Chapter 837
Two days passed in a flash.

Students in some departments have passed the exam.

Quan Jing and Sheng Ke's last course in the animation design major also ended.

After the counselor finished speaking, the group of people dispersed.

Back in the dormitory, Quan Jing finally had time to look at the variety shows and endorsements that Han Dongqing told her before.

She had just finished watching the introduction of a variety show when the door of the dormitory was pushed open from the outside.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Yutong was seen as if she had been taken out, and she moved in very lazily. She threw herself on the square table and sat down, muttering: "I'm so hard!"

Quan Jing and Sheng Ke looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

She put away the documents, got up and walked over: "Yutong, what's wrong with you?"

Chi Yutong was lying on the square table, looking weak: "Little fairy, why do you think I don't have such a smart head as you?"

Quan Jing: "..."

She pulled out the chair and sat beside her, with a coaxing voice: "Did something happen?"

Chi Yutong shook her head: "I think the exam questions are so difficult!"

Quan Jing choked.

She couldn't answer that.

Moreover, if she remembered correctly, the tourism management course... shouldn't be difficult, right?
Chi Yutong would occasionally bring textbooks back to the dormitory, and Quan Jing would read them along with her when she was reading.Over time, she will learn a little bit.

However, compared with the professional, there are still some gaps.

Quan Jing patted Chi Yutong on the shoulder, and persuaded him earnestly: "Read more books, do more will find the trick."

Chi Yutong sighed: "I... I get a headache when I see those topics."

Quan Jing: "Then I have nothing to do."

After being quiet for less than 3 minutes, Chi Yutong howled again: "Ah! I envy you who have already finished the exam. I have the last "Tourism Management" tomorrow..."

The corner of Quan Jing's mouth twitched: "Then you can wish for luck."

After all, she continued to watch the specific content of the next variety show.

Looking at it, a certain guy came over again.

Fortunately, Chi Yutong didn't make a sound this time.

After watching all the variety shows and endorsement content, Quan Jing frowned.

Sister Han helped her choose the variety show, one is "Only Voice with You" directed by Chen Jinsong, and the other is "Masked Girl" directed by Xu Jing. Both are music variety shows. The difference is that "Masked Girl" "is the latest new variety show, currently in the testing phase...

As for endorsements, one is the clothing spokesperson of My Lai Clothes, and the other is the spokesperson of MY Cosmetics.

Quan Jing, who had a chance with director Chen Jinsong, is more inclined to Xu Jing's "Masked Girl". Firstly, a new program will make people very curious and full of challenges; secondly, She can also see the difference between her and other girls in singing through this program, and learn from it for herself.

If it's a endorsement, the fat water doesn't flow to outsiders, of course she will be chosen as Aunt Mei Lai's spokesperson.

After all, she doesn't know much about cosmetics, so asking her to endorse something she doesn't even use, isn't that irresponsible to fans?

Fortunately, Aunt Mei Lai's clothes are not bad, and she likes them a lot.

After thinking this through, Quan Jing told Han Dongqing her thoughts.

Han Dongqing expressed respect for her opinion.


"Wow, the doll figure of the little fairy, I posted it!" Chi Yutong yelled.

Quan Jing turned his head too far, very helpless.

When will this guy calm down?
(End of this chapter)

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