Chapter 855

It caught my eye, and it was the usual tone of my boss.

[You can discuss with Longya about all channels]

However, what surprised Feng Xun even more was that the news was sent two hours ago.

Feng Xun didn't dare to think about what this meant.

Almost in the next second, he called Nangong Yuting.

Under his apprehension, it took about 40 seconds before the other side answered: "Say."

Feng Xun was so excited that he didn't dare to say anything: "Boss, don't worry, I will definitely handle things beautifully!"

Nangong Yuting: "Yes."

Hanging up the phone with lingering fear, Feng Xun gave himself a stir-fried chestnut.

It hit a little harder, and he couldn't help but gasp.

"Hiss—" It hurts!

However, compared to being cold and violent by his boss, this little pain is nothing.

Thinking of this, Feng Xun put his mobile phone into his trouser pocket and walked out: "I'm going out for a while, call me if you need anything."

After leaving, Feng Xun contacted Kong Xiao directly.

A few sentences on the phone are not clear, so it is better to have a face-to-face conversation.

I don't envy the fairy tea house.

Feng Xun was wearing a white T-shirt, resting his forehead with his left hand, tapping the fingertips of his right hand on the table, waiting for someone casually.

After waiting for ten minutes, no one came.

He frowned slightly and took out his phone to check the time.

He hates people who are not punctual!

He snapped his fingers to the side, wanting the waiter not to serve tea, and a figure rushed in hastily.

The man bumped into the waiter and apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, I accidentally bumped into you, are you okay?"

The waiter said "It's okay" before continuing to walk towards Feng Xun.

Feng Xun, who heard the commotion here, looked over.

I saw a man wearing glasses patrolling the tea house, and I didn't know who he was looking for.

Looking at his clothes again, he was dressed in a formal suit, which was exactly what Kong Xiao told him on WeChat.

Feng Xun raised his hand to interrupt the waiter's movement, stood up, and called to the man, "Mr. Longya?"

Kong Xiao was looking for someone when he heard someone calling him.

He will communicate well with the various departments, and before he had time to report to the boss, he received Feng Xun saying to meet and talk about omni-channel.

Considering that today is a working day, I deliberately picked his lunch break and made an appointment at a tea house near his company.

I don't know if God did it on purpose, but at one o'clock, he was about to rush to the tea house, and happened to run into Bawang Chu who had just returned to the company!

No, it was delayed for a few minutes.

Turning around, seeing Feng Xun's face, Kong Xiao was taken aback.

He adjusted his glasses frame subconsciously: "You are...Mr. Feng Xunfeng?"

Feng Xun narrowed his pretty eyes: "It's me."

Kong Xiao: "!!!" Nima, it really is!
Does the boss choose people based on appearance?
Putting aside these thoughts in his mind, Kong Xiao apologized for being late.

In any case, his lateness is disrespectful to people.

The other party was so sincere, Feng Xun even wondered if he was being too harsh.

In fact, Kong Xiao was only late for less than a minute...

Touching his nose embarrassingly, Feng Xun pointed to the chair opposite him: "Mr. Longya, sit down and talk."

Then, Feng Xun raised his chin towards the waiter again: "Let's serve tea."

Apart from gossip about JY-Yu, Kong Xiao is serious about his work.

So, he said straightforwardly: "Mr. Feng, what the boss means is that you will be responsible for all the updates of "Starry Sky" in the future. Am I right to understand that?"

Feng Xun: "That's right."

Kong Xiao nodded and continued: "Okay, that's it. On the 12th, "Starry Sky" will be promoted through all channels. That is to say, after the early morning of the 12th, you need to release new paintings, at least ten..."

(End of this chapter)

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