The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 842 Why is Sheng Witch here!

Chapter 842 Why is Sheng Witch here!

Chi Yutong: "!!!"

The next second, she screamed excitedly: "What? You have arrived! Where is where? I'm going to find you!"

Hearing what she said, Quan Jing was also taken aback for a moment.

After realizing it later, Chi Yutong is from Dongshi.

After thinking about it, she told her the address of the hotel.

Then I heard Chi Yutong say: "Okay! I'll come right away."

As she said that, before Quan Jing could respond, she hung up the phone hastily.

Quan Jing: "..."

This guy, should she be in such a hurry?She hasn't finished speaking yet!

Originally, Han Dongqing planned to book a room for one person.

But Sheng Ke said that she wanted to protect Quan Jing.

It happened that there were four of them, so she made a compromise and planned to have two.

When An Yimo heard this, she immediately hugged Quan Jing, she was so pitiful, she refused to separate from Quan Jing no matter what.

Han Dongqing had a headache, and finally booked a big suite.

There are two bedrooms in the big suite, each bedroom has a bathroom, and there is a sofa and living room outside. The space is very spacious.

The two bedrooms are only separated by a door, very close.

Before it was time to rest, after chatting with Nangong Yuting and the others, Quan Jing came out.

In the living room, there was only Han Dongqing.

Quan Jing walked over and called out, "Sister Han."

Not long after, Sheng Ke and An Yimo came over after taking a shower.

With the right to be pure, An Yimo would have no one to live in peace.

However, seeing that Han Dongqing was busy, she was obediently holding her phone while reading comics.

After half an hour.

Quan Jing's cell phone rang.

She looked down and saw that it was Chi Yutong's phone call.

She was surprised, but she didn't avoid anyone answering: "Hello? Yutong?"

The first floor of the hotel.

Chi Yutong stood at the front desk: "Little Fairy, I'm here, but this reception...she won't let me go up!"

As he said that, Chi Yutong glared at the front desk.

What, she's not a bastard!

Quan Jing heard the grievance in her words, and couldn't hold back a "puchi" laugh.

She swears, she definitely didn't do it on purpose!

However, what Quan Jing didn't expect was that this guy really came.

She was slightly stunned and told Han Dongqing about it.

Han Dongqing raised her head and frowned: "Your classmate?"

Quan Jing nodded.

Seeing the innocent face of her artiste, Han Dongqing couldn't help rubbing her brows: "Forget it, it's all here, I'll pick her up."

Quan Jing grinned: "Thank you, Sister Han."

As she said that, she said to Chi Yutong on the other end of the phone: "Yutong, wait obediently, my manager will pick you up now."

10 minute later.

Han Dongqing led Chi Yutong back.

This guy, as soon as he entered the door, gave Quan Jing a big bear hug: "Little fairy, you miss me so much."

Quan Jing: "..."

Sheng Ke narrowed his eyes and coughed coldly.

Chi Yutong was shocked, seeing Sheng Ke's shadow, and blurted out: "Why is Sheng Witch here!"

Sheng Ke pursed her lips, her eyes staring at Chi Yutong became colder.

Quan Jing was also convinced by Chi Yutong's insensitivity, and stretched out his hand to grab Sheng Ke's arm to comfort him.

It was also at this time that Chi Yutong noticed that there was an unknown An Yimo next to her.

At this moment, An Yimo was staring at her without blinking.

In those eyes, it seems to be saying: How can she hug Jingzi!
She subconsciously said, "What are you looking at?"

An Yimo shook her head, looking dumbfounded.

Chi Yutong pursed her mouth and ignored her.

Seeing the little sisters talking, Han Dongqing took the things and entered one of the bedrooms, closed the door, and left the space for them...

 It’s been a long time since I asked for a ticket, my dears, please ask for a wave of tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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