Beiyang 1917

Chapter 191 The Upheaval and Peace Negotiations in January

[Text] Chapter 190 January Upheaval and Peace Negotiations


In January 1918, the situation in Russia took a turn for the worse. The Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party, the Leftist Socialist Revolutionary Party, and the Mensheviks, who had been fighting for the "revolutionary constitutional government" from the February Revolution of 1 to January 1917, encountered the little man and his minority party Under the circumstances of the brutal suppression of the armed forces and political power and the organization of the Constituent Assembly elections, the little man and his party actually became a minority in the elections.download_load_floor

This is obviously unacceptable to the little mentor and Trotsky. On January 1918, 1, the day when the Soviet Russian Constituent Assembly was held, the little man's government declared martial law in Petrograd, and then refused to pass 5 in the Constituent Assembly. After the Peace Decree and the Land Decree adopted by the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets a month ago,

The little mentor and his Soviet Russian government forcefully dispersed the Constituent Assembly and shot at the working class in the same trench before in the workers' demonstration held by the All-Russian Railway Federation of Trade Unions!

This is called "January bleeding" in the history of Soviet Russia. In fact, the great changes that occurred in Soviet Russia in January completely shattered the illusions of the Allied Powers and the Russian bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie, and landlords and rich peasants. replaced by a dictatorship of representatives, civil war and division in Russia were inevitable.

At the same time, Trotsky, on behalf of the Soviet-Russian government, began separate peace talks with Germany and Austria as early as last month. The location is Brest on the Russian-Polish border, which is the midpoint of the Berlin-Moscow railway line. O's asking price is high.

As early as the 3rd of last month, the negotiations between the Soviet Union and Germany had already begun. Germany proposed the harsh conditions of ceding parts of Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, and Belarus to Germany and paying 30 billion rubles in compensation. serious disagreements.

The little mentor advocates accepting German conditions, signing a peace treaty, and gaining respite for the new regime, Zinoviev, Sokolnikov, Georgians, Artyom, Stasova, Sverdlov Waiting for the six zhongyang committee members to support the little man; this proves that the capitulation and appeasement factions are everywhere, and it also shows that the little man's judgment on the domestic situation is far less optimistic than others.

The "leftist revolutionaries" represented by Bukharin opposed the signing of the peace treaty and advocated the continuation of the world war against imperialism. Central committee members Bubnov, Uritsky, and Lomov supported Bukharin; It is also the most inconspicuous approach. Being an enemy of imperialism all over the world is not something that the fragile and new Soviet Russian government can think of at this time!

Trotsky advocated an armistice and the demobilization of the army, but he did not sign a contract with Germany (that is, no war, no peace). Central committee members Klestinsky, Dzerzhinsky, and Yuefei supported Trotsky.In Wang Geng's view, this is the most reasonable approach, provided that Germany is willing to put Russia on the east front and turn west.

In fact, Britain and France are likely to stand still on the Western Front and encourage Germany to fight Moscow in one breath!Britain, France, etc. did not have to wait until World War II in the previous life to use the trick to kill the prostitute Shui Dongyin!

On January 1918, 1, the Soviet Russian government held a meeting of central and local leaders. At the meeting attended by 2 people, 60 people agreed with Bukharin's idea, 32 people agreed with Trotsky's idea, and only 16 people agreed with the little man's idea.In the end, the claim of the little tutor failed because he was in the minority.

The reason why Soviet Russia negotiated a peace with Germany independently of the Allied Powers was that the Allied Powers rejected the invitation of all Allied Powers to sit down with Soviet Russia and negotiate a peace with Germany and Austria. While being exhausted from the fight, no one dared to let go of this last breath.

For the Allied Powers, the United States and China declared war on Germany and joined the Allied Powers in April last year. China has trained a model army of 4 armed to the teeth. The United States is even more outrageous. *The number of recruits in the battalion is as high as 40 million, and the number of recruits continues to increase by 200 people per day, while the "veterans" of the US military who have undergone military training for three to six months are already sending [-] people to Europe every day. Europe joins the war.

If you take the Atlantic route from New York to France, if you don’t encounter German submarines, you can arrive in only 7 and a half days. At this time, Britain and France are eagerly waiting to beat Germany and Austria in the spring offensive on the western front after the arrival of the US military. Armistice It's not impossible, but we have to figure out who is the final winner.

