Beiyang 1917

Chapter 228 Saber Chief Jun Hata 6

"How about setting up a joint command headquarters for the armies of China and Japan in Siberia and the Far East?" The Prime Minister of the temple is obviously still a little bit reluctant to let go of Hirano's idea. When it was troublesome, he was treated like a thief and guarded against losing three points without fighting the battle.

"Your Excellency in the temple! The Imperial Army will absolutely not accept the command of the Chinese. Absolutely not. Most of the division commanders and brigade commanders of Wang Geng's participating army were only lieutenant colonel and major battalion-level officers a year ago. How can they command the empire's divisions? Regiment? Can Lieutenant General Shibagoro agree? Can Lieutenant General Fujii agree? It's a joke! Absolutely not!"

The Minister of War shook his head and jumped up to object like a rattle drum. When did the Japanese Army get involved in this?It is absolutely impossible to hand over your own warriors to the Chinese to command!Can't agree!

"Prime Minister, please withdraw your order, or I am afraid that the army will lead to a mutiny!" Kenichi Oshima is really impatient at the moment, if the cabinet makes such a decision, even if he resigns as the Minister of the Army, he will be blamed !

"Your Excellency, Oshima-kun's concerns have to be considered. Look at this. In name, we can continue to maintain the independence of the Imperial Army's command in the Far East and Siberia. In fact, we have established close liaison with the Chinese participating troops. And communication, the two sides' strategic actions are in step, at most, we can remotely command the two ** teams in the Far East like Wang Geng in the Nanyuan base camp!"

Ichiro Hirano obviously came prepared. In any case, the so-called Vladivostok Expeditionary Army or the Waixinganling Expeditionary Army, without the approval and cooperation of the Chinese, the artery of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and the port of Vladivostok, The Imperial Army will accomplish nothing in the Far East and Siberia.

"Establish the Far East and Siberia countermeasure headquarters? I heard that China's Wang Geng, his headquarters in Nanyuan directly commanded every mixed brigade on the front line? How can this battle be fought? Is it like the emperor in the Song Dynasty? , the frontline generals do it? This is easier said than done, but it is ridiculous, the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, of course, it should be up to the frontline commanders to adapt to the situation!"

The current Prime Minister and Field Marshal Terauchi Masahiro who served as the Minister of the Army for ten years and the Governor-General of North Korea for six years is the veteran of the Japanese Army. In terms of ability, qualifications and prestige, he is much stronger than those two incompetent guys, Oshima and Hirano!

"This is not the case. According to Lin Quanzhu, the reason why the Chinese participating army has three mixed brigades under one reorganized division is that each brigade of this army has the ability to fight independently. The participating army The artillery of a mixed brigade exceeds that of one of our divisions, and the degree of mechanization is astonishingly high. This team was built without regard to cost and consumption!"

"Moreover, the division commanders of the participating army come from various factions, including the Zhili, Feng, Anhui, and Southern Party members, but most of its brigade commanders are from the 16th Mixed Brigade where Wang Geng was the first brigade commander. , almost all brigade-level chief officers have the experience of training in the model teaching regiment of the first division! So it seems that the Chinese participating army only has 50 reorganized divisions, but the firepower of his machine guns and cannons is equivalent to 30 Japanese Army divisions! His strength is equivalent to [-] British or French divisions!"

Hirano analyzed the formation and command system of the Chinese participating army for Terauchi and Oshima with his fingers like a few treasures.

"Okay! Don't say any more. I have decided that the Imperial Army's operations in the Far East and Siberia must follow two principles. First, it must obtain the understanding of the squadron. Second, it must keep pace with the squadron. , As for how to coordinate the two armies in private, this matter is left to Hirano and Lin Quanzhu to communicate with that Wang Geng! The next target of the Imperial Army is the Ural region and the north of the Outer Xing'an Mountains, so that Wang Geng must recognize the coordination between the two sides Act with sincerity!"

"By the way, Mr. Oshima, is there any suitable candidate from the Ministry of the Army who can be stationed at Wang Geng's headquarters? Lin Quanzhu's status as a minister in China is not enough. You can't keep bothering Hirano's foreign affairs with the affairs of your army. Province!"

