Beiyang 1917

Chapter 217 Bukharin's Prestige

"Comrades! The situation is very serious! Kazan has fallen, and the garrison commander Suchenov has become a shameful traitor. The Kazan defenders almost surrendered without a fight. The Eastern Front of Kazan is too important to us! Now things are not easy to handle!" Kamenev, chairman of the Moscow Soviet, hurried into a conference room on the second floor of the Kremlin with the telegram in his hand. <чka?meheв, formerly known as Rosenfeld, po?3ehфeльд) was born on July 1883, 7. At the age of 22, he was once the closest assistant of the little mentor. Of course, this does not mean that he blindly supports the radical ideas of the little mentor.

Before the Bolsheviks launched the October Revolution last year, this guy and Zinoviev became the only two members of the central yang who opposed launching an armed uprising. published a statement against the decision of the armed uprising, and applied to withdraw from the zhong yang committee.

This era is an era of quite free and unrestrained thinking. Kamenev can become the closest assistant and comrade-in-arms of the little man without blindly following him, and he is full of intellectual spirit. The famous Gorky is his good friend, the famous military The commander Georgian is also his close comrade in arms and has been funded by him for a long time.

And this Kamenev, although he was called a scab by the little mentor for leaking the news of the October Revolution in Gorky's newspaper, and he and Zinoviev were to be expelled from the party, but the Georgians He and Sverdrov survived on the grounds that Zhong Yang was not qualified to appoint a party member and had to go through the plenary meeting.

What was ignored by the official media in the previous life is that Kamenev and Zinoviev, who returned to the Central Committee, did a lot of work in the October Revolution that followed, and contributed to the victory of the October Revolution. In fact, after the October Revolution last year, Kamenev was elected as the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, which is equivalent to the head of state.

Of course, Kamenev once again had serious conflicts with his little mentor on the issue of the Constituent Assembly and the peace talks with Germany. Kamenev, who was considered to be pro-Western, was dispatched to Britain and France during the negotiations between Soviet Russia and Germany. The two countries went to mediate and failed to achieve the expected results. This is not to say that Kamenev is incapable, but that if the war does not end victoriously, he should mention Soviet Russia to persuade Britain and France to cease the war or accept Soviet Russia and Germany to cease the war alone. This in itself is an impossible task.

Kamenev, who returned to Russia gloomyly, served as the chairman of the Moscow Soviet, and at the same time became the core figure of the faction after the little mentor left. Although Bukharin was elected as the chairman of the Central Committee, at the moment the Soviet Russian government adopted But it was Trotsky's "no war, no peace" strategic policy.

At this time, the three factions in the Central Committee of Soviet Russia had almost the same strength. Trotsky served as the chairman of the newly established Revolutionary Military Committee and was also the Military People's Commissar of the Central Committee.

Bukharin was in charge of party affairs and presided over the Central Committee, Trotsky was in charge of building the Red Army and fighting enemies coming from all directions, and Kamenev was in charge of specific administration and logistical support. After all, Moscow has now become the new capital of Soviet Russia.

As for the great little mentor, at the end of February 1918, the little mentor left the Zhongyang Committee after resigning, and went to somewhere in Finland to think behind closed doors and write an article.

"We must speed up the formation of the Red Army. The old army of the Tsar is not reliable. Siberia and the Far East are the weak links of our work. The strength of the Bolsheviks there is far from enough!" It was Bukharin who spoke, wearing a worker's hat , Usually speaking with enthusiasm, the editor-in-chief of "Pravda", who is only 30 years old at the moment, after his little mentor, Bukharin was elected chairman of the central yang committee.

Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin, (hnkoлannвahoвnчБyxapnh) was born in a very auspicious year, in 1888, was hailed as the "golden boy of the revolution" by the little man's mentor, and of course, in the negotiations between Soviet Russia and Germany During this period, his claims were a bit unrealistic. The editor-in-chief of Pravda was young and energetic, and he claimed to fight imperialism to the end and spread the flames of revolution all over the world.

"A scum like Suchenov should have listened to my words and resolutely suppressed it long ago. Comrade Dzerzhinsky, you and your Cheka are inescapably responsible for the fall of Kazan! Why didn't you discover this in advance? The guy's attempt to rebel? Why not suppress it in advance? This is the age of blood and fire, and any tenderness for the bourgeoisie will ruin the cause we are fighting for! My comrade!"