Germany and Austria have the same idea. If such harsh conditions proposed in Brest Germany can also be accepted by the Soviet Russian government, it is equivalent to ceding one-fifth of Soviet Russia's territory and one-third of the territory at that time. The Germans really dared to speak, and the little tutor actually dared to agree!

If the Germans hadn't asked for such a high price, the Brest-Litovsk Treaty would have been signed early on, and Germany, which has gained such a huge harvest from Soviet Russia through force coercion and blackmail, would have rushed to turn around and launch the spring offensive first. is.

The Allied Powers wanted to take advantage of the fact that the German army on the eastern front had no westward transfer before the Soviet Union and Germany made peace, and planned to push the front line to the city of Berlin to force peace. In fact, in Wang Geng’s previous life, the sadly urged Britain and France turned around and swooped westward in March. The main force of the German army who came, if the main force of the US army did not appear on the battlefield in time to block the German offensive, it would be really hard to say who would beat who to the ground!

Although the Allied Powers, including China, ignored Soviet Russia’s request for the Allied Powers to make peace with Germany, the intelligence channels of all parties knew the differences between Germany and Soviet Russia in the Brest negotiation process and Soviet Russia’s internal opinions!

According to what Wang Geng said in private discussions with the Prime Minister and the Undersecretary of the Army, it is obvious that Bukharin in Soviet Russia said that a world war with imperialism is the best result for the Allied Powers.

The problem is that the little man's mentor has an inseparable relationship with Germany. In his opinion, the new Soviet Russian government must not continue to fight Germany. Soldiers who promised armistice and peace may stand on the side of the opposition!

When tearing off the hypocritical veil of revolutionary constitutionalism and min zhu elections, the little mentor in the previous life once had a famous saying: Well, respect the opinions of the masses, and min zhu elections, but don’t forget the weapons in your hands!

The chaotic situation in Russia and the peace negotiations between Soviet Russia and Germany obviously left little time and room for maneuver for the Allied Powers. At this time, Little Japan officially announced its recognition of the Soviet Russian government on January 1918, 1!This surprised the United States, Britain and France, and also surprised China.

No one knows what consensus the Soviet Union and the Japanese government reached behind or in private. In the face of inquiries from China, the United States, Britain and France, the Japanese government responded lightly, recognizing the Soviet Russian government and recognizing the previous five consecutive The Russian Provisional Government was no different.Does not imply more other meanings.

At this moment, Japan shot itself in the foot with a stone, because on January 1, the Japanese government announced the recognition of the Soviet Russian government. On January 2, the Soviet Russian government that Japan recognized forcefully dispersed the Constituent Assembly elected by Min Zhu. And implement a one-party dictatorship, which is not as good as the sky. The Chinese government officially issued a statement on January 1th. The occupied Chinese territory, but the residents living in these territories will have the autonomy of life and property, and will be free to choose which nationality to join!

At the same time, in the statement on January 1, the Chinese government expressed serious concern about the bloodshed in Petrograd, Russia, expressed strong dissatisfaction with Russia's arbitrarily negotiating peace with Germany without the coordination and unification of the Allies, and officially stated that in the current situation Under the circumstances, the Chinese-government government will postpone the negotiation with the Soviet Union on the establishment of diplomatic relations until the situation in Russia has positive factors before it will be considered!

For the first time in history, the Chinese government made its own diplomatic judgment and orientation independently, and sang the high notes of min zhu and zi you higher than the mountains, which made China once again win the world among the Allied countries Huge reputation, compared to the announcement on January 1nd to recognize the Soviet Russian government, the day after China issued a statement on January 2th, the Japanese government gritted its teeth under the pressure of Anglo-American law and issued another statement:

In view of the unexpected changes in the domestic situation in Russia, Japan will freeze the process of establishing diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and agree with the Allies in judging the situation in Europe!

Nima, if I knew this, why bother? At the beginning, Wang Geng suspected that behind the Soviet Union and Japan, there was definitely an exchange of interests. For example, Soviet Russia might have given up Sakhalin Island and the Thousand Islands to Japan in exchange for Soviet Russia and Asia. Much needed support.

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