Beiyang 1917

Chapter 186

[Text] Chapter 180 Sixth East Road Take Back


If the surprise that the return of Outer Mongolia brought to the Chinese people half a month ago was so exciting, then the declaration of the Soviet-Russian government and the subsequent statement of the Chinese government made the whole world crazy. On December 1917, 12, all major Chinese cities The city held a massive celebration parade!The reputation of the Chinese government and Duan Qirui's cabinet at home and abroad has reached a new peak!

From the "Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk" in 1689 to the "Xin Chou Treaty" in 1901, to the "Sino-Mongolian-Russian Treaty" in 1915, Tsarist Russia forced the Qing Dynasty and Yuan Shikai's government to sign dozens of treaties in the past 228 years. Unequal treaties seized millions of square kilometers of land and countless resources from China.Remember our URL

The Hailanpao massacre and the Jiangdong 17 Tun massacre in July 1900 7 years ago seemed to be just yesterday to the people of the three northeastern provinces and the whole country.Everything will start all over again today!

On December 1917, 12, following Wang Geng's order, nine brigades of the Seventh Division, Eighth Division, and Ninth Division of the participating army, who had been waiting along the northern line of the Middle East Road, launched a military operation to take back the Middle East Railway at the same time. The two brigades of the road guard troops simply put down their weapons after a slight resistance, because what the Chinese produced were the declarations and statements of the governments of the Soviet Union and China, as well as the Chinese-government's statement on the Russian overseas Chinese in China and the Tsarist Russian road guard troops. notice!

The announcement announced that the Chinese government will formally take back the ownership and administrative jurisdiction of the Middle East Railway and its affiliated places, towns, coal mines, and oil refineries, but guarantee the personal and property safety of the Russians and Russian immigrants along the Middle East Railway. The Eastern Provincial Railway Company will be managed by a joint management committee composed of Chinese and Russian managers, and the Russian managers can choose to return to the country or continue to stay.

The equity in the private part of the Eastern Provincial Railway Company will be liquidated and redeemed based on the original shareholders’ investment and the profit returns over the years. After deducting the previous years' profits from the original investment, the remaining part can still be realized and redeemed by the Chinese government.

The Tsarist Russian government and businessmen have gained more in the past few decades on the road to the Middle East than the initial investment. The Chinese-government announcement not only protects the lives and property of the so-called Russians and Russian businessmen, but also prevents the old Before Maozi left, he was making a fortune. In fact, with the drastic changes in the domestic regime in Russia, few of the old Maozi in China, as the propertied class, would dare to bring their wealth back to the country that promulgated the " Land Acts go to the homeland.

On the contrary, whether the land, houses and property in Russia should be sold abroad as soon as possible is still a question that entangles the Maozi.

The Soviet Russian government's declaration to China was just a tentative balloon released by the little mentor when his regime had not yet been consolidated, but it was seized by the prepared Chinese-government. The interior was completely controlled by the Chinese army, and Wang Tingzhen, the warlord of Heilongjiang, finally raised his eyebrows and stood up for his own President Feng!

Cai Chengxun, the warlord of Jilin, also felt that he was in the clouds, and he became a national hero who regained the lost ground without firing a few shots!Everything is thanks to the Zhan Zhanjun and Wang Geng!

However, Britain, France, and the United States were stunned when they sang a double reed in such a tacit understanding between the Soviet Union and the Chinese government. The envoys of the four countries almost burst through the door of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

What Britain and France are worried about is that if Soviet Russia plays its cards so recklessly, the fulfillment of so many unequal treaties that Britain and France have signed with the Manchu Qing and the Republic of China governments will inevitably be threatened, because with the example of Soviet Russia, in the future China can justly demand the abolition of all unequal treaties with the great powers.

The United States responded to the Soviet-Russian government's declaration without saying hello and without consulting with the allies of the Allied Powers. And the supporters who provided vital arms assistance during the half-year training and arming process of the participating troops, the Americans felt very lost or very disturbed.

