Chapter 899

Bei Jinchuan, who was going to leave after Quan Jing's inspection, found an excuse to stay a little longer because he saw his childhood goddess.

Seeing him like that, Nangong Yuting silently moved his eyes away.

Not long after, Quan Rin rubbed his messy hair, yawned and went downstairs sleepy.

Seeing the figure in the living room, Quan Rin greeted him familiarly: "Hi, Uncle Nangong, Doctor Bei."

Immediately, he sat next to Wen Shuwan and called "Mom".

There were guests, Wen Shuwan gave Quan Rin enough face, and didn't ask him what he did last night, looking listless.

At noon, Wen Shuwan left them for lunch.

Before Nangong Yuting could make a sound, Bei Jinchuan spoke first: "Goddess, I'm so sorry, it's too troublesome..."

Wen Shuwan smiled: "It's okay."


There were two more people at the dining table.

Wen Shuwan sat in the main seat, Quan Lin sat in his own seat, and there was an empty seat next to Quan Jing.As for Nangong Yuting and Bei Jinchuan, they sat opposite each other.

While the dishes were not ready, Quan Rin raised his mouth: "Mom, I have to report back to school in the afternoon, so I won't wait for Uncle Zhou."

Early this morning, Uncle Zhou sent Quan Tianxiang to the suburbs for inspection, but he hasn't come back yet.

Wen Shuwan: "Then how do you go to school?"

Quan Rin waved his hand: "It's okay, I'll call a car there." Anyway, I don't have much luggage, just a schoolbag.

On the side, Nangong Yuting said: "Auntie, I will take him back to school."

Wen Shuwan was stunned, but Quan Rin said again and again: "Okay, then it's settled like this, let's eat and eat."

After dinner, Quan Lin went to the flower house to say goodbye to Quan Jing.

Seeing the peaceful sleeping face, Quan Rin's handsome face wrinkled into a ball, he pursed his lips, and sighed: "Sister, don't worry, with me here, I will protect everything you want for you. But you have to promise me that you must wake up early..."

Afterwards, Quan Lin learned that Han Dongqing had called him. Only then did he know that Han Dongqing had slipped his mouth.

But it's okay, if one thing is hidden in my heart for a long time, the guilt will become more.

Emperor One Academy.

The long-lost freshman registration day.

This year's freshmen, many people came for Quan Jing.

Of course, those who can enter the first emperor, their grades must not be much worse.

The seniors who have been promoted to sophomores enthusiastically solve problems for the freshmen.

Quan Rin's Department of Computer Science is hosting Zhou Hao, who lives in the same dormitory as him, and another ordinary-looking girl.

Seeing that all the people who came to fill out the registration form were boys, Zhou Hao quit.

He picked up the mobile phone on the side, turned his back, and played games.

The girl next to her: "..."


The crowd erupted.

There were all kinds of gasping sounds in my ears, and even the screams of girls.

"Wow! Little brother is so handsome!"

"Is that also a freshman in our school?"

"It must be, today is the registration of freshmen."

"So handsome, so handsome, those long legs, those eyebrows, that bridge of the nose, those lips, wow, what kind of fairy brother did I meet!"


In front, Quan Rin straddled his backpack and walked towards the reporting office of the computer department.

The girls around who saw this scene couldn't help muttering: "It turns out that my little brother is from the Department of Computer Science."

Zhou Hao also had a headache from the noise, and couldn't even play games.

He was upset, causing the game to jump out of "failure" at the end.

He cursed secretly "Fuck", flicked the phone, looked up, and saw Quan Rin walking towards him.

Zhou Hao's eyes widened, and he stood up from the chair abruptly: "You you...fatty?"

(End of this chapter)

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