Beiyang 1917

Chapter 229 Ulyanov must be invited

The squadron's military operations in the Far East made significant progress from the very beginning. The war started only two days ago. In the Far East, Shuangchengzi and Vladivostok fell one after another. Vyazemsky, in the direction of Manzhouli, the squadron has occupied Mogoitui at the intersection of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Middle East Road, and also occupied Berezzo, which is less than 100 kilometers away from Nerchinsk. Fuka.

In the direction of Kyakta, Outer Mongolia, after occupying Ulan-Ude on the first day, the squadron quickly advanced across the frozen Lake Baikal on the second day, and directly occupied Irkutsk, an important town in the west of the lake!Siberia's largest industrial city.

Urgent telegrams flew from Siberia and the Far East to Moscow like snowflakes. The new Soviet Russian regime and the Central Committee chaired by Bukharin were obviously a little dumbfounded. After Chak and the Czech Legion, Eastern Siberia and the Far East seemed to be on the verge of collapse at any time.

"Comrade Bukharin! You are simply terrible. At this time, what is the use of protesting to the Allies and the Chinese government? What's more, the Allies have not officially recognized the new Soviet Russian regime at all! In their opinion Any provisional government composed of bourgeois, Mensheviks, and Socialist Revolutionaries can be a representative of Russia, only our Soviet regime is not!" Chicherin, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, couldn't help but shouted!

Just now Bukharin beat the table and asked his Ministry of Foreign Affairs to express the most serious protest to the Allied Powers, especially China and Japan, to protest their ruthless violation of Russian territory!In the end, he was pushed back by Chicherin's answer above!

"You traitor, don't you look at the enemy's invasion of our territory indifferently! We will organize 100 million Red Army soldiers to drive the invaders out of Russia, out of Siberia, and out of the Far East! The blood of the pioneers of Russia must never be in vain Flow!" Bukharin's indiscriminate words revealed the true intentions of great-power chauvinism.

"Having said that, the Chinese-zheng fu responded to the declaration issued by Comrade Ulyanov on behalf of the Soviet Russian zheng fu in December last year, so...theoretically, their taking back the Far East is not considered an invasion. That place was originally Tsarist Russia from the Qing Dynasty I snatched it from my hand!" Kamenev said coldly.

On the Western Front, Trotsky led the Red Army in the bloody battle in Petrograd to keep the front and the city, but he did not expect the situation in the Far East and Siberia to change so quickly. Irkutsk fell, and the Vladivostok Fortress, which claimed to be as strong as Lushun back then, also fell, and the 6000 local defenders controlled by the Bolsheviks were wiped out.

"The situation in Khabarovsk is also unstable. Now the Chinese have cut off the Trans-Siberian Railway in Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, and Mogoitui respectively. Chita and Khabarovsk have lost their rear and support. I'm afraid it won't last for a few days, the local Soviet sent a telegram requesting a large retreat, how will Zhong Yang plan to answer?" Dzerzhinsky frowned while looking at the map on the table.

"The Bolsheviks have absolutely no deserters. The local Soviet chairman should be shot! Dzerzhinsky, where are your Chekas? You must act quickly and wipe out all the traitors and traitors who are ready to ruin our great Soviet regime." , Eliminate them all physically and mentally!" Buhar roared in a stern voice.

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult to withdraw, unless you lay down your weapons and be sent back. In the east of Lake Baikal, there is only Chita, and the defenders are no more than 8000 people. In the Far East, there is only Khabarovsk, and the defenders are only in the early 10000s. According to the current summary According to the information, the Chinese army dispatched at least four divisions. According to the establishment of their participating army, that is a team of 12 people. In addition, there is a brigade of the Japanese Army in the direction of Temple Street, and a division of the Japanese Army in Vladivostok. Regiment, there is no way to win this battle, and it is understandable for the local Soviet to ask for a retreat!"

