Beiyang 1917

Chapter 237 Ulyanov Reappears

The spring of 1918 was a nightmare for the vast majority of Russian people. At least everyone could have food at the time of the tsar and the temporary government, but now there is no surplus food anywhere, and they were dismissed from the front by the Soldiers Committee Millions of people and the demobilized old Tsarist Russian army became refugees returning home.

Social security inevitably deteriorated. These soldiers who survived fighting for the motherland for three and a half years suddenly woke up overnight to find themselves homeless demobilized soldiers. From a moment on, you have to feed yourself, and the few rubles everyone gets are not enough to buy bread at this moment when food prices are soaring.

Of course, the Bolsheviks are recruiting and forming the Red Army, but to join you first have to ask who do you support?Social Revolutionaries?Mensheviks?Or the Bolsheviks?

For most of the officers and soldiers at the bottom of Tsarist Russia, many of them have been illiterate all their lives, not to mention what is doctrine, what is exploitation, and what is revolution. Soldiers, the final selection method is to ask him if he has land at home?

"Sir, my family is a poor peasant. We grow several acres of land. The food we can harvest is not enough to pay taxes. I think I meet the requirements for joining the Red Army!" A demobilized Cossack soldier from the Don River led his horse. , with the Red Army recruiters who were in charge of recruiting.

"Aha? There are poor farmers with horses? Don't fool me, let me ask you, is this horse worth a lot of money? How many acres of land can you exchange for in your hometown?"

The person in charge of the recruiting point at the station along the railway was a temporary small leader from the working class. He didn't know much about the tradition of Ukrainian Cossack families raising horses and bringing their own weapons to the battlefield.

"My family is really poor peasants, comrade, please accept me, you see, this is the Silver Star Medal I got in the original army, I am a good scout cavalry, but the whole division was disbanded by the Soldiers Committee, issued The few rubles I paid for the trip are not enough for three days of food, comrade, please accept me, my horse is so hungry that I can hardly walk!" Kneel down!

"Then let me ask you, do you support the "Land Decree"? Every soldier who wants to join the Red Army has to express his opinion. Comrade Ulyanov said that people cannot choose their origin, but they can choose their path. Comrade Budyonny also He was born as a Cossack, but he chose the road of revolution and completely broke with the old class!"

To say that although this little leader is a bit superior to the working class in front of the peasants and Cossacks at the moment, he has a good ability to combine theory with practice and apply what he has learned. He knows what Ulyanov said in his speech, and he also knows Budyonny, a Red Army cavalry general of Cossack origin!

"I support it, of course I support it! I firmly support and support the decrees of zheng fu. Isn't it that when we return to our hometown in the future, we will take the land of the landlords and rich peasants and distribute it to our poor peasants. This is a great thing. How can I I don’t support it!” The Cossack, who was so hungry that both men and horses stared at him, hurriedly stated his position firmly!

"So, it's almost the same, but remember what you said today, can you be a strong Bolshevik, but it depends on your performance in the future! Come and register your name, and then take this to the side of the station I have to go to the barracks to report, but I have to act fast, or there won’t be much left for lunch!" The little leader of the workers finally nodded.

The ecstatic Cossack rushed forward to report his name, age and place of origin to the clerk in charge of registration, and then took a numbered bamboo stick and rushed towards the station barracks excitedly.

The crowd waiting for the recruitment at the back swarmed up and surrounded the recruiting point tightly, yelling that there is me, and I will join too. Our family is a poor peasant, hurry up comrades, and fill in my name quickly. . .

Here, the little leader of the workers waved his hands and only shouted to line up, one by one!Don't grab it!There will be bread!Everything will be there!As long as you join the Red Army!

Most of the demobilized soldiers returned to their hometowns, and a small number of strong poor peasants and workers joined the Red Army. But in any case, in 1918, when Comrade Ulyanov’s guard captain could faint from hunger, food and famine Become a lingering nightmare for the Russian people!

"Comrade Ulyanov! The food problem is too serious. Compared with food, the Chinese and Japanese military operations in Siberia are not worth mentioning. Ration distribution points and medical and health centers have been set up at the stations, in this case, it is better to invite the Chinese trains to transport food directly to Moscow!"

