Beiyang 1917

Chapter 223

Although the Japanese No.12 Division was full of reluctance, it finally handed over the defense of Vladivostok to the Chinese participating army. In the view of Chief of Staff Matsudaira, the brigade commander of the Chinese participating army surnamed Zhang was definitely the one who dared to draw his gun. In fact, after the divisional armored regiment led by Zhang Zhijiang and his own armored reconnaissance battalion entered the city, they soon appeared on the front line of maintaining law and order.

The fierce fighting for two consecutive days caused the city to be inevitably destroyed, and the stragglers of Soviet Russia were dispersed, which inevitably made the city's public security in a bad situation. Shibagoro's Japanese No.12 Division may not be the division of beasts , but after paying heavy casualties, looting and looting of cities and inhabitants as victors still occurs in some troops.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhijiang's troops quickly entered the role. The streets were full of patrolling Chinese wheeled armored vehicles and squadrons of squadrons with coats and fur hats wrapped with model army armbands with red background, white circle and black lettering. In the fierce battle of the day, the remaining soldiers of the 12th Regiment of the 14th Brigade of the Japanese Army, which was almost wiped out, hit the muzzle of their guns.

Several survivors of the 14th Regiment appeared drunk on the street after robbing and murdering a local family in Vladivostok. -The Russian expatriate who robbed found the patrolling Chinese soldiers from the street.

The Japanese soldiers who got all the stolen goods were already heartbroken and drunk because of the broken jade of the entire regiment. When he was arrested, he dared to resist and fired a gun, and even wounded a squad leader of the participating army!

The leader here happened to be Xu Changlin, the battalion commander of Zhang Zhijiang's armored reconnaissance battalion. Without saying a word, this guy snatched the M1917A1 Browning's gun from the machine gunner and pulled the trigger. There are only three or eight in five or six hands. Gai's Japanese soldiers turned into a hornet's nest.

That’s not to mention, the murderous Xu Changlin ordered the killed Japanese soldiers to be hung directly on the electric poles on the side of the road to show the public, and painted slogans on the electric poles, "Dare to violate the curfew, rob-rob, kill, Whoever shoots at the troops participating in the war will be shot to death!"

The No.12 Division of Japan, who has suffered a loss, is not willing to let it go, especially these unlucky guys were originally the few seeds left in the 14th Regiment. The alliance can cancel the number from the organization!

On behalf of the No.12 Division, Chief of Staff Matsudaira rushed to Zhang Zhijiang's headquarters to lodge a solemn protest, and threatened the Chinese Communists. !

Zhang Zhijiang's answer was very strong,

"Everything is reasonable, since the squadron has taken over the defense of Vladivostok and is responsible for the security of the entire city, then it must follow our rules. From the first day of the Primorsky Krai in the Far East, anyone who dares to trespass into a private house will be shot to death! If your Kurume Division can't manage your own soldiers, then I will take care of them for you! If you are not convinced, come here! Fight if you want! Let's see who is afraid of whom?!"

"Baga! The blood of the emperor must not be shed in vain! Zhang Sang, you and your soldiers will pay the price for today's actions! There will be a day!" Don't dare to fire!

This guy with the surname Zhang has already said that Chinese people who dare to trespass into private houses will be shot and killed. During the curfew period, they dared to go to the streets to touch the bad luck of the Chinese army. Let's see!

The completely different performances of the Chinese and Japanese teams in Vladivostok have left a deep impression on the local people. The Japanese army that looks like it is all invaders!

The leaflets distributed by Chinese planes said that from the Outer Xing'an Mountains to Vladivostok is China's territory. The Soviet Russian government issued a declaration in December last year declaring that it would renounce all territories ceded from China and all unequal treaties. Is this true?We have lived here in Vladivostok for 12 years, a full 70 generations, and today we are not considered Russians?

Tsarist Russia’s development of Siberia and the Far East is the accumulation of tens of hundreds of years of investment and spare no efforts. This group of Russians who have lived in the local area for two or even three generations do not have the sense of belonging and centripetal force to China that they imagined.

Of course, the new regime in Soviet Russia is not popular. The Cheka alone is killing people, not to mention the "Land Decree". Most people miss the glory of the empire in the tsarist era!

Of course, the situation is stronger than the people. No matter how powerful the Bolsheviks are, the last 6000 defenders will still be wiped out. The flyer said that the personal and property safety of local residents is guaranteed, and you can also freely choose to become a Chinese citizen!

Whether the Chinese propaganda can be trusted, more than one commoner in the occupied Russian towns expressed doubts, but it seems true that the Chinese army does not trespass and disturb the people, but they kill people who dare to attack the Chinese The Russians who shot were really merciless, and even hung the corpses on the square and telephone poles, and painted slogans on them, indicating why this person was shot!

It is nothing more than robbery, murder, rape and daring to shoot at the Chinese participating army. Gradually, the Far East and Siberia were discovered by the people in the areas controlled by the Chinese participating army. Whoever dares to shoot at the Chinese army will be in trouble!Anyone who dares to take advantage of the chaos to rob-rob will be in bad luck!

In addition, the arrival of the squadron does not seem to have had much impact on the lives of ordinary people. The village chiefs and town chiefs are still in their original positions, and every household can receive a gift from the town office every day. To get a ration, of course, have to register.

The village chiefs and town chiefs said that the Chinese declared war would inevitably affect the lives of ordinary people, prices would rise, and food would be scarce. Therefore, in the territories that have been recovered by China, regardless of nationality or ethnicity, as long as they are local residents, they only need to go to Register, you can receive rations every day, guarantee the life of your family, and will not be displaced and starve to death because of the war!

Is there really such a stupid army?Are the invaders so merciful?Will they poison the food?Facts have proved that no, you can go to collect rations, or not, without your permission, no soldier is allowed to enter the house without permission, the huge army will not be without black sheep who disturb the people, they will be arrested and shot, hanged in the square and On the pole.

The charge is trespassing on private houses and committing crimes. Even if you turn around and intercede for these Chinese soldiers who have committed crimes, you will not be able to do so. Those who deserve to be killed must be shot!In the words of the Chinese military officer, if you can't control yourself, there is only one word, die!

After coming and going, the common people in Siberia and the Far East gradually accepted this point of view, you may not like the squadron, and they don’t even like you at all, but your life has not become worse because of their arrival, on the contrary There is a little more security and hope. At least the public security situation in the market is unprecedentedly good. Those who have the guts to harm the common people are basically hanging on the square and the poles!

And there is no shortage of food, you can go to get it once a day, each time it is enough for your family to deal with for a day, and you don’t give too much, I’m afraid you will resell it. Everyone knows that the whole of Russia is short of food this winter. I heard that there are many people in the west of the Ural Mountains All the places have run out of food, but in the Far East, there are actually rations distributed by the invaders. This food and strict military discipline have saved a lot of people's hearts for the Chinese army in the local area!

In fact, in the two days since the war started, the most shipped from China to Siberia and the Far East was not arms, but food. The surplus food in the whole of southern China was requisitioned and transported to the north continuously.

Why plan for a rainy day?This is planning for a rainy day!Since last year's summer grains, China-zheng fu's land taxes in the northern provinces have all been changed to payment in kind, and they have requisitioned grains in the south. In particular, Wang Geng has imported two batches of grains worth 1000 million US dollars each from the United States!

For Russia, Siberia and the Far East in 1918, nothing was more important than food. In the occupied areas, if you distribute one more ration, you may save the life of a family, and you may lose one participant in the Soviet Russian guerrillas. .

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