The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 874 No Schedule

Chapter 874 No Schedule
Nangong Yuting, who received the Xunyi surveillance video, watched the car accident from beginning to end.

This time, it's mainly about the big truck.

When the shadow of a large truck appeared in the video, he quickly took a screenshot, found a person on WeChat, and sent the screenshot.

Yu: 【Help me check the whereabouts of this car】

1 minute later.

The man responded with a "yes".

As the glass shards of the front car hood flew across the video, and seeing the scene in the car where Quan Jing jumped to protect Han Dongqing, Nangong Yuting clenched his hand hanging by his side into a fist.

Yes, his circle is so kind.

She would rather get hurt...

Before the video was finished, a new message came in on the phone.

Yu: 【Jade Du Mountain】

Nangong Yuting muttered the words "Yudushan", and the depths of his eyes were endlessly black.


"Uncle Nangong."

Nangong Yuting looked back, saw Quan Rin standing at the door of the room, raised his eyebrows: "What?"

Quan Rin pointed at his fingers, his round fleshy face, and his brows were knit together. He hesitated for a moment, and then said simply: "I heard what you and Dr. Bei said yesterday."

Nangong Yuting let out a "hmm" and said calmly: "Then?"

Quan Lin stepped forward: "My sister's spinal cord is really..."

He was not allowed to continue talking, Nangong Yuting interrupted him vigorously: "Of course not!"

Even if he said that, Quan Rin didn't believe it.

However, when he thought that his sister might be paralyzed after waking up, Quan Rin felt a little distressed.

His sister, a girl of the heavens, has not fulfilled her dream yet, and she ended up like this...

He cried out for her!
Quan Rin pursed his lips tightly, full of stubbornness.

He turned around slowly and stared into his sister's sleepy eyes for a few seconds.

Finally, he made a decision.

Quan Rin took two steps forward, with a different seriousness in his eyes: "Uncle Nangong, the JY era is yours, right?"

Nangong Yuting couldn't figure out what this kid was thinking, so he just nodded.

Then, he heard someone say, "I want to sign with JY Times."


Nangong Yuting raised his eyes, his eyes were deep: "What did you say?"

Quan Rin said it word by word, "I said, I want to debut with JY Times as an artist." His sister's dream, he will come true!
Nangong Yuting: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Quan Rin: "Of course."

Nangong Yuting stared at him for a few seconds: "Okay, I'll arrange someone..."

Quan Rin stopped him: "Not now."

He is too clear about the rules of survival in the entertainment industry.

Even if he really wanted to debut, he had to get rid of the flesh on his body first.

Quan Lin lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "Give me three months."

Nangong Yuting stared at him, and finally just patted him on the shoulder.

These days, Han Dongqing has been in contact with those partners.

The purpose is to politely reject their intention to sign a contract with Quan Jing.

It was really unavoidable, and she also extended the time again and again on the grounds that she had no schedule.

Everyone else was fine, but when it was Zhang Meilai's turn...

The other party was shocked: "No more shots? Why!"

Only then did she say "no schedule", and the person directly said that it's okay, she can wait.

Han Dongqing: "..."

Seeing that she kept evading, Zhang Meilai frowned a little: "I said, did something happen to Xiao Quanjing?"

Han Dongqing was startled.

This man has such keen perception.

In fact, Zhang Meilai just said casually, how could she curse her little niece.

She even pointed to her as her spokesperson.

Han Dongqing: "Ms. Zhang was joking, it's really because my family's artist schedule can't be kept..."

No matter what you say, the other party refuses to say anything, and insists on waiting for Quan Jing.

Han Dongqing had no choice but to respond first.

(End of this chapter)

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