Beiyang 1917

Chapter 224 The Trouble of the Japanese Cabinet

In addition to food, wherever the Chinese participating troops went, in Siberia and the Far East, all towns and stations along the railway line had set up clinics. In addition to serving the Chinese garrison, they also served the people of Siberia and the Far East. Although the Spanish flu has appeared in various parts of the world, in the face of the penicillin that the governments of various countries are desperately producing and hoarding, the probability of dying from pneumonia and complications due to the flu is greatly reduced.

The invention and popularization of penicillin made the whole world receive the favor of Wang Geng and the Manhattan Industrial Bank. As a symbol of saving lives and healing the wounded and civilization, penicillin was mass-produced and used by the Allies and Allies. Of course, the priority was the army. Objectively speaking, the emergence of penicillin , making both sides of the war more confident to continue fighting.

Of course, the German-Austrian Allies were deeply grateful for the selfless actions of Wang Geng and the Manhattan Industrial Bank. If the Allies had penicillin but the Allies did not, then the battle would not be able to continue. Wang Geng’s reason for the Allies was that medicine There is no distinction between national boundaries and beliefs. Antibiotics like penicillin must serve all mankind, not just serve a certain political belief in a certain country.

In fact, with the firm support of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, the transfer of penicillin production technology and authorization by Manhattan Industrial Bank to major countries around the world, including Germany and Austria, was successfully realized.

Stepping into 1918, at this moment, each reorganized division of the participating army has its own military hospital and field ward, and medical soldiers are deployed to the front line of the squad. As far as the Far East and Siberia are concerned, the Chinese have come. I didn't plan to leave, especially in the Far East. Apart from aircraft, cannons and wheeled armored vehicles, the most impressive thing the Chinese brought was to provide free rations and medical services to the common people.

This is buying people's hearts, everyone understands, but in the face of hunger and disease, who can refuse life-saving food and life-saving medical treatment?No one can refuse all this.

The wounded and sick soldiers in Chai Goro’s No.12 Division even secretly went to the health center set up by the Chinese participating army in the city to see a doctor and get medicine, because the No.12 Division’s own medical security was a bit behind, and the number of 7000 people was huge. The casualties caused the shortage of medicines. Although most of the wounded soldiers were transported back to the mainland for treatment by the Japanese fleet, there were always some slightly injured guys who stayed in the military hospital in Vladivostok for treatment and lacked medicine.

To be honest, if the No. 17 division of the participating army suffered so many casualties, the medicines they brought with them may not be enough, but the Chinese participating army fought the battle of Shuangchengzi, annihilating 3000 Russian troops and capturing more than 2000 people. There were only more than 200 casualties, and the seriously wounded were quickly sent back to the large hospitals in Suifenhe, Mudanjiang and Harbin by train for treatment, while the lightly wounded stayed in the field hospital for recuperation.

What happened in Vladivostok made the Japanese military re-examine its actions in the Far East and Siberia. Obviously, in Vladivostok, the Chinese ate the meat, while the Japanese No.12 Division gnawed the bones. So what should we do next?

Will the Vladivostok Expedition continue to exist? In what form does the Japanese army continue to exist in the Far East?Is it from Vladivostok to take the train north and cross to the place where the birds don't shit to the north of the Waixing'an Mountains to go to Dangshengfan?

still. . .Re-negotiate with China and ask to re-demarcate the spheres of influence of the two parties in the Far East and Siberia?

In order to send troops to Siberia and Vladivostok, the cabinet of the Japanese Temple was in a mess. Army Minister Kenichi Oshima pointed his nose and scolded Foreign Minister Ichiro Motono for losing power and humiliating the country. How could such an agreement be reached with the Chinese government before sending troops? *The activity and development area of ​​the team is limited to the north of the Outer Xing'an Mountains!

If you don’t want big cities and fortresses like Vladivostok, Shuangchengzi, and Khabarovsk in the Far East Coastal Area, how can you gain and develop in the place where the birds don’t shit?

"Honno! As the foreign minister, you have set a bad precedent for Sino-Japanese diplomacy. Who told you to promise the Chinese that the Imperial Army can only operate freely in the area north of the Outer Xing'an Mountains and north of Lake Baikal?! You are responsible for the current situation! You are responsible for Vladivostok falling into the hands of the squadron! Your negotiation with the Chinese government is a complete loss of power and humiliation! The blood of the soldiers of the empire was shed in vain because of you!"

