Beiyang 1917

Chapter 218 Alexey Brusilov

Bukharin, chairman of the Central Committee of Soviet Russia, pointed the finger at the newly appointed People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin, who served as Trotsky's deputy in the peace negotiations between Soviet Russia and Germany, and was still in the process of the second negotiation In the middle, Comrades Trotsky and Ulyanov resigned after falling out, and Chicherin took over the positions of head of the negotiating delegation and People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs.

Later, the negotiations broke down, and this guy was still in charge of foreign affairs in front of the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs. Now he was yelled at by Bukharin, his face flushed, and he stood up and explained,

"Comrade Bukharin, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that the British and French arrangements for the Czech Army were good. They were transported eastward along the Trans-Siberian Railway until they were withdrawn to Vladivostok, boarded a ship, and traveled to the Pacific Ocean. and the Panama Canal, and finally return home via the Atlantic!"

"That's not what I'm talking about, what I'm asking is, why didn't you find out in advance that the Czech Legion was going to rebel, why now even China and Japan have sent troops into Russian territory and you and your people don't know anything about it? !Are you all just working?! Why is this?! You must give me a convincing reason, otherwise I think it is you and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ dereliction of duty that caused us to be in such a passive situation now!”

With a long face, Bukharin tapped the map spread out on the table with the tip of the pencil in his hand, and shouted at Chicherin.

"Comrade Chairman, please listen to my explanation, please listen to my explanation!" Chicherin wiped the sweat from his brow, while sneaking a glance at several other central committee members around, and saw that Bukharin's eyes were on his own and Terre's. Rensky jumped back and forth, and the fellow took a breath. Is Bukharin planning to use the Cheka to deal with me?

"Comrade Chairman, the rebellion of the Czech Legion can be seen as an inevitable move by the Allied Powers to interfere in the Russian situation. Everyone knows that after we suspended the peace talks with Germany, we began to demobilize the army on a large scale. Countless Cossack cavalry divisions were demobilized by the division soldier committee. And the decision to disband, under such circumstances, especially when Comrade Trotsky's Red Army was still in the early stages of formation, the interior of Russia was quite empty!" Chicherin breathed a sigh of relief as he spoke.

Nima, when Trotsky was here, you, Bukharin, dared not provoke him like a pug, but now you only know how to bully me!

"Get to the point, don't talk nonsense in circles!" Bukharin rudely interrupted Chicherin's explanation.

"The reason for the rebellion of the Czech Legion is that we asked them to lay down their arms before they could pass through Siberia. This gave them an excuse, and the decision to ask them to lay down their arms was made at the insistence of you, Comrade Chairman!" Kamenev Lukewarmly interjected on the side.

"Then what about the Chinese and the Japanese? Why do the Chinese dare to send troops to Siberia and the Far East? Now even the Japanese seem to be attacking the Chinese. What's going on? Comrade Kamenev!"

After all, Bukharin was the editor-in-chief of "Pravda", and his brain and ideas turned quickly. This guy is a good eloquent writer even if he doesn't mess around. He can win a long debate in the central committee. Not much!

Kamenev was suffocated when he heard the words. Don’t ask me why the Chinese sent troops. You should ask Comrade Ulyanov, but he has resigned now. Can I blame this matter?How do I know what the Chinese think?The Chinese are only armed with 50 people, so they dare to challenge us Russia, and our Russia has no less than 300 million people in the German prisoner-of-war camps alone!

"According to the signs when China took back the Middle East Road, it seems that... the declaration issued by Comrade Ulyanov in December last year was to blame!" Chicherin interjected on the sidelines.

"Hmph! What I said at the time was to give benefits to the Chinese in exchange for their recognition. Don't be in a hurry to issue a dialogue declaration to abolish all unequal treaties. It is a big mistake!" Bu Harlem said angrily.

This is true. At that time, Ulyanov didn’t know what kind of tricks the Chinese minister surnamed Liu was pouring into him. He actually used such a trick when he didn’t even write a word, saying that he wanted to divide and disintegrate the Allied Powers. The relationship between various countries will bring China, Russia's largest neighbor, to support the new regime of Soviet Russia, in exchange for the official recognition of the Soviet Russian government by the Chinese government!

The result is good. The Middle East Road was taken back. Now the Chinese are grandiosely wanting to take back all the territories ceded to Tsarist Russia since the "Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk". This happened more than 230 years ago. ?Could it be that the Chinese will claim to be the successors of the Mongols in another day and demand to recover the lost land according to the borders of the four khanates, and the majestic Russia will also agree?

The more Bukharin thought about it, the angrier he became, and his complaints about Comrade Ulyanov, who had stepped down, grew a little more.

"Zhong Yang doesn't have a military commissioner right now. I agree with Kamenev's suggestion and send a telegram to ask Trotsky or Joseph to come back and preside over the overall situation! The Eastern Front is more important than the Western and Southern Fronts. If the Eastern Front is lost in the Ural Mountains With this barrier and the vast Siberia and the Far East, our strategy of no war and no peace will have no way out because of the loss of strategic depth!" Zinoviev, a member of the Central Committee who has been restless, finally spoke.

Gregory Zinoviev was born in 1883. He is a theorist and doer in the party. He has a very good relationship with Kamenev, but he is not as withdrawn and arrogant as Kamenev. The relationship between the central and yang committee members is good, that is, Bukharin has more respect for Zinovievye.

"The situation in Petrograd is so tense now, can Comrade Trotsky get away? Or, transfer the former commander-in-chief of the Russian army... how about that Alexey Brusilov come back to preside over the military At least you can send him to the east to defend against Kolchak and the Czech Army!" Bukharin was obviously not an idiot, and he had an idea for himself in a blink of an eye.

Dzerzhinsky sneered in his heart. Obviously, the new Chairman of the Central Committee attached great importance to authority. If Trotsky returned to Moscow, he would undoubtedly become the actual controller of the Central Committee. In fact In the case of everything being transferred to the military and wartime system, the Revolutionary Military Council chaired by Trotsky is the core leading force of the regime!

"Comrade Bukharin! Comrade Brusilov has to be sent back with an order from Trotsky. He is the chairman of the Military Council. Besides, if Brusilov is sent back, he will be able to fight. Would he be willing to shoot at his former subordinate Admiral Kolchak? Fighting a civil war is not the same thing as fighting Germany and Austria!"

Kamenev's tone was full of disdain, thinking how a party stick like Bukharin could be climbed to the position of chairman of the central yang committee by him, just because he could shout slogans and write demagogic but unrealistic propaganda Is it a theoretical article?

Several other central committee members also looked at each other in blank dismay after hearing this. Obviously Bukharin came up with a bad idea. There was Kornilov's rebellion before the October Revolution, and now Russia is full of armed rebellions and numerous self-governing temporary Zheng Fu, since Admiral Kolchak of the former interim Zheng Fu and Suturov of Kazan both rebelled, then how can a Tsarist Russian war god like Brusilov suppress himself because of his refusal? Former comrades-in-arms turned against each other?

Who dares to take such a risk?The appeal of Admiral Kolchak in the Russian army is far inferior to that of the former commander-in-chief of the Russian army, Alexey Brusilov!

In fact, the reason why Trotsky rushed to the Petrograd front line was probably because he was worried that with the massive German and Austrian offensives and the large-scale disbandment and demobilization of the Tsarist Russian army, it turned out that those who had already pledged their allegiance to the new Soviet Russian regime Will the senior generals of Tsarist Russia join the camp of the Allied Powers, the Socialist Revolutionary Party, and the Mensheviks!

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