Beiyang 1917

Chapter 220

Army Lieutenant General Chai Goro is a Chinese hand. He understood Zhang Zhijiang's words without waiting for the translator. Looking at the Chinese major general in front of him, he couldn't help being furious, and shouted,

"Nani? My No.12 division just took Vladivostok in a bloody battle, and you Chinese want to pick peaches and pick up ready-made ones? Absolutely not! Both the city of Radivostok and the port were taken by Japan, and they must not be handed over just like that!"

Chai Goro's heart is bleeding. In just two days, in order to win Vladivostok with only 6000 defenders, the No.12 Division here paid a huge price. More than half of the brigade suffered casualties, the 12th Wing basically ceased to exist, and the 14th Wing also lost half of its troops by the Chinese bombing.

The casualties of the 24th Brigade, which played assists, were a little better, and the combined casualties exceeded a brigade. In just two days after the landing and siege of Vladivostok, the total casualties of the No. 12 Division exceeded 7000!Vladivostok, which was won at such a price, didn't even have time to clean up the battlefield. How dare this Chinese major general come to pick peaches and accept defense?

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, I deeply admire your army's bloody battles. Don't worry, we are only here to receive defense. You and your No. 12 Division can be stationed in Vladivostok and rest and replenish. Food, meat, seafood, etc. Yes, you can go to the market to buy, but there is one thing, the defense and security of the city are in charge of the squadron."

Zhang Zhijiang is neither arrogant nor humble, his tone is relaxed, but his eyes are sharp. Obviously, there is nothing to discuss in the matter of the squadron receiving Vladivostok's defense. Don't go out and do anything to disturb the people or rob, don't even think about it!

"Brigade Commander Zhang! You only brought the strength of one regiment, how could you accept the defense to maintain the order and security in Vladivostok? I think we should sit down and discuss it after your boss comes to Vladivostok!" No.12 Division Chief of Staff Matsudaira Nanosuke came out to smooth things over for his division chief.

This Chief of Staff Matsudaira is implementing a strategy of delaying troops. The idea in his heart is that the No.12 Division will work hard tonight, and first evacuate the warehouses and arsenals of the entire Vladivostok.

At that time, our Aizu clan will make other divisions look down upon us even more!Huge casualties and no capture, we absolutely cannot do wedding dresses for Chinese people!

As for Matsudaira Nanosuke, it is said that he is an offshoot of the lineage of the ninth-generation lord of the Aizu Domain, Matsudaira Rongbao. It's a bit tricky, and I know it's impossible to fight against the Chinese at this moment.

"This is Chief of Staff Matsudaira? I have heard his name for a long time, and everyone said that Major General Matsudaira is Zhuge Liang of the Kurume Division. Haha, from now on we must get close and close. As for defense issues, your army can rest assured that my brigade will be ready in an hour. If we can all arrive in Vladivostok, our teacher will come tomorrow!"

Zhang Zhijiang smiled and rejected the other party's suggestion. Obviously, the information given by the headquarters of the participating army was quite detailed. What emerged in Zhang Zhijiang's mind was the information of the officers at all levels of the No.12 Division of the Japanese Army. The staff headquarters of the headquarters released it to the divisions and brigades of the participating troops half a month ago, so Zhang Zhijiang recognized Major General Songping in the photo at a glance.

"Brigade Commander Zhang, you are taking advantage of the fire to rob. The No.12 Division is tasked with capturing the fortress of Vladivostok, and at the same time has the right to station and rest in Vladivostok! This was negotiated by the governments of China and Japan at the beginning. Are you sure? Aren’t you afraid of undermining the diplomatic relations and unity between the two countries! Who gave you the order to lead a regiment to occupy the territory laid down by my division? I can’t convince my troops. If there is a mutiny, you will not be able to afford it Let's go!"

Chai Goro's face was ashen, scolding the mother of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in his stomach, and threatening Zhang Zhijiang through gritted teeth. His side is a division. What waves can you make with a mere armored regiment?I just don't hand over the defense, what can you do?You're outnumbered to do it.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, I have received an order to accept the defense of Vladivostok. Your No.12 Division can be stationed in the area designated by our side. I have nothing more to say other than that. I hope you can inform Your troops were handed over to defense, the previous accidental bombing was already a tragedy, my troops were exhausted all the way in Shuangchengzi, and your troops were not easy after fighting for a day, why are we still bickering here?"

Zhang Zhijiang's face turned cold, and he spoke less politely!Nima, want to get rough with me?The 144 wheeled armored vehicles on my side are 144 water-cooled Browning heavy machine guns. If you really fight, you, the No.12 Division, which suffered one-third of the casualties, may not be able to take advantage!How many Maxim heavy machine guns do you have per division?