Bukharin first ascended to the high position of the central committee, and now he lost his temper at the tall and thin Dzerzhinsky!The table was pounded loudly by this guy.

At the moment Trotsky and Stalin are both on the front line, Dzerzhinsky is sitting there with a livid face, he doesn't look down on Bukharin at all, compared to Kamenev, Dzerzhinsky's There is more respect, Bukharin is just a theorist juggling pens, it is easy to say, Suchenov in Kazan has the strength of a division in his hands, and this infantry lieutenant general has always had the morale of the army, let alone the formation of the Cheka. Months are far from understaffed.

Suchenov, the commander of the Kazan garrison, did not show that he would rebel at all. If he took action based on the so-called theory of birth, almost all the generals in the garrison all over Russia could meet the standard of beheading. What standard depends on whether you are a son of the landlord bourgeoisie or a descendant of workers, poor and hired peasants.

Is this useful?In the Tsarist Russian army, how many people from the working class can become senior generals who lead a division as a lieutenant general?

This Cheka (full name is the All-Russian Extraordinary Committee for the Elimination of Counter-Revolutionaries and Sabotage, referred to as the All-Russian Cheka, Cheka is the abbreviation and transliteration of Russian) is an intelligence organization in name, and was actually organized by Felix on December 12 last year. Founded by Edmondovich Dzerzhinsky.

The organization was founded because the little mentor needed an "organization that can fight against all counter-revolutionaries with extraordinary means"!

Later Dzerzhinsky summed up the tasks of the Cheka as: "Eliminate and stop counter-revolutionary and sabotage activities throughout the country, and hand over their activists to the courts, and at the same time conduct preliminary investigations and preliminary trials."

In fact, the main functions of the Cheka include the arrest of counter-revolutionaries in Soviet Russia, and the management of prisons, searches, arrests, and detentions!

Now that the little mentor is not in place, Bukharin just thinks that he can command the commander with arrogance after he has ascended the throne of chairman?That's worse, Dzerzhinsky thought to himself, should we carefully investigate Bukharin's contacts with Western countries?Grab some handles in your hands, so that he will not have five people and six in front of the central yang committee all day long to put the chairman's score!

"Comrade Bukharin! I believe that Dzerzhinsky and his Cheka will learn the lesson of Kazan. Tenderness and compassion to the enemy is cruelty to their own comrades. How many Bolsheviks fell to that rebellious Suche in Kazan Under Novov's butcher's knife, we must avenge this revenge, but the most urgent task is to send a report to Comrade Trotsky and Comrade Stalin at the front, asking them to rush back to Zhongyang to preside over the work!"

While helping the livid Cheka chief Dzerzhinsky, Kamenev expressed his opinion.

"Comrade Trotsky is organizing the Petrograd defense line, and Stalin is organizing forces to defend Tsaritsyn. What if we rush back to Moscow now?" Bukharin asked dissatisfiedly!

Kamenev, however, seemed confident, and continued, "A commander does not need to let go of the overall situation and only focus on the local area. It is the commander's responsibility to coordinate the overall situation. I suggest that at least one person, Trotsky or Stalin, be recalled to the central government. Preside over the military, or... Invite Comrade Ulyanov back to preside over the work!"

"No! Absolutely not! Resignation is not a child's play. People who threaten the Central Committee with resignation are not suitable to lead the overall situation at this critical juncture. Now looking back at the terms of the Brest peace treaty, it really makes people break out in a cold sweat Fortunately, we did not accept this condition at the beginning, otherwise these Socialist Revolutionaries and Mensheviks would have more reason to say that we are German spies and traitors!"

Bukharin slapped the table and resolutely objected to inviting back the little mentor. Nima, I have only sat in the chairman's seat for a few days, and you Kamenev want to move my seat?

"But the situation on the front line is so tense. Both the Chinese and the Japanese have sent troops to the Far East. Although Vladivostok is still fighting bloody battles, it will be a matter of time before it falls, and Ulan-Ude has also fallen into the hands of the Chinese. !” Kamenev still wanted to stick to his own opinion!

It’s okay not to talk about this, but when Bukharin got angry, the guy slapped the table, turned around and yelled at Georgy Chicherin, the People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of noble origin,

"Comrade Chicherin, how did you become the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs? Why did the Czech Legion rebel before, and why did China and Japan send troops to the Far East and Siberia at the same time! Didn't the Allied Powers always negotiate with you!"

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