The more the Prime Minister in the temple listened, the more his heart became colder, and he simply waved his hand to make a decision. This matter can only be done first while holding his nose. It is good to get as much benefits as possible. Anyway, Japan only plans to send three divisions to intervene first. If the situation in Russia can really be made famous in the Urals, the credit for opening up the territory can be recorded in the annals of history!

Oshima was taken aback, but he didn't expect that Hirano's few words really convinced the temple, this matter is troublesome, but since the Japanese army is still commanding the Japanese army in name, and the Minister of War has no reason to object, Jiang is obviously still old Spicy, it is true that this temple is planning to cover up Chen Cang to get some benefits.

"Do you want to send someone to the headquarters of the Chinese Army Commander? This is an opportunity. Hey, Hirano, can you help Lin Quan, can the Chinese accept the Imperial Army to send liaison officers to their headquarters! Don't arrange it here Someone, you will be shut down again!" Oshima asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"There's nothing wrong with this, but I guess if you send a liaison staff officer, they won't let you into the war room. At most, they will serve as a communication and liaison officer. In fact, the military attache of the Japanese embassy in China can take on this job. Come!" Hirano didn't want to have any new channels to deal with the participating troops, so he wanted the military attache of the legation to be stationed in Nanyuan as a liaison officer.

"No! The military attache at the legation has the signboard of Banxi Mansion on their foreheads. Everyone knows that they are intelligence personnel. It's no wonder if they don't guard against you. I think we will send a liaison staff officer from the Ministry of the Army to directly contact the army. The staff headquarters maintain a direct line of communication, so as to effectively strengthen the coordinated actions of the Chinese and Japanese forces in the Far East!"

Oshima had the opportunity to install his own people to the headquarters of the Chinese army outside the channels of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, how could he give up this opportunity so easily!

"Oshima-kun, do you have a suitable candidate for a long time? If not, let the Banxi Mansion send a staff officer there. Anyway, they have stayed in Beijing for a long time, and they don't even need an interpreter!" Urging to ask.

"Yes! Of course there is! The Sixth Lieutenant Assistant Hata Toshi of the General Staff Headquarters is very suitable. He graduated from the 22nd class chief of Lu University. Before that, he graduated as the second class of Lu Shi. He participated in the third army of Your Excellency Nogi. He fought hard in Lushun. He is an artillery expert. I visited China for a period of time and studied military affairs in Germany. He is a rising star in the General Staff Headquarters. He also served as the combat squad leader of the General Staff Headquarters, and the main editor of the "Imperial National Defense Policy" and "Empire's Military Program"! I think he will be competent This job!"

Oshima introduced the origin of Shunliu Hata like a few treasures. This guy is not talking nonsense. Shunliu Hata’s elder brother Eitaro Hata is also an amazing talent. In Wang Geng’s previous life, both brothers were generals in the army. Of course, they are now His qualifications are still relatively low, and Eitaro Hata was also the chief graduate of Luda University at the time. He was promoted to Infantry Colonel on April 1917, 4, and now he is the captain of the Sixth Infantry Regiment of the No.1 Division.

"Is it just a lieutenant assistant? Will Wang Geng be underestimated by sending a lieutenant assistant there? The colonel over there is only a regimental commander, and the brigade commander is a major general. We only send a lieutenant assistant there?" The temple was obviously a little hesitant. That Wang Geng is already a general of the Chinese army at this moment. For a general of the Chinese army who is only 24 years old, the Japanese military can only send a lieutenant officer to be a liaison officer?Can that person put you in their eyes?

As far as the training of officers in China and Japan is concerned, there is a world of difference between Wang Geng's participating army and the Japanese Army. He was promoted to the head of the city brigade within half a year, and if he graduated from Japan's serious army non-commissioned officer school, he would be a captain at the top of the sky. soon!

After all, the mainland of Japan has 50-70 graduates every year, and the standing division of the Japanese Army has been less than 20 in the past 20 years. You can count how many graduates have no chance to make up for the lack of troops. How long is the road to training officers!

"I've heard of this Hata Toshiroku, he's as talented as his brother, so how about the rank of Zoga in the artillery, if there are too few stars and flowers, I'm afraid it's really underestimated!" The matter was settled in this way, and the combat squad leader of the staff headquarters, Toshiro Hata, was sent to the headquarters of the Chinese Army as a special commissioner and a military attache to help coordinate communications and liaison between the two countries' military operations in Siberia!

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