After the United States suppressed the strong support of Britain, France, and Japan and armed the Duan Qirui government and the participating troops, is the Chinese government planning to get rid of the boss of the United States and start to go it alone?Didn't the Chinese government see how huge a potential threat the Soviet Union's doctrine and the "Land Decree" promulgated are to the free world?

Kerensky is currently hiding in the U.S. embassy, ​​and it is clear that the possibility of the countries of the Allied Powers supporting the new Soviet-Russian government is extremely slim. Could it be that the Chinese-government can't even see through this?Or do the Chinese think that with 40 armed troops participating in the war, they can wrestle with the great powers?

As for Japan, it is obvious that the Great Japanese Empire is the most disappointed and angry one during this period. Japan relied on the support of Britain in the Russo-Japanese War and mobilized all the people to win the Middle East Road, which was robbed by Tsarist Russia. After a while, China actually took back the ownership of the Middle East Road within a week following the inexplicably issued declaration to China within Russia. How can Japan, who has been spying on the Middle East Road for more than ten years, bear this tone?

China-government is like walking a tightrope in politics and diplomacy, but it happened to step on the seven inches of the Allied Powers. The 40mm caliber mountain artillery I and the 75mm howitzer heavy artillery of the participating army were produced by the Japanese military enterprises in a desperate rush.

On December 1917, 12, the government of Japan submitted a diplomatic note of serious concern to the interests of Japan in Manchuria and the Middle East Road to the Chinese government!The two divisions stationed in Kanto Prefecture and North Korea are preparing for training and cooperation 19 exercises.The Japanese Marine Corps in Qingdao and Jiaozhou Bay are also preparing for a beachhead exercise.

But no matter how you do it, Britain and France, who were deeply mired in the European War, especially at the Battle of Cambrai on the Western Front at the end of November, had no way to deal with the situation in the Far East. I really didn't dare to misfire. The squadron at this moment is no longer the Beiyang Yuan Shikai era who only controlled a dozen divisions scattered in all provinces.

In other words, in the past six months of dealing with Wang Geng, the five-nation negotiation supervisor, Japan has found that he is no longer the master who can say harsh words in front of Chinese diplomats. Over the garden, there are nearly a hundred sorties of flight formation drills by the air force of the participating army every day, which adds to the haze in the mind of the Japanese minister.

Although there are only two V1500 heavy bombers that the Chinese just got from the UK, they have been assembled and tested for flight formation and bombing drills. The giant with a bomb load of up to 30 125 kg aerial bombs made the ministers of the four countries look at it in their hearts. Straight hair tight.This is a big killer that is not even equipped by the British Royal Air Force, and I don't know how it was taken by the Chinese first!

In the past six months, the Chinese Model Army has been equipped with a large number of m1 Garand rifles and m1917bra squad machine guns as the first person to eat crabs. All the production capacity of these two new guns in the United States is used to meet the needs of the US military aid orders. So much so that Britain and France, including the United States, have no chance to equip some of them. In the United States, only the three arsenals under the Meridian Plant, a subsidiary of the Colt Gabor Arms Company, have the production lines of these two guns. <Tian Arsenal, Colt Arsenal, Marin; Rockwell Corporation and Winchester Repeating Weapons Company are all desperately rushing to complete the order of 200 million m1917 rifles issued by the US Department of Armaments.

When the [-]th, [-]th and [-]th Divisions of the Participating Army settled the Dongdong Road, Zhang Zuolin, the Fengtian Governor in the south, was having a hard time. It was rumored that he took in the anonymous former Henan Governor Zhao Ti Therefore, he offended Wang Geng, the superintendent who participated in the war. Even if someone gave Xu Shuzheng a heavy gift, it didn't work.

How did Fengtian Governor regret that he took Zhao Ti in in the first place?Could it be the result of Xiaori Ben's instigation behind her back, what a spicy trick!I was really tricked by Ri himself. Ri himself dare not fart in front of Wang Geng now. I actually believe that they can support me in seeking the governor or patrol envoy of the three eastern provinces. This bet is too outrageous!

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