The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 854 Full of energy

Chapter 854 Full of energy
On the way to the company, Nangong Yuting closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sounded.

He took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and before he opened it, another new message came in.

He lowered his eyes slightly, and saw——

【Boss! No. 12 Omnichannel, don't forget! 】

Nangong Yuting let out a "tsk" and turned off the screen without thinking about it.

After thinking about it, he still clicked on WeChat and replied Long Ya with an "um".

Immediately, he found Feng Xun's portrait again.

at the same time.

Youchuang Comics Studio.

Chief Editor's Office.

After Kong Xiao sent the message, he waited for a reply.

As a result, I waited for a long time for an "um".

Kong Xiao: "..." The boss is really saving words.

Originally, he arranged for "Starry Sky" to be on the 7th, but later when he communicated with the boss, they suggested that he change the time to the 12th.

He didn't understand, so he asked one more question, but the other party seemed to think he was annoying, so he directly said, "Change it if you want, it's long-winded".

He was so angry at that time!
Until he went on a trip to Whale Studios.

Seeing the entire manga department, he was deeply impressed by the connections of the boss.

Forget it, it's just changing time, that's not easy!
The fact is that Kong Xiao spent a lot of effort to convince Chu Bawang, and then communicated with various departments to extend the time of the omni-channel.

Whale Studio.

After staying up all night again, Feng Xun was so tired that he fell asleep on the table.

He was in a deep sleep.

Some people who went to work stepped into the office, and seeing him like this, they subconsciously lowered their footsteps.

Xu Zihang walked in leisurely. Compared with Feng Xun, he was like a wolf who had eaten a lot of food, full of energy.

Ding dong.

There was an abrupt sound.

Feng Xun raised his head reflexively, his eyes were tightly closed, but he was mumbling something.

Even if Xu Zihang got close, he couldn't hear what he was mumbling.

He lowered his head, and saw a new message pop up on the screen of Feng Xun's phone on the table.

Remarks: Boss.

Xu Zihang: "!!!" Boss!

Damn, this guy actually chatted with the boss behind his back.

Xu Zihang endured the pinching motion, and kicked the corner of the table rudely.

He "hummed" towards Feng Xun's back, put the phone in his pocket very childishly, ignored the surprised eyes of others, and walked away in an old-fashioned way.

Back in the office, Xu Zihang clicked into Feng Xun's WeChat like a thief.

I don't know if this guy is big-hearted or what, and the phone doesn't set a password.

Thanks to this, he was able to get a glimpse of the truth!
When Xu Zihang saw what his boss had said, he almost screamed up to the sky.

That's it!

He thought...

Xu Zihang patted himself on the head, and smirked.

That's right, the boss is so black-bellied, why would he suddenly want to chat with someone.

After staying in the office for a while, Xu Zihang hummed and returned the phone in a good mood.

Other people in the office: "???"

However, Xu Zihang didn't tell them anything.

Gradually, sunlight came in through the open window.

Feng Xun didn't know if it was the heat or what, he blinked and woke up leisurely.

The arm he was resting on was a little sore, and he rubbed it subconsciously.

When he was fully awake, he lowered his eyes and searched around the table, only to find his mobile phone in a conspicuous place.

Feng Xun: "???" Has his memory gone wrong?He clearly remembered that his mobile phone was facing him backwards.

Suspecting that he had moved his phone in his dream, Feng Xun scratched his head, took the phone and checked the time.

It's eight past nine.

He yawned, and when he saw a red ①, he clicked in...

(End of this chapter)

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