Chapter 875

Today, Saturday.

Quan Tianxiang, who hadn't seen his precious daughter for several days, was thinking hard.

Afraid of disturbing her work, he endured it for almost a week before he secretly called Quan Lin and asked the brat to send a message to his sister to ask about the situation.

Sitting next to his old man, Quan Lin turned away the strangeness in his eyes, as usual, casually clicked on his sister's WeChat, and typed a message to send it.

After posting, he showed Quan Tianxiang a look.

Accidentally caught sight of what Quan Rin had complained to Quan Jing earlier, Quan Tianxiang looked disgusted: "All right, all right, let's play."

Quan Lin pouted.

Mom went to Aunt Qinglan's side again, and he and the old man were left at home.

He had nothing to do at home, so he changed into his sports clothes and went out.

Although Quan Tianxiang sometimes dislikes his stupid son, he is his own after all, as long as he doesn't mess around outside, he doesn't care much about him when he rests.

Popular gym.

As soon as Quan Rin appeared, Qin Fang, the owner of the gym, walked over, put his shoulders on Quan Rin, and looked like a good brother: "Hey, rare customer, why did you think of coming here today?"

Qin Fang, 32 years old, the prince of the Qin Group, put his family's billions of property away, but he wanted to open this Laoshizi gym by himself as a fitness trainer.

Quan Rin knew him also because the two of them were family friends.

Quan Lin was not polite to Qin Fang, and said directly: "Brother Fang, I want to lose weight."

Qin Fang was about to take Quan Lin to see the new machine he just bought, when he heard his words suddenly, he was taken aback.

He dug his ears: "What did you just say? My brother didn't hear clearly, please say it again."

Looking at the close ear, Quan Lin's child was moved, first said "I say" in a low voice, and then suddenly raised his voice: "I, I want, lose weight!"

The voice was so loud that it almost deafened Qin Fang.

He pushed Quan Lin away, rubbed his ears, with a look of disgust on his face: "You still know that you want to lose weight, and you are blind to the good skin your parents gave you."

Quan Rin: "..." This person, let's just say what he says, is there such a personal attack!
Regardless of dislike, Qin Fang is still very responsible to formulate a series of reasonable fitness plans for Quan Lin.

He crackled and typed a page on the computer, and then typed it out with a printer.

Over there, someone called Qin Fang.

Qin Fang said "Come here" towards the other side, and handed the paper to Quan Rin: "Look first, if there is any problem, I will give you a detailed explanation when I come back later."

When Qin Fang walked away, Quan Lin lowered his head and looked at the so-called weight loss plan in his hand.

Considering Quan Rin's uniqueness, the preliminary plan was to adapt.Exercise once every two days, about half an hour to an hour each time.

Qin Fang has a complete range of fitness equipment here, so Quan Rin can come here after work.

At the end, Kwon Rin said that it was too difficult for him.

Qin Fang didn't know when he came over: "I've finished watching it all? My brother told you, according to the plan I made for you, I'm sure you'll become a lightning bolt within a month..."

Balabara's words came out of Qin Fang's mouth.

Quan Rin couldn't help but give him a look: "Brother Fang, I'm not a girl." It's so scary to be thin like a lightning bolt!
Just thinking about it, Quan Rin couldn't help shivering.

Let him be as thin as that or forget it.

Qin Fang: "Hey, you brat, I won't allow you to exaggerate."

Quan Rin smiled honestly, listened to him, and muttered: "Brother Fang, I'm secretly telling you that I am preparing for my debut. understand."

Qin Fang's eyes widened: "You want to make a debut? No, why don't you want to get involved with that big dye vat?"

Quan Lin: "..." If he stays with Qin Fang for a long time, he will definitely be mad at him.

(End of this chapter)

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