Beiyang 1917

Chapter 233 Iron Blood and Tenderness

In the spring of 1918, the miracle created by the Chinese model army participating in the war in Siberia and the Far East has never been broken since then. In two weeks, it opened up and controlled all the stations and towns along the 2-kilometer railway of the Trans-Siberian Railway. This team has only been in the army for less than a year.

Of course, the emptiness of Soviet Russia in the Siberian interior left an opportunity for the squadron to take advantage of, and the squadron's multi-point breakthrough, point-to-point line, ground-air coordination, and infantry coordination tactics have also begun to emerge. Wang Geng As far as his participating army is concerned, there is no saying that the weak enemy is strong and the less is fighting more. Emphasizing firepower and mobility are the biggest characteristics of the Chinese participating army.

However, the station and town garrisons along the Trans-Siberian Railway do not seem to have entered a wartime state at all. For example, no one even imagined the destruction of the railway and station, and the delayed advance of the squadron to the west.

In other words, the arrogant and autistic old men never had time to come to their senses. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was so difficult at the beginning, which indirectly became one of the reasons why the Russians were reluctant to destroy their own railways. <The day is not easy for all Russians. On the one hand, the oncoming food shortage is the result of several years of wars that have destroyed rural productivity. The scramble made everyone indulge in demonstrations and speeches on the streets and revolution after revolution, or coup d'etat, talking about repression.

From Irkutsk in the west of Lake Baikal all the way to the seaside to Vladivostok, the local residents along the 4700-kilometer railway line are unfortunate, because their homeland, which they thought they would live forever, was suddenly occupied by the squadron that broke into it. All the resistance in the district was suppressed in the bloodiest way. Anyone who dared to attack the squadron, even if he just threw a stone, would be shot to death and hung on the poles in the town square and the station for public display.

The Chinese participating army maintains such a vast and long occupied area, relying on one soft and one hard. The soft aspect is to provide local residents with a ration that can satisfy their hunger free of charge, and set up health centers everywhere they go. Provide free medical services to local residents.

The hard hand is that all resistance against the Chinese participating troops was extinguished immediately. The squadrons did not leave the railway lines and towns to suppress bandits in dense forests and snowy fields. This spring they only maintained the towns and railway lines Security and order at the station.

Moreover, the civil administration of all occupied areas has been handed over to the original local government, civil servants, and police, but the Bolsheviks are not among them. In fact, there are not many local Bolsheviks, and a small number of them even went to the mountains and dense forests to become Most of the guerrillas died while guarding the town or entered the prisoner-of-war camp.

There was only one fate for prisoners of war: they were transported back to the coal mines and iron mines along the Middle East Railway in Heilongjiang to serve hard labor. The captive policy of the Chinese army participating in the war was very strange. Once the battle started, he was either killed or captured, and there was no third way out.

The Chinese participating army promises to protect the personal and property safety of the local residents, provided that they abide by the "Regulations on the Administration of Public Security in Occupied Areas" and refrain from any illegal or hostile activities against the squadron. Otherwise, they are the enemies of the Chinese participating army, and China Although the troops participating in the war have only shown iron and blood against the enemy for only two weeks, even the battle-tested Japanese No. 12 Division shuddered at the sight of it!

Of course, at this moment in Siberia and the Far East have experienced countless battles, big and small. Many old and new soldiers of the four reorganized divisions of the Chinese participating army have gradually grown from seeing the first recruit who vomited his body to the ground Killing predators without batting an eye on the battlefield, in the battle of Chita, there was even an ace sniper who killed nearly 50 Soviet Russian troops in a battle.

From Manzhouli and Suifenhe, the trains leaving and returning every day are almost non-stop around the clock. The food and munitions logistics materials are transported out of the country, and the coal, ore and logs are transported back. The Soviet Russian guerrillas are still active around the 4700-kilometer Siberian Railway. Silhouettes, five miles away from each other, trains are constantly being attacked, and news of railway explosions is coming.

With the support and connivance of the Chinese army participating in the war, the local residents who have accepted the reality spontaneously organized patrols and road protection. The method used by the Chinese army to punish the guerrillas was very different and effective. In the event of sabotage or an attack on a patrol, all stations and towns within [-] miles before and after the incident will stop distributing that free ration.

Until the guerrillas were reported and handed over by the local residents, otherwise no food would be distributed.

If the livelihood of the nearby Russian residents was ruined because of the attack on the squadron and the railway, then don’t blame this group of local old and young men for the sake of the survival of the whole family to inform the participating army to be a Russian prisoner!

The military discipline of the Chinese army participating in the war is so strict that the local people can't bear it. Trespassing on a private house is a capital crime. A group of 2 people, mostly half a class or a class. <Hey, the most beautiful scenery along the 4700-kilometer railway line is made muddled by drinking the free rations distributed by the squadron, and then asking them to harm the Chinese people is beyond the reach of most people.


After the Bolsheviks disappeared and went underground on the land along the 4700 kilometers, the officials of the Tsarist Russian period, the landlords, and the country gentry gradually became active. Regardless of whether this land will belong to China or Russia in the future, it is obvious that the Chinese respect the private ownership of land. Yes, the landlord’s land will not be confiscated for free and distributed to landless peasants!

To a large extent, this is the same as the free distribution of food, which has won the hearts of many people in China, especially the rich and wealthy landlords, and the rich peasants have also let go of their hearts. Again:

The squadron protects all peaceful and good-natured residents of this land, whether you are Jewish or Arab, whether you are Russian or German!All peaceful and law-abiding residents are protected by squadrons.

As for Japan, the Japanese army, which was marginalized in the previous two weeks of military operations, finally ushered in a place to use. With the completion of the 4700-kilometer railway line, Japan's military operations into the West Siberia Plain and the Ural region were suppressed. Put it on the agenda.

The great success achieved by the Chinese participating army within 2 weeks of the war not only made the Japanese military's eyes envious, but also made the Japanese ruling and opposition parties finally unify their opinions, that is, under the current circumstances, strengthening the cooperation and friendship between China and Japan is a top priority. Any idea of ​​challenging the squadron must be buried in the heart and can no longer be talked about casually. Relying on the support of China, it is possible for the Imperial Army to extend its claws to the rich and oily West Siberia Plain.

It is such a rich and beautiful land, with mountains, rivers, forests, coal mines, oil, iron ore, copper mines, everything that one expects to find. Looking at the moment when the old Russian polar bear is about to be divided up by the whole world, if the United States, Britain, France, and Western powers are unable to spare their hands, go to it The space is taken up, and there is no place to cry when the time comes!

Soon, the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters canceled the original establishment of the misnamed Vladivostok Expeditionary Army and the Outer Xing'anling Expeditionary Army to supplement the Japanese Army's No.12 Division, Seventh Division and Third Division after the Reserve Corps. The West Siberia Expedition Army was composed of three divisions including the North Korean Army, but the commander of the Expedition Army was transferred to Utsunomiya Taro, the former commander of the Korean Army and the commander of the Fourth Division.

The head of the Fourth Division was replaced by Tachibana Koichiro.

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