"Brigade Commander Zhang, may I ask, where is your Master Zhang Zuoxiang at the moment, and where are the other two mixed brigades of the No. 17 Division?" Song Ping, the chief of staff of the division, obviously wanted to find out the details of the other party first. Besides, if all of Zhang Zhijiang's 49th Brigade can reach Vladivostok tonight, the No.12 Division may not be able to take advantage.

If Zhang Zuoxiang and the other two brigades also rush to Vladivostok, then the No.12 Division must not conflict with the other party, otherwise the first fight will not win, and the second will have to be used as a scapegoat to be pulled out by the military to sacrifice the flag to the Chinese. Accompanying is not.

Want to get to the bottom of Lao Tzu?Nima, even a brigade would not be afraid of you, a fisherman-born Kurume division, not to mention that you disabled a third of the troops, but since I have the opportunity to scare you, I won't let it go, so I scare you first Let’s talk again, after thinking up to this point, Zhang Zhijiang said carelessly,

"The division commander will bring the other two brigades to arrive early tomorrow morning, and my brigade will arrive in an hour. If you have anything to do, division commander, you can tell my superiors, but if you stop and refuse to hand over the defense right now, There have been conflicts and misunderstandings, but don't blame the brothers for not saying hello to you beforehand!" Zhang Zhijiang said, turning his head and yelling at Xu Changlin, the commander of the armored battalion behind him,

"Send a report to the division commander and the headquarters. At 1918:3 p.m. on March 1, 7, our department officially took over the defense of Vladivostok from the Japanese Kurume Division! And ask for instructions on the next step!"

Xu Changlinka stood at attention, and his armored battalion temporarily acted as Zhang Zhijiang's guard battalion, while he was busy arranging the communication staff to send the report.

"Baga! Zhang Zhijiang! Don't bully me too much!" Chai Goro trembled angrily, and pulled out the command knife with a click. Here, Songping hurriedly hugged his head, thinking that his boss has been in the past two days. It was disgusted by Fujii of the Seventh Division. If he clashed with the squadron at this moment, it would be unreasonable, and it would damage the diplomatic relations and cooperation between the two countries.

On the opposite side, the Chinese ** is singing the three major disciplines and nine disciplines, pay attention to training and armed teams, and the Chinese have reached a tacit understanding with the Japanese government. The territory from the south to Vladivostok belongs to the territory that China wants to take back. If there is a real fight in Vladivostok, no matter who suffers, the Kurume Division must be the unlucky one in the end.

The empire is not prepared to go to war with the Chinese army now, not to mention that the Allied Powers behind it don’t agree, they just don’t help each other. The strength of China at this moment is not what Yuan Shikai was at that time. It is rare that his 50 Chinese troops are really going to conflict with the empire. . .It's hard to say who will win. .Hard to say!

Chief of Staff Matsudaira's scruples, as the head of the division, Shiai Goro didn't know, whether Wang Geng who participated in the war or the Chinese army participating in the war, has become a force that cannot be underestimated and ignored. The imperial standing army is only 20 There is no chance of winning against the 17 reorganized divisions of the Chinese participating army who are armed to the teeth, unless there is an all-out war that is mobilized across the country.

Total War. . .With China's high-yield oil production in Renqiu, Japan has fallen behind in terms of strategic energy potential and reserves. If it really wants to fight an all-out war, can Japan win?can win?Can you win? !

"Brigade Commander Zhang, Vladivostok is an agreement between China and Japan. The main port for the Japanese army to participate in the situation in the Russian Far East. There will be a large amount of materials and troops going ashore from here to Siberia by rail. I hope that the port and fortress will be postponed." Hand over, the defense and public security in Vladivostok can be handed over to you first, this is the bottom line of my Kurume Division! Please give due respect to the No.12 Division who fought bloody battles!"

Chief of Staff Nanosuke Matsudaira held Shibagoro tightly while offering a price to the Chinese for the head of his division!

"Brigadier! Call back from the division and headquarters!" A staff officer of the Chinese army came in to report!

Zhang Zhijiang took it over and took a look. Zhang Zuoxiang's reply was to ask him if he would send reinforcements from the 50th Brigade to Vladivostok to give him a strong voice, but Wang Geng's reply was more concise:

"There is no problem with how many people and materials Japan wants to transport ashore in Vladivostok, but without the approval of the Chinese participating army, not a single needle is allowed to be shipped from Vladivostok!"

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