The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 839 North City Roadshow

Chapter 839 North City Roadshow
The arrival of Quan Jing made the basketball team members of Diyi Academy feel as if they had been beaten to death.

Especially Lu Liangchen, who tried his best on the field!
In the end, Emperor Yi lived up to expectations and won the victory.

At the moment when the result came out, there was a lot of cheers from the audience.

Quan Jing was not stingy with her applause.

When the two parties shook hands and left the stage, Quan Jing told the people around him "it's time to go" and left the stage first.

As a result, when Lu Liangchen rushed over excitedly, there was no sign of Quan Jing in the arena.

The summer vacation has officially started.

However, Quan Jing was ordered to announce again.

5 number.

Zhao Xingang released the news on Weibo that "Emperor Nine Phoenix" will hold three roadshows.

The first scene was at Lukou Square in Beishi; the second scene was at Xindong Street in Dongshi; the third scene was at Chinatown on Luhe Road in Nanshi...

The night after the road show ended, it happened to be the day when "Emperor Nine Phoenixes" premiered.

Although it is broadcast in the form of a web drama, it can't be treated carelessly, right?

Twelve o'clock noon.

Zhao Xin just released the promotional photo of the first road show.

In the promotional photo, Quan Jing, as the leading heroine, naturally occupies the C position in the center, followed by the male lead, and then the female supporting role and the male supporting role.

When Chunyan fans saw this promotional photo, they were already so amazed by Quan Jing's flourishing beauty that they didn't know what to say.

In the photo, Quan Jing looks like a goddess who doesn't care about world affairs and is not stained with dust. She is like a god exiled, with a tulle covering her face, and there is a layer of hazy feeling. What remains unchanged is her extraordinary aura of immortality.

A group of people screamed.

[Fuck!How could the little fairy kill me like this? 】

[Isn't she really a real fairy descending to the mortal world? 】

[The little fairy is stunned! 】

【Ahhh!The little fairy is coming to my door, I am so happy! 】

[Upstairs, remember Reuters! 】

[Envious of those who can go to see the little fairy, I also want to meet the little fairy]


The road show is in the afternoon.

On the morning of the 6th, Han Dongqing took Quan Jing to Beishi by plane.

Accompanying her were Sheng Ke, who claimed to protect Quan Jing, and An Yimo, who had returned to his assistant position after the summer vacation.

It was already 10:30 when the group arrived in Beishi.

After finding a place to have lunch first, Han Dongqing took them to meet the crew.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Junction Square.

The surrounding area was full of people, and some passers-by who didn't know why came over to watch the excitement.

Zhao Xin just came out first, greeted everyone, and then invited his protagonists one by one.

Before Quan Jing appeared, a group of people shouted: "Where is the little fairy? When is the little fairy coming out? We want to see the little fairy!"

Most of the people present were young people, and some elderly people didn't know who the "little fairy" they young people were talking about, so they even asked.

Fortunately, Quan Jing's fans were very enthusiastic and kindly explained: "The little fairy is Quan Jing. She is a very nice person, she sings well, and she is also pretty. You will know when she comes out."

In the anticipation of everyone, Quan Jing came out.

Today's Quan Jing is wearing a simple white T-shirt, jeans, and his long hair is tied up in a ponytail.

The temperature in Beishi today is a bit high. Under the sun, many people started to sweat.

However, no one complained.

Because those who can't bear it will leave, and those who stay are voluntary.

The sun shines down, and the clean skin is even more white and luminous.

Those who saw Quan Jing for the first time at the scene were all amazed by her appearance at the moment.

How could there be such a beautiful girl in this world?

(End of this chapter)

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