Beiyang 1917

Chapter 234 The Nagoya Division Leading the Battle

This Utsunomiya Taro (..) is a native of Saga Prefecture, a Japanese intelligence giant, and one of the Army's Santaro during the Meiji period. The founder of the Saga Left Shoulder Valve after ri.In the past and future, the so-called imperial way faction in the Japanese army are all his disciples and grandchildren.



Don't underestimate the so-called "Ministry Attachment" of the Japanese Army, who has been attached to the Headquarters of the General Staff. When they are sent to the army during a war, they can often directly command cadres at the division head level!After that, he was on a business trip to India, a member of the Second Bureau of the General Staff Headquarters, served as the Army Staff Officer of the base camp during the Sino-Japanese War of 1-[-], a member of the Third Department of the General Staff Headquarters, a military attache attached to the British Embassy, ​​a military attache attached to the Swedish Embassy, ​​the secretary of the mainland, and the captain of the [-]st Infantry Regiment. Chief of Staff Headquarters.


As for the Seventh Division, his predecessor, Fujii Yukizuki, was even worse than his predecessor. This guy was quite good at maintaining law and order in the occupied area as the commander of the Korean Army, and this guy was the same as the Japanese Army Staff Officer. Chief Uehara Yusaku's relationship is very good, so he was handpicked to be dispatched by the commander of the West Siberia Dispatch Army.

It's just that he didn't transfer his own Fourth Division stationed in North Korea, but continued to call the Seventh Division stationed in Kanto Prefecture. In addition to Utsunomiya Taro, who was originally the former division head of the Seventh Division, another important The reason for this is to reduce the garrison in Kanto Prefecture and express goodwill to China, showing that now is the time for China and Japan to join hands to create a new atmosphere in Asia!

In this way, the Japanese Army finally formed an expeditionary corps. The head of the No. 12 Division, Chai Goro, was the oldest and the most experienced. Unfortunately, this guy had never been to the mainland, and he was born in the Aizu Domain, the sworn enemy of the Changzhou Domain. Even though this guy was the first to be promoted to major general, he was promoted to major general in 1907, but the title of commander-in-chief of the dispatched army still passed him by.

Of course, with the support of naval guns, the No.12 division with superior strength actually suffered one-third of the casualties in Vladivostok, which is also an important reason why Chai Goro did not become the commander.

The commander of the third division, Erlang Niba (..) from Yamaguchi Prefecture, was the leader of Yutomo Yamaguchi's group who sent troops to West Siberia to share a share of the pie. He entered the army's juvenile school on a monthly basis, and entered the 1880th period of Lu Shijiu in June 4. On June 1883, 6, he was awarded the rank of second lieutenant of the army and served as the 8rd infantry regiment.

On December 1892, 12, he graduated from the 2th term (with honors) of the Army University, one term lower than that of Utsunomiya. He served successively as an official at the General Staff Headquarters, as an adjutant of the Military Depot Director's Department, as a member of the First Bureau of the General Staff Headquarters, and studied in Germany (8-1895). Instructor of Lu University, member of the General Staff Headquarters and Adjutant of Marshal Youpeng of Shanxian County, and staff officer of the base camp.


Then he served as the principal of the Army Infantry School, the head of the 11th Infantry Brigade, the head of the General Staff Headquarters (Tsarist Russian Military Observer in World War I), and the commander of the 3rd Division. Still a fashionable errand in wartime.

The head of the third division, Erlang Baba, and the head of the seventh division, Fujii Yukizuki, are both classmates who graduated from the 8th term of the University of China, but the background of Oba is better. The founder is the direct descendant of Aritomo Yamagata, known as the father of the Japanese Army.

In Wang Geng's view, the names of the division heads of the Western Siberia Dispatch Army in Japan are quite interesting. A Utsunomiya Taro from the 7th period of the Luda University led a Oba Jiro from the 8th period of the Luda University. He dragged an unpopular Shibagoro, and this Fujii Yukizuki was the third child at home.

Isn't that good, Ryuko Taro can lead Erlang, Saburo and Goro to the west to play Dragon Quest!

Three divisions, three factions, dispatched army commander Utsunomiya and the seventh division belong to the direct line of the army chief of staff Yusaku Uehara, and the third division Oba Jiro is the father of the Japanese army, former prime minister, and Field Marshal Yutomo Yamagata Shibagoro, the No.12 Division of the most unpopular lineage, is the favorite of Emperor Meiji.

