay, Miss Han."

After a while, Han Dongqing took out his mobile phone and flipped through it, and continued: "By the way, I heard what Director Zhao said. "Emperor Nine Phoenixes" should be broadcast in the past few days. You, the heroine, At that time, it may be necessary to go to several cities with the group for roadshows."

Quan Jing: "Okay, I see."

Fortunately, there is a final exam in the next two days, and the summer vacation will be over after the exam.

Otherwise, she still doesn't know how to ask for leave...

After explaining everything, Han Dongqing looked serious: "Quan Jing, the company has great expectations for you, and so do I."

Quan Jing bent her lips and smiled, her eyes glowed with confidence: "Sister Han, I will not let you down!"

Han Dongqing patted her on the shoulder and stopped talking.

When they arrived at Diyi Academy, Han Dongqing handed over the other prepared gift to Quan Jing: "Nong, you asked me to save the gift for you. Also, that classmate of yours..."

Quan Jing took the gift and tilted her head: "Is Sister Han talking about A Ke?"

Han Dongqing nodded.

Strange to say.

Obviously she was also there, but she searched for a long time, but couldn't find anyone.

She didn't see her come out when she left.

Just as he was about to say something, the sound of a motorbike sounded from far to near.

The two looked back.

Sheng Ke wore a strong suit, rode all the way in front of Quan Jing, and stopped.

She took off her helmet and showed a really cool, cool face.

When the words came to his lips, he turned a corner in a daze: "It's okay, you go back and take a good look at these, I'll go back to the company first."

Quan Jing waved her hand obediently and said goodbye: "Goodbye, Sister Han."

Close the nanny's door, and the car moves forward.

Soon, there will be no shadow of the nanny car.

Quan Jing took out a gift and handed it to Sheng Ke, smiling like a flower: "Neng, A Ke, your gift."

Sheng Ke reached out to take it, glanced at it, hung it on the front of the car, and patted the back seat coolly: "Get in the car, I'll take you."

Quan Jing is not the first time to ride a motorcycle, but it is still very fresh.

She put on her helmet and got into the car with ease.

After she sat down, Sheng Ke started up again and rode into the school.

The guard uncle knew Sheng Ke and Quan Jing, and did not stop them.

Go back to dorms.

After distributing the gifts to Chi Yutong and Ye Qingqing, Quan Jing sent a message to his stupid younger brother and asked him to come and get it himself.

Quan Rin, who received the gift from his sister, was as excited as Er Gouzi had a new home: "Wow, sister, song CD, how did you come up with it? I thought you would give mangoes to fans..."

Quan Jing: "..." Well, as expected, her family, Fat Lin, understands her.

She really wanted to send mangoes.

After coughing, Quan Jing rubbed her nose awkwardly, and changed the subject: "Fat Lin, when will your department finish the exam?"

Quan Rin didn't notice the abnormality, and said directly: "No. 4, let's go back together at that time?"

Quan Jing smiled: "We'll talk about it when the time comes, let's work hard for the exam."

If she remembers correctly, the basketball game Lu Liangchen mentioned earlier was number 4...

Exam week begins.

The atmosphere in the school became increasingly tense.

Many cramped students felt headaches when they saw the questions when they arrived at the examination room.

ah!so difficult...

(End of this chapter)

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