Zinoviev said on the sidelines that in his opinion, the demands of the local Soviets were reasonable and outnumbered, and continued fearless resistance would only kill the Bolsheviks in front of the dominant enemy and weaken the power of the Soviets!

"Retreat is absolutely not allowed! Let the Chekas take action. Anyone who dares to lay down their weapons or flee without a fight will be shot! Even if he is a division commander or a military commander! Whoever dares to block deserters will be shot!" Bubu Harlem was spitting all over the place, and his emotions were quite agitated!

Dzerzhinsky shrugged and muttered, "In Siberia and the Far East, not to mention the Cheka, even the Bolsheviks are minorities. It is a miracle that Chita and Khabarovsk haven't surrendered yet. You can't expect The garrisons in every place would rather die than surrender like that glorious brigade in Vladivostok! How many Russians are in the enemy's prisoner-of-war camps! We must be cautious, radicalization may bring worse results!"

"Kamenev! How many workers can Moscow mobilize to join the Red Army? How did you become the chairman of the Soviet? We must arm the 100 million Red Army as soon as possible to fight on the Eastern Front. We must first defeat Kolchak and the Czech Army, and then Go and clean up the Chinese and Japanese who invaded our territory!" Bukharin turned around and pressed Kamenev, the chairman of the Moscow Soviet.

"There are 100 million workers. Workers from all over the country are retreating to Moscow, but there is no bread and no weapons. What do you use to arm them? With the Tsar's muzzle gun? You know that the Chinese use American-style munitions Well, each squad has two semi-automatic m1 rifles and a Browning squad machine gun. Now the Red Army is still being formed, but often a company can’t make up a machine gun! And the key is food! There is no food How to organize the Red Army!" Kamenev slapped the hat king on the table and said. <It is not uncommon for the crops to fail to pick up in the sky. Send workers pickets to the countryside to collect grain!Why not act! Bukharin waved his hands, showing a bit of hatred for Kamenev!

"Where to send? The grain in the countryside near Moscow has been confiscated long ago, and if you go again, you will grab the people's rations. Ukraine is now in rebellion everywhere, and the Urals have fallen into the hands of Kolchak. All over the country There is a shortage of food, where can we go to collect food!" Kamenev shouted loudly. <God! "Bukharin sat back in his chair with his head downcast!

"I suggest that the Central Committee invite Comrade Ulyanov back, he will find a solution, we cannot win without him!" Kamenev repeated the old words!

"I agree with Comrade Kamenev's suggestion that Comrade Ulyanov should return to the army as soon as possible. At the same time, we also need to transfer Comrade Trotsky or Comrade Joseph back to take charge of military work!" Zinoviev On the sidelines.

"Whether Comrade Ulyanov can come back or not must be discussed and approved at a central committee meeting, especially the opinions of Trotsky and Comrade Joseph!" Bukharin, the party theorist, obviously refused to bow his head easily , I managed to get the position of chairman of the central yang committee.

When Ulyanov comes back, where should he put himself?Is it possible not to move him?Everyone has experienced Comrade Ulyanov's temper. If he can't convince you with his ideas, he will threaten the Zhongyang Committee by yelling to resign at any time. Is such a person really suitable to be the chairman of the Zhongyang Committee?

"I agree to invite Comrade Ulyanov to come back and preside over the work of the central government as soon as possible!" Before he finished speaking, a man rushed in through the door!

"Comrade Trotsky!" Kamenev, Zinoviev, and Dzerzhinsky couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw the visitor. It was the Red Army commanding the Petrograd front two days ago who pushed the door in. Founder - Comrade Trotsky, Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council!

"Comrades! The situation is grim! I agree with everyone. Comrade Ulyanov must be invited back to the central government to preside over the work. We oppose him making peace with Germany, but we do not object to him leading us and leading the Central Committee to defeat the current situation. I believe Comrade Ulyanov will be able to lead everyone out of the predicament!"

Trotsky grabbed someone's water glass from the table and drank it, put down the glass, wiped his mouth, and said firmly!

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