Beiyang 1917

Chapter 189 The Allies' Expectations of China

[Text] Chapter 180 IX The Allies' Expectations for China


Wang Geng was impatient and broke his fingers to calculate his own account for the ministers of the four countries: The Beijing-Suizhou Railway, which has just opened to traffic, is 240 kilometers from Zhangjiakou to Guisui. The cost per kilometer is as high as 6 because of the three shifts rushing to rush the construction period. 240 yuan, the 1440 kilometers of railway alone cost 240 million yuan, plus the road widening and renovation along the way, another 1680 million yuan, this section of the road cost a full [-] million building

From Guisui to Baotou, which is still under construction, 79 kilometers have been repaired, and there are 70.6 kilometers left. The cost is 5 per kilometer, which costs 745 million. In addition, the road along the road will be widened and consolidated with a budget of 149 million, which adds up to 894. Ten thousand.

At the same time, the 320-kilometer railway mileage from Uracab to Erlian in Suiyuan is still in the construction stage. It is estimated that the cost per kilometer will be 4 yuan, which is 1280 million yuan, which has already been repaired and is under construction.

Now that Outer Mongolia has returned to China, in order to be able to connect to the Trans-Siberian Railway by land, so as to go to Europe to participate in the war to fulfill the promise to the Allied Powers, the 620-kilometer railway project from Suiyuan’s Second Company to Kulun in Outer Mongolia will also have to start next year. The cost per kilometer of the railway will not be less than 4, which will be 2480 million. Adding the road widening and renovation, it will cost another 620 million, which adds up to 3100 million.

Going to Europe to participate in the war can't just go the way of Outer Mongolia and Siberia in Russia?Russia is in such a mess right now!So next year we have to start the west line railway project, from Baotou along the Hetao to Lanzhou and Xining. This section of road is at least 860 kilometers long, and then it will be 1680 kilometers from Lanzhou directly to Xinjiang Dihuana. The cost per kilometer is at least 5 may not be enough, plus roads, this 1.5 million is enough!

This is a full 3800 kilometers of railway and highway projects. What a huge project, isn't our determination to participate in the war not enough? !

"Tell me, did we pay too little to fulfill our promise to the Allied Powers to participate in the war? Zhan Tianyou, the director of our railway association, led a team that hasn't returned home for half a year. Right now, we are exploring the line from the Second Company to Kulun in Outer Mongolia. ! These railway projects alone cost 2.2 million yuan, not to mention the huge project expenditure of the Xuanhua mining area of ​​China Iron and Steel! Is it too much for the Chinese government to borrow another 1 million U.S. dollars and 2 million yuan?"

Wang Geng spoke eloquently while looking at the envoys of the four countries in front of him and secretly smiling!Nima, no one can get off the boat at this moment, if you have the ability, you can leave us China and try it, China will immediately join hands with Soviet Russia and Germany and Austria!I have oil, I'm afraid no one else?What Germany lacks is oil!Of course Russia has more oil!But in Asia, isn't our big country with oil more important and valuable than that small island country without oil?

"What kind of responsibilities does China intend to take within the Treaty? Gun, don't talk about building railways all the way to Siberia until Xin Jiang Dihua goes to Europe to join the war. I admit that giving priority to the development of railways and roads is the only way for China to speed up its construction. But now we are discussing 1918, the situation in the European War, the situation in Russia, and China's foreign policy orientation!" U.S. Minister Rui Enshi knocked on the armrest of the chair dissatisfiedly.

"Gun, what Paul said is what the Allied Powers are most concerned about. The railways you mentioned just now will take at least 1919 to be completed. Germany, Austria and Russia will not just wait so long for the Allied Powers!" British Minister Zhu Erdian He waved the cigarette butt in his hand, looked at Wang Geng and said.

"The French people are bleeding. If the Germans had so many tanks in the Battle of Cambrai, Paris would have fallen at this moment. Paul, Gun, the French government requested China and the United States to send the main force capable of undertaking combat missions to the west of Europe as soon as possible." Line, not some advance detachment!" French Minister Kant was obviously the most impatient one.

"Supervisor Wang, the Japanese government believes that urgent bilateral consultations are needed. Japan has special interests in China and Northeast China. This was clearly stated in the Fourth Ministries Treaty signed with Yuan Zhengfu before the Duan cabinet. The Japanese government fu It needs to be guaranteed by the Chinese government! The established status of the South Manchuria Railway and the Kanto Prefecture must not be affected by any future agreement between China and Soviet Russia!"

