Beiyang 1917

Chapter 219 The Power of Air-Ground Coordination

Turning our attention back to China, the intervention of the Allied Powers in the situation in Russia began with the rebellion of the Czech Legion on February 1918, 2, and the Chinese and Japanese troops successively launched military operations against the Far East and Siberia. Of course, society The Siberian temporary self-government government established by the revolutionaries and Mensheviks in Ufa also gained momentum after Kolchak led the White Guards and the Czech Army to capture Kazan, an important city in the Urals!

For a time, rebellions broke out all over Russia, and the Soviet Russian government fell into unprecedented internal and external troubles, but no matter how bad the situation was, the Soviet Russian Central Committee members did not regret rejecting the Germans' harsh and inexorable ceasefire conditions.

In the words of Comrade Joseph, if we had accepted the terms of the Germans, we would have been spurned and abandoned by the Russian people, and now we have rejected the enemy, that means we will continue to have the support of the people, the people, and only the people are invincible Invincible power!

In the first week of March 1918, the situation in Russia continued to develop in depth.

On the Eastern Front of the Far East, on March 1918, 3, the No.1 Division of Zhang Zuoxiang, the pioneer of the Eastern Route Army of the Chinese War Army, launched an attack with the cooperation of the 17th Mixed Brigade of Zhang Zhijiang and successfully captured Shuangchengzi. !Annihilated 49 local defenders, of which more than 3000 were captured, and their own casualties were less than 2000.

On the same day in Vladivostok, the Japanese No.12 Division after landing launched an attack on the Soviet Russian defenders guarding Vladivostok's second-line positions and the central station. Due to the lack of heavy artillery, Shibagoro's No.12 Division faced reinforced concrete. The progress of the permanent fortifications is slow. The Russian fortifications of Vladivostok have a complete system. If the number of local Russian defenders is not less than one brigade and there is no reinforcements, then the No.12 Division will have to touch it Bloody head.

Although outnumbered, the Russians vowed not to retreat. Firstly, Shuangchengzi had been surrounded and intercepted by Chinese squadrons. Secondly, the enmity between Japan and Russia was not as deep as usual, and it could be regarded as red eyed.

In the end, although the No.12 Division had almost occupied two-thirds of the city of Vladivostok by the evening of this day after paying a heavy price, the Russian army, which had less than 500 people left at the core position of Zhongyang Station, swore to die. After the fall, Shibagoro, the head of the division, once again received a telegram of condolences from the Seventh Division Fujii Yuki.

Furious by the mocking tone in the Fujii telegram, Chai Goro ordered the 48th Infantry Regiment to launch a meat-bomb charge. The Russian army had at least 20 Maxims in the core position. At this time, the No.12 Division The heavy artillery of the regiment's fortress artillery wing has all landed, can't you just bombard it with cannons and it's over?But Fujii didn't know what to think, he couldn't wait for the cannons to be in place, and ordered the 48th Infantry Regiment to carry out a meat-bomb charge!

As a result, things changed unexpectedly. During the whole day's attack during the day, the No. 12th Division's 12th Brigade, which was the forward, had disabled its 14th Infantry Regiment, and the 24th Regiment of the 24th Brigade. The brigade also suffered more than half of its casualties. At this moment, when the 48th Wing, which was the reserve team of the brigade, launched a full-line charge.

But the sound of rumbling aircraft engines came from overhead. The Chinese army that had successfully conquered Shuangchengzi learned that the Japanese army was in a bitter battle in Vladivostok. Sooner or later, they sent their own air force to Vladivostok to help in the battle.

This time the matter got serious, because it was almost dusk, 3 fighter jets from 4 DH36 reconnaissance bomber squadrons of the Chinese Air Force Air Corps were accompanied by 2 Handley Page 0400 heavy bomber formations with 24 planes, adding up to 60 When a fighter plane appeared over Vladivostok, there was a problem with the air-ground coordination with the No.12 Division. In fact, 60 Chinese participating army bombers bombed the core position of the Russian army in one wave and poured nearly [-] tons of aerial bombs.


Almost all the first infantry brigade of the 48th regiment rushed to the front and died together with the Russian troops on the ground. The two infantry brigades that followed also suffered one-third of the casualties. In just ten minutes, 3800 people More than half of the 48th Infantry Regiment formed had casualties, and they were backed by nearly 1500 remnants of the Russian army on the ground.

This is the first time that the Japanese army in the Far East has seen the great power of air strikes. In the last Japanese war, the first human aircraft appeared only two years ago. It was the European War that began in 1914. At the beginning, the aircraft was no more than two years old. It was used by both sides for reconnaissance and artillery calibration, and then it quickly developed into air combat and ground attack.

