The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 841 Please reply when you see it!

Chapter 841 Please reply when you see it!
03:30 in the afternoon.

The first roadshow finally came to an end under the enthusiastic atmosphere of everyone.

Zhao Xingang took several leading actors to say goodbye to everyone in turn.

Some people were even more reluctant to part with Quan Jing, shouting one after another: "Little Fairy, you must come to Beishi again if you have the chance!"

Quan Jing smiled lightly: "Okay."

It seems that he didn't expect his words to be responded to, and the person who said these words was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

Under the escort of bodyguards, Quan Jing and his party got into the car and walked to the airport.

Airport waiting room.

An Yimo chattered endlessly.

Just now at the scene, I felt the love of so many people for Quan Jing. As Quan Jing's assistant and good sister, she was especially happy for her.

Seeing that An Yimo still wanted to continue talking, Quan Jing glanced at Sheng Ke impartially.


I saw Sheng Ke frowning slightly, as if he had endured to the limit.

She quickly grabbed An Yimo's wrist and interrupted her: "Momo, can you be quiet for a while?"

An Yimo was stunned, but thinking that Quan Jing might be tired, she understood that she lowered her voice: "Are you tired during the road show? Then take a break, and I'll call you when boarding the plane."

Quan Jing squinted and smiled: "Okay."

Sheng Ke's eyebrows finally relaxed when there was no more chattering in his ears.

After a short rest, the group boarded the plane and headed for Dongshi.

What Zhao Xingang meant was that, anyway, after going back to Dongshi tomorrow, it is better to go directly to Dongshi from Beishi, and then find a hotel in Dongshi to stay there for one night, and then come back after the road show in Dongshi is over tomorrow. South City.

Han Dongqing thought this was the same reason, so she didn't refuse.

It was already past seven o'clock in the evening when the crew arrived in Dongshi.

Just as Zhao Xin was the host, he invited everyone to have dinner at a restaurant near the airport, and then went to a hotel nearby to check in.

Check into the room.

Packing his luggage aside, Quan Jing went to take a hot bath first.

After taking a shower, it's almost nine o'clock.

She chatted with Nangong Yuting on WeChat.

Seeing the girl's appearance in the video, Nangong Yuting moved her lips, and what she wanted to say lingered around her throat, but she still didn't say it.

Quan Jing didn't know what he looked like at the moment, with a reddish face, one hand propping his chin, blinking his eyes: "What are you doing?"

Nangong Yuting lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on the document that needed to be signed in his hand, and his voice was low: "Look at the cooperation plan."

Quan Jing frowned slightly: "Are you still working so late?"

Nangong Yuting: "Yes."

Rarely, he also explained: "This is the last one, and it will be ready soon."

Quan Jing turned over: "Then you have to pay attention to your body, don't be too tired."

The girl's sweet and soft voice fell into his ears, and looking at her appearance at this moment, Nangong Yuting coughed lightly with his fists on the side of his mouth, and responded.

Did he pamper her too much, causing her to be so "unsuitable" in front of him.

The two were tired of crooked for a long time, and a new message popped up.

Quan Jing narrowed down the window, clicked in, and saw the message Chi Yutong sent her.

Yutong is a snack: [Little Fairy!Where are you? 】

Yutong is a snack: [Please reply when you see it! 】

Quan Jing smiled lowly, talked to Nangong Yuting, and told him to go to bed early, and the two ended the call.

Immediately, she played a voice call to Chi Yutong.

The other side answered in seconds: "Wow, little fairy! Have you guys come to Dongshi?"

The excited voice came into Quan Jing's ears through the microphone.

She raised her lips and smiled subconsciously: "Yes, it's already here."

(End of this chapter)

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