Since the Chinese participating army has just controlled the Trans-Siberian Railway from Irkutsk to Vladivostok, the entire railway transportation is quite busy. It is necessary to ensure the munitions replenishment and logistical military supplies of the Chinese participating army with four divisions and 12 people. The transport of relief rations was stopped, so the train wagons were quite tight.

The number of wagons arranged by the Chinese participating army in the first phase was only enough to carry one division. The leaders of the last three divisions all rushed to take the lead in making great achievements for the expansion of the empire. After a long time of quarreling, the third Division Oba Jiro seized the opportunity to take the lead for the dispatched army.

Don't underestimate the pressure brought by the transportation of a division's troops and weapons and equipment to the railway transportation. In this season of 1918, the front of a general steam train can hang 60 carriages, with a total load of about 3000 tons, while one iron carriage can at most Also install a squadron of 180 troops.

In addition to artillery, vehicles, ammunition, tents, logistics supplies, etc., the third division has 4 infantry regiments, a field artillery regiment, an engineering regiment, a cavalry regiment, plus logistics and supply troops, and the entire division has nearly 5000 people. There are countless mules and horses in 200 trucks, which is enough to load nearly ten heavy troop transport trains.

The marching route of this West Siberia dispatched army chose to take the South Manchuria Railway-Middle Eastern Railway-Manzhouli Outbound-Borja-Chita-Ulan-Ude, Irkutsk until the border of Irkutsk where Sun Liangcheng was stationed. Schett.

The so-called speed of soldiers is expensive. In later generations, it only takes 9937 days and 7 nights to complete the 3500 kilometers of the Trans-Siberian Railway. At this time, the Japanese Third Division, as the vanguard of the dispatched army, set off from Dalian and walked the entire 3 kilometers for 3 days and [-] nights. They also arrived in Taishet without any risk.

This may be the first time that a division of the Japanese Army has gone abroad to defend the honor of the Imperial Army. This third division is also called the Nagoya Division. It was organized in Nagoya. In the previous life, it sent troops to Siberia to rescue the Czech Army At that time, it was not a bear to fight against the Soviet Red Army. It could be called the ace first-class division of the Japanese Army.

It’s just that the guys from Nagoya don’t take long-distance trains, and they still suffer from jet lag after crossing several time zones. Although the journey only took three days and three nights, they can wait for the dispatch in a camp south of Taishet Station. The army's camp was set up to treat the wounded and revive the morale, and it took another three days to officially cross the border of Irkutsk and enter Western Siberia.

Looking back, two weeks after entering Siberia, the Chinese participating army took control of all towns, strongholds, fortresses and stations along the 4700-kilometer Trans-Siberian Railway from Taishet on the eastern border of Irkutsk on Lake Baikal to Vladivostok in the Far East.

This caused a huge sensation all over the world. Large cities in northern China held massive celebration parades. Zheng Fu Duan Qirui and the Chinese soldiers who participated in the war became well-deserved national heroes of the country. Xu Shuzheng's propaganda and news front focused on Propaganda that the Chinese participating army has regained all the lost ground since the Sino-Russian Treaty of Nerchinsk in 1689.

And downplaying China and even occupying the wider towns and land along the railway line from Nerchinsk to Irkutsk, the Chinese have not enjoyed this kind of elated mood in front of the world and the big powers for many years. In 1918 At this moment in March, the reputation of Duan Qirui's Zheng Fu has once again jumped to the peak, and the record and achievements of the Chinese participating troops have become the hottest topic among the Chinese people after dinner.

The efficiency of recruiting troops of the Chinese Army in March has increased significantly, and there has been a wave of enthusiasm for joining the army to serve the country and defend the border all over the country. Countless young people are scrambling to apply to join this mighty army at the recruiting point of the Army. Teacher of civilization.

The unexpected brilliant record of the Chinese participating troops also made the United States, Britain, France and other Allied Powers begin to face up to a question, that is, whether it is necessary to negotiate a peace with the Soviet Russian government, and whether to rely on the ground forces of China and Japan to directly defeat the new Soviet Russian regime. For the Allied Powers and world geopolitics, will the whole of Russia be broken down into a number of separate small and medium-sized countries by advancing the Baltic Sea, or will the benefits outweigh the benefits?

We must know that although the Allied Powers used the rebellion of the Czech Legion to make the Siberian Provisional Self-Government Government take the opportunity to attack and capture Kazan, but whether the white guards in the initial stage led by Kolchak can win is the "Land Decree" The bewitched and armed Red Army did not have much confidence.

Now the performance of the squadron and the level of investment of the Japanese army made the Allied Powers start to think, is it necessary for the huge Soviet Russia to tolerate its existence?Of course, there is no end to Deo's matter!

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