The aircraft of the Japanese Air Force bought a few from France and Italy for research and imitation. Before 1918, there was no large-scale production equipment and application. Although the Chinese only dispatched two light bomber squadrons today, they happened to meet The once-in-a-lifetime Japanese army's meat-bomb attack rushed to the Russian army's position for hand-to-hand combat, so it achieved unexpected killing effects!

Of course, if you say that Wang Geng arranged for the air force ahead in Suifenhe to accidentally bomb Ri himself, that’s not true. After all, at least in Siberia and the Far East, Wang Geng is still very happy to let Ri himself be the crusade team to deal with Soviet Russia The guerrillas bombed this time purely by mistake. At most, the aerial reconnaissance was not detailed enough, and it was too late. At least half of the pilots of the air force stationed in Suifenhe of the participating army had not completed the night flight training course, so watching the sun quickly When I went down the mountain, I thought about throwing bombs on the Russian army positions and leaving!

Anyway, the following is a war zone and there is no squadron!

How about the No.12 Division and their division commander Chai Wulang being wronged? The Chinese Air Force came to help out at dusk. It was Beijing's Japanese Minister Lin Quanzhu who asked Wang Geng for help. Chai Wulang is here Being pushed crazy by Fujii of the [-]th Division, Lin Quanzhu in Beijing did not go crazy. The air-ground coordinated offensive launched by the Chinese squadron in Shuangchengzi at noon that day wiped out the local defenders in one fell swoop, showing the great power of aircraft bombing .

Lin Quanzhu was crying and begging Wang Geng for air support. He knew that with the arrogance of the division commanders of the Japanese army, he would never ask the Japanese military headquarters or the Chinese friendly army for that tactical guidance. What's more, the No.12 Division in the direction of Vladivostok is facing only a Russian army that can't reach the brigade. The ratio of troops is 4:1.

Then Chai Goro will not mess around at all from now on!Originally, because of Aizu Fan's background, he was already not recruiting big shots in the military. If the battle really happened, Shibagoro might be ordered to cut seppuku!

Don't even mention that the little devil's intelligence gathering ability is not so strong. Let's just say that this Chai Goro, when he was stationed in the Qing Dynasty as a military attache at the embassy, ​​he dressed himself up as a Chinese commoner and wandered around the suburbs of Beijing. In a month's time, I was stunned to draw a one-fifty-thousandth military map of the outskirts of Beijing.

And Wang Geng, the superintendent of the war, is a daring guy with high skills. This year, he has used the intelligence channels of the little devils to gather information. As long as he wants the things in the Banxi Mansion and the Kanto High School, He went directly to Lin Quanzhu. Of course, the Japanese envoy did not help for free. Wang Geng also exchanged information from the Americans and communicated privately with Lin Quanzhu from time to time.

As a result, Lin Quanzhu and Wang Geng were going to provide air support to the No.12 Division this time, but by accident, the No.12 Division suffered heavy casualties, and there was still unspeakable suffering, knocking down the front teeth and swallowing in the stomach !

"Wang Sang... your air team... can't really tell the difference between the Japanese army and the Russian army? Chai Goro's No.12 division asked you to throw bombs and wiped out half of the regiment! This How will I explain to others in the future?" Afterwards, Lin Quanzhu complained to Wang Geng with a bitter face.

"I definitely can't tell the difference. Looking at the altitude of 500 meters, people are all ants. If I can separate the Japanese army from the Russian army, then my pilots must be gods. I am also very sorry for the accidental injury. After all, we are going to help Instead of adding to the confusion, the key point is that you have to hand over the Japanese army's front-line radio code, or else you won't be able to cooperate in the future and you will have an own goal!" Wang Geng replied leisurely.

On March 1918, 3, the 1th Brigade of the No.17 Division of the Squadron’s participating army regained Shuangchengzi. On the same day, the No.49 Division of Japan captured Vladivostok. However, Zhang Zhijiang’s 12th Brigade took a train from Shuangchengzi drove directly into Vladivostok, and the Japanese army didn't even have time to clean up the battlefield at this moment.

"Following orders from Shangfeng, the 17th Mixed Brigade of the No.49 Division of the Participating Army is here to hand over the defense of Vladivostok to your army!" Zhang Zhijiang, the brigade commander who rushed to Vladivostok without stopping, led Zhang Zuoxiang to strengthen his division's armored regiment and his own. The brigade belongs to the armored battalion, and it appeared at the headquarters of the Vladivostok dispatched army when the lights were on.

This fellow casually saluted the head of the No.12 division, Chai Goro, on the opposite side, and said carelessly.

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