The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 898 You Don't Understand

Chapter 898 You Don't Understand

Quan Jing was eventually taken back by Quan Tianxiang and the others.

However, Wen Shuwan also said that Nangong Yuting could take the doctor to give Quan Jing a reexamination on Saturday.

Seeing him once a week is already a great gift to Nangong Yuting compared to never seeing her.

He had absolutely no reason to refuse.

Quan Rin, who was supposed to report back to school on the 30th, stayed at home until the 31st.

Coincidentally, it's also Saturday.

It was also the day when Quan Jing returned to Quan Zhai and Nangong Yuting came to the door for the first time!

Of course, this visit is not the other visit.

Bei Jinchuan came with Nangong Yuting.

He revealed his watch and glanced at the time.

08: 27.

Bei Jinchuan adjusted his glasses frame, and said in a cold voice, "I said, why are you in such a hurry? It's not even 08:30."

Nangong Yuting glanced at him: "You don't understand."

Bei Jinchuan choked.

OK, he doesn't understand.

He still doesn't want to take care of his shit!

After half an hour.

Power house.

For the first time, Nangong Yuting drove past his old place with Quan Jing, and drove into the compound of Quan Zhai.

The butler saw a car from a distance, and opened the door when he thought of the instructions from his husband and wife.

He steps over.

Nangong Yuting got off the car, and Bei Jinchuan came over with his medicine box.

Before he could make a sound, he saw someone walking towards this side: "Mr. Nangong, and this gentleman, this way please."

Quan Jing's original room was on the second floor, but considering that a girl's boudoir is not suitable for anyone to enter casually, after returning that day, Quan Tianxiang sent someone to build a flower house near the garden, which was very suitable for Quan Jing to recuperate.

Follow the butler all the way to the flower house.

Gradually, a strong fragrance of flowers came from the nose.

Xu Shi smelled the smell of a stranger, and the little bit tied aside called out "Wow Wang".

At this time, a female voice sounded: "Dian Dian, don't disturb my sister."

Just when Bei Jinchuan thought the voice was very familiar, a figure appeared in front of him.

Today, Wen Shuwan is wearing a long beige dress, her long hair is slightly curled around her side, because she is at home, she does not wear makeup.

Even so, the aura on her body is already greater than countless exquisite makeup.

The moment he saw that face clearly, Bei Jinchuan, who was as calm as he was, couldn't help but gasped: " are the Queen Wen!" His childhood goddess!
Wen Shuwan smiled softly: "You are the Doctor Bei that Yu Ting mentioned."

Bei Jinchuan really wanted to keep calm, but talking to the goddess at such a close distance made his heart flutter!

He stretched out his hand embarrassingly: "Yes, my name is Bei Jinchuan."

Wen Shuwan shook hands with him, and invited people in: "The circle is inside, you follow me."

Bei Jinchuan was two steps behind, and said to Nangong Yuting beside him, "Why didn't you tell me earlier that you met Wen Yinghou!"

Nangong Yuting glanced at him casually: "Oh, it's not very early."

Bei Jinchuan: "..." If he wasn't afraid of ruining the goddess' first impression, he would definitely stab him!

Originally, Bei Jinchuan was a bit reluctant to come to Quan Zhai, but after meeting the goddess, that bit of unhappiness disappeared in an instant.

To be able to see the goddess, even if he is asked to come every day, he is willing.

After Quan Jing's examination, Bei Jinchuan had another excuse to talk to Wen Shuwan: "Goddess, the blood in Quan Jing's brain has dissipated, and her spinal cord recovery is also doing well..."

Wen Shuwan listened to him quietly before asking: "Then, when can Quanquan wake up?"

This is what she is most anxious about.

Bei Jinchuan: "This... I don't know either. But Goddess, don't worry too much, Quan Jing will definitely wake up!"

(End of this chapter)

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