Chapter 873

Jia Qing is one of Mu Yunchen's many fans.

Today, she browses Weibo as usual.

In the end, I saw a picture of her admired by God and a girl in the same frame.

She knows that girl, Quan Jing.

She didn't like her when she was watching the show, but seeing her so close to Mu Yunchen now, a trace of disgust flashed in Jia Qing's eyes.

Anyone who tries to get close to her adoring God deserves to die!

So, every time she forwarded it, she scolded Quan Jing once.

As if she felt that it was not enough, she even went to the topic of Quan Jing to make a fuss.

Since you have the ability to seduce her to admire God, you must be prepared to be scolded by her.

She Mushen is such a high-ranking person, how could she make an exception for someone she just met not long ago!

It must be what that little bitch Quan Jing did!
Jia Qing had a sullen look on her face, and used the most vicious language to insult and curse Quan Jing, even to the eighteenth generation of her ancestors.


The battery is less than 10%.

Jia Qing got up to get the charger.

With just this turning around, she picked up the phone again, but found that the words she typed could not be sent out.

Not only that, 5 minutes later, Jia Qing was forced to quit Weibo.

After a delay of 30 seconds, she logged in again, but was prompted that the account did not exist!
Jia Qing: "???"

There are quite a few people in the same situation as Jia Qing.

These people are all people who scold Quan Jing happily on the Internet.

Without this group of people acting as shit sticks inside, all those vulgar words were blocked, or deleted, and the topic returned to its previous "clean".

As a result, when Han Dongqing climbed up again and prepared to break down one by one, he found that the matter had been resolved unconsciously.

Mu Yunchen, who is far away in Los Angeles, still knows about the troubles in China.

Knowing from Xiaoyu that those Duwei fans of his actually went to attack Quan Jing, Mu Yunchen was furious.

He directly climbed over the wall, logged into Weibo, and posted an update that fans hadn't seen for a long time.

Mu Yunchen V: [Wantun who speaks unkindly to others, please consciously leave your fandom, I, Mu Yunchen, don't need it]

Such a sudden Weibo caught everyone by surprise.

There are even artists who are familiar with Mu Yunchen. At first glance, his Weibo post is nothing, but when it comes to the incident of Du Wei fans attacking Quan Jing... It is not difficult for a discerning eye to see that Mu Yunchen is supporting Quan Jing!

Han Dongqing also saw Mu Yunchen's Weibo shortly afterwards.

Seeing that the words were sharp, but every word was protecting Quan Jing, Han Dongqing was thoughtful.

The wontons waited longingly until their admiration for God became more profound.

Looking at what they said in admiration, led by the administrator, each circle is cute.

They all replied in unison: Good Mushen, Yuntun will be obedient~
Not long after, the Yuntuns saw with their own eyes that Mu Yunchen, who hadn't replied on Weibo for a hundred years, added another reply: Be good!

Wontons: "!!!"

【good?Ahhh, how can Mu Shen be so spoiled! 】

【I seem to hear Mushen say this word in my ear, good Su~】

[Mamma Mia, see you soon!Is this really worshiping God? 】


The result of the word "good" is to step down the popularity of the photo of Mu Yunchen and Quan Jing in the same frame in an instant, and then bring up a new topic: #朱云智回答边#
As we all know, Mu Yunchen is a very cold person.

Not to mention he would say that to fans.

The Wontons who were a little bit aggrieved at first were in a good mood when they saw the word "good".

It turned out that Mu Shen didn't care about them...

(End of this chapter)

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