The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 840 Emperor Nine Phoenix Sitting Posture

Chapter 840 Emperor Nine Phoenix Sitting Posture
On the stage, Quan Jing smiled generously, and waved hello to everyone: "Hello, friends from Beishi, I am Quan Jing who plays the role of Emperor Jiuhuang. I am very happy to meet you."

The sweet voice of the girl fell into the ears of everyone present.

Many elderly uncles and aunts have only one thought in their minds: This girl is so good!

That's right, Quan Jing doesn't like to wear heavy makeup like some female stars in the entertainment circle.

Unless necessary, she can wear no makeup if she can...

Quan Jing is without makeup today.

A 19-year-old girl, even without makeup, has a much better skin condition than those who wear makeup.

Not to mention, Quan Jing's face looked flimsy, without any blemishes.

The sun shone on her face, which was white and glowing, tender and red.

In addition to "spoilering" some story progress in advance, the road show also shared with you the fun of filming.

Everyone knows that this drama is Shi Xiwen's big production.

Many people may not know Shi Xiwen's name, but she has many well-known works.

For example, "Maoshan", or "God Orders Boundless"...

The former tells the story of Dashanli, which is very simple, but very real. This drama was named the best realistic film and television screenwriter at the beginning.

The latter is an overhead classic that is partial to mythology. The story is very mysterious and the scale is also very grand, which satisfies the old-fashioned chivalrous feelings of good and evil in many people's hearts.

She wrote this "Emperor Nine Phoenixes" purely to help her old friend get out of her comfort zone.

Zhao Xingang has already encountered a bottleneck in filming TV dramas these years.

Every time he shoots a drama, he always feels that something is wrong.

He is worried that if this continues, his status in the director circle will go downhill.

"Emperor Nine Phoenixes" is a genre he has never directed, and it is also the only drama with a major female lead in the entertainment industry so far!
It's just a pity that he failed to win the broadcast on the star.

However, it is enough!
He believed that even if it was broadcast on the web, with his vicious vision, coupled with the acting skills of Quan Jing and these children, the final effect of this drama would never be bad!

During the road show, Quan Jing shared a few anecdotes about her in the crew.

She also revealed her role with "special characters" in the play.

Of course, she didn't tell them who the character was before the show aired.

It makes everyone feel itchy.

Someone at the scene called for Quan Jing to show them the usual appearance of Di Jiuhuang.

Quan Jing thought for a while, and showed everyone the Emperor Nine Phoenix sitting posture.

The staff brought up a soft couch.

Quan Jing manually pulled her hair into a ball head, which is more convenient.

After a while, she turned around and turned her back to everyone.

Looking back, her eyes were full of sarcasm, not at all like her before.

She moved her head slightly, let out a cold "heh", and raised her hand again, as if she was shaking her sleeves.Immediately afterwards, she lay on her side on the soft couch, propped her forehead with her right hand, raised her eyebrows lightly, and gave her a swish glance that was soul-stirring.

Her legs were slightly bent and placed on the soft couch, her posture was extremely lazy.

In the audience, many people were astonished by her appearance at this time.

This is... what kind of monster!
etc!Didn't she agree to act in a sitting posture, why did she lie down?

In just a few minutes, everyone seemed to be brought into the play by Quan Jing.

When she stood up again and smiled lightly, her aura changed instantly: "Okay, this is the sitting posture of Di Jiuhuang. I can predict more plots. You can look forward to the broadcast of the drama~"

Everyone: "???" Is this a sitting posture?What a joke!
But, why is it so seductive!

Still so cold and willful.

Ahhh, go crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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