Japan's Minister Lin Quanzhu is obviously the one with the tightest brows. As China's strength continues to grow, although Japan has gained a larger market, it is obvious that Japan currently occupies the most territory in China. don't go.

The bottom line of the Japanese government now is that the immediate interests in China cannot be damaged, and Japan's position in the South Manchuria Railway and Kanto Prefecture must not be shaken. As for Jiaozhou Bay and Qingdao, it has nothing to do with Tsarist Russia, and Japan is from Germany. It was snatched. Before Germany and Austria were completely defeated and the war ended, this matter did not need to be mentioned at all.

"Minister Lin, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. I believe that in the past six months, Japan has borrowed money from contracting China's railways, roads, and mines. The terms have not been signed yet. China is not India, not Canada, not Australia. China cannot have only one friend. I don’t like to beat around the bush. Within the framework of the Allied Powers, before the end of the European War, China agrees to Japan’s interests in China Keep the status quo unchanged! This is the last line I can promise!"

Wang Geng's tone was very firm. Although it is not an official reply from the Chinese government at this moment, Wang Geng's statement has taken back Outer Mongolia and the Middle East Road in China, and China is clamoring to recover all lost land and abolish all unequal treaties with foreign powers. Under the circumstances, it is already a very pragmatic and rare statement!

Lin Quanzhu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words. This result is neither good nor bad for Japan, but at least it is acceptable. The future relationship between China and Japan depends on who can develop faster and who the US boss supports. !The trauma suffered by Britain and France in the European War cannot be alleviated in three to five years.The United States will have the most voice and strength on the political stage of the future world.

Japan is too small, and there is almost no oil. Thinking of the richness of the Renqiu Oilfield in North China, which produces 20000 barrels of crude oil, the Japanese Minister feels sour, and the French aircraft of the Japanese Air Force train regularly There is no guarantee of fuel, and every weekend the country advocates not driving on Sundays to save every drop of imported oil for the country!

The Japanese Kanto-Army and the military department are clamoring to launch a war before China completes its industrialization and becomes stronger. Otherwise, China may develop faster and faster like the United States. In the end, Japan will lose even the courage to challenge the opponent. But now China has the strong support of the United States, Britain and France. The participating army is almost armed by the Americans, and the oil exploration and refining equipment is also supported by the Americans.

The Sino-Anglo-American banking consortium, such heavyweight enterprises as China Airlines, China-US Petroleum, China Steel, and China Insurance, which Wang Geng created with his own hands, all have a share of the pie. Obviously, the two parties have combined their interests into a community of interests.

This kind of interpenetration of interests will become more and more close as the company grows. In fact, Wang Geng has organized and formed his own interest endorsement group in the US government and the ruling and opposition parties. Work together on company projects.

The U.S. ordnance industry company obviously follows the implementation of the U.S. aid purchase order, and has a good relationship with the Chinese participating army. It is reported that the m1 Garand semi-automatic has been selected by the U.S. government ordnance department as the U.S. military standard equipment. The infantry light weapon developed and produced by the Americans was successfully manufactured and equipped in China, and the invention patent and intellectual property rights of this gun actually belonged to the light weapons laboratory of the Technology Research and Development Center of the Manhattan Industrial Bank.

The m1 Garand semi-automatic rifle can be regarded as the bright pearl in the international small arms market in the past six months. If it is not limited to the production capacity monopolized by Wang Geng's Colt Gaber Company, Britain, France and the United States have at least 20 orders. If you want it, Japan doesn't even dare to think about it or equip it with such an advanced rifle. Eight rounds of bullets are snapped all the way and go out. But, how much ammunition does it consume compared to the five-round manual rifle Type [-]? ?How much increased production and logistical burden? Japan can't afford it!

"Everyone, the Chinese-government is a government that keeps its promises. Although we have not truly unified our country, since we have made a promise to the Allied Powers, we will never back down. As long as the Allied Powers are united, I believe we can properly Solve the problem of Russia, and then solve the problem of the Eastern Front! On the Russian issue, China will maintain a common position with the Allied Powers, and is willing to take greater responsibility for this!" Wang Geng answered with a very high attitude.

"Specifically?! If the United States provides another US$1 million in loans, how much responsibility does China intend to take on the Eastern Front and Russia!" American company Rui Enshi couldn't help asking.

"In that case, when necessary, China can unite with Japan to send ground troops to Siberia and the Far East to protect the lives and property of Chinese and Japanese compatriots in Russia, and be ready at any time to play a role in stabilizing the Eastern Front of the Allied Powers." Positive role!" Wang Geng finally gave the answer that the great powers expected.

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