Minister of War Kenichi Oshima has always been proud of his Mino background, and he doesn't pay attention to local tyrants like Ichiro Motono, who was born in the Hizen domain. It is unbearable for the Chinese participating army to take over the defense of Vladivostok from Japan in a grand manner!

The prime minister in the temple kept a sullen face and did not speak. Obviously, he was quite dissatisfied with the agreement reached between Ichiro Motono and China at the moment, but then again, Oshima was getting more and more presumptuous. Gu said, no matter what agreement is reached in diplomacy, as long as the territory and cities won by the Japanese soldiers bravely fought bravely, they will never be handed over to the Chinese easily!

"Oshima-kun, who said it would be no problem for the Twelfth Division to take Vladivostok, and now who has Vladivostok handed over to the Chinese? Isn't it all your army!" Ichiro Motono tilted his nose angrily, Not to be outdone, he yelled.

"Honno, Oshima, be careful!" the Prime Minister of the temple frowned.

"That fellow Chai Goro, he said in his telegram that the Chinese had produced a copy of the agreement reached with your Minister of Foreign Affairs, so his No. 12 Division had to be handed over for defense!" The Minister of War gasped and roared.

"It's pure nonsense! The agreement we reached with the Chinese was within the framework of the Allied Powers, and there was no written agreement at all. It was just the witnesses of the envoys of the Allied Powers, Zhu Erdian, Kant and Rui Enshi. You guys That Chinese master Shibagoro has been fooled by others!" Minister of Foreign Affairs Ichiro Motono was not to be outdone.

"Haka! Moto! Are you saying I'm talking nonsense?! You! I want to fight you!" Oshima is fierce. In fact, Shibagoro didn't say that the Chinese produced any copy of the agreement, only that China People say that according to the consensus reached by China and Japan, the Japanese army can only travel together in Vladivostok. The defense and administration of the city are the responsibility of the Chinese, and all defense must be handed over!

"Oshima-kun! Moto-kun! That's enough! This is always a matter of self-importance. The purpose of today's meeting is to review the battle in the Far East in the past two days and decide on the next strategy. It's not to listen to the two of you wrangling and quarreling with each other. Yes!" the 65-year-old Prime Minister Terauchi Masaki couldn't help shouting!

"I think that although the No.12 Division suffered a bit heavy casualties, compared to Nogi-kun's performance in Lushun Fortress, Shiaigoro's No.12 Division is still worthy of the title of the Army's main division! I suggest Send a congratulatory message and commendation to the dispatched troops in Vladivostok!!" Although Kenichi Oshima looked down on Shibagoro, a feud from the Aizu feudal clan, he was fighting for the reputation of the Japanese army at the moment, and he was quite clear about the priority!

"Then why are you yelling! The empire wants to fight the Far East and now it has to fight the Chinese. Are you ready? That Chinese Wang Geng armed [-] integrated divisions with the support of the Americans in less than a year , the firepower and maneuverability of each division is more than twice that of a division of the Japanese Army. If your Ministry of the Army dares to turn against the Chinese, does my Ministry of Foreign Affairs need to be this villain? Tell yourself, do you dare now? Turn against the Chinese army participating in the war!"

At this time, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ichiro Motono began to be relentless. This guy was known as a hawk and tough in the cabinet of the temple. Both Geng and Xia Yiting were quite tough, which made this guy feel aggrieved and powerless. Speaking of which, isn't the Japanese army not strong enough?

If the military can give the cabinet enough support and confidence, is he, the foreign minister, still so weak and helpless in his foreign negotiations?Having said that, in front of the aggressive Chinese Wang Geng, he was able to win for the Great Japanese Empire to maintain the status of the South Manchuria Railway, Guandong Prefecture, Jiaozhou Bay and Qingdao temporarily unchanged, which is already a great achievement!

The Chinese are now producing nearly 28000 barrels of oil in Renqiuri, and according to intelligence, there seems to be a huge one to the west of Wang Geng's earliest base camp, Suiyuan Baotou. . .Possibility of oil field?

Whether it is the Allied Powers or Japan, there has always been lingering worries about the awakening of China, the sleeping dragon. This time, China will take advantage of the opportunity of the European War to get on the lap of the Americans, and in a blink of an eye, the old hen will become Duck, it actually looks like a phoenix nirvana.

Since Britain, the United States and France have acquiesced in China's withdrawal of the border since the "Sino-Russian Nerchinsk Treaty", it is obviously that in the regional politics of the Far East, China's weight at this moment is heavier than Japan!This is the truth!

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