The person who spoke was Bukharin, editor-in-chief of Pravda and People's Commissar of Propaganda. At the beginning of March, under Trotsky's proposal, the central yang committee invited back Comrade Ulyanov, who had resigned from the field, and re-elected the little man again. He became the chairman of the central yang committee, while Bukharin, a theoretician and propagandist in the party, served as the newly established People's Commissar of Propaganda.

"Comrade Bukharin! The front of propaganda and public opinion must be strengthened. Pravda must reveal that food shortages and large food shortages are not caused by the decline in agricultural production caused by everyone taking to the streets. Food shortages and famines are caused by all anti-Bolshevik forces at home and abroad. Tangled together, especially by rich peasants and landowners with a lot of food, following the Socialist Revolutionaries, Menshevik rebellion, against the Soviets!"

Ulyanov's forehead was shining, he put his hands on the back of his waist habitually, and shouted at Bukharin in front of him.

"But food can't be collected anywhere. Most of Western Ukraine has fallen into the hands of the German puppet Polish autonomous government, while the bourgeois temporary autonomous government has been established in Eastern Ukraine. Now the Soviet government can no longer get it from Ukraine. Even a grain!" Kamenev said, frowning.

"How is the situation in the Caucasus and the Urals? Can food be obtained there? Vasili's brother wrote from his hometown, saying that they have divided up the land of the landlords, burned the houses, and suppressed the landlords. If the Soviets everywhere can act like Vasily's hometown and defeat all opposition, I believe the food problem can be solved!"

Ulyanov waved his hand and said that he was still in good spirits, as if any problems came to him, and none of them became real problems.

"Which Vasily? Oh, by the way, it's the captain of the guard sent to you by Zhong Yang. Didn't you say that you just came back from escorting food from the south yesterday, and fainted from hunger on the way, what a comrade! But our actions in the countryside Not decisive enough. Landlords and rich peasants are the two types of people who own and hoard the most food in Russia. I think the local Soviets will send more work teams to the countryside to mobilize poor and hired peasants to resolutely fight against landlords and rich peasants. Grain is taken from them!"

Bukharin was waving his hands and yelling with saliva, this guy was one of the loudest leaders in the entire central committee, and his thinking jumped very fast.

"The situation in the Caucasus is not optimistic. There are rebellions in the Volga River valley one after another. Landlords and rich peasants follow the social revolutionaries and Mensheviks' self-government government with more enthusiasm than we imagined. Comrade Joseph is still organizing the Red Army in Tsaritsyn Establish a defense line, the local food is far from enough, and Krasnov's Cossack White Guards are already on the move, defending Tsaritsyn is the top priority there!"

Trotsky, chairman of the Russian Revolutionary Military Committee, frowned, walked to the large map hanging on the wall, pointed at the map, and explained the situation on the front line to Ulyanov and other committee members.

"Be calm, and believe that Comrade Joseph can complete the tasks assigned by the party and the central government. His hometown is not far from there. Joseph is a proven veteran. Kamenev, you two were once beaten How many times was the Tsar exiled to Siberia?" Ulyanov turned to Kamenev.

"Joseph was arrested 8 times for participating in revolutionary activities, exiled to Siberia 7 times, and escaped from exile 5 times. Of course, I have fewer times than him, but I have been exiled longer than him!" Gaminiet Fu mentioned the glorious history of his best friend like a few treasures, and at the same time couldn't help showing a rare smile.

"Kamenev! You have been exiled for a long time because you stayed in the place of exile and did not escape back! Comrade, you are good at everything, but you must learn to be stronger at critical moments. Our business!"

Ulyanov did not forget to encourage and beat his most loyal followers and companions in the past. Since Kamenev made the mistake of leaking the secrets of the uprising last year because of the October Revolution, the relationship between the two seems to have changed. Can't get back to what it used to be.

Of course, Ulyanov still appreciates Kamenev's honesty and intellectual persistence. This time Ulyanov can be invited back by the central government to preside over the work. The husband played a key role in supporting Trotsky's proposal.

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