Beiyang 1917

Chapter 238 Establishment of the Eastern Front of Soviet Russia

"How is the situation in the Urals? What about the situation of Kolchak and the Czech Army!" Ulyanov pinched his waist and walked to the map hanging on the wall, carefully looking at the direction of the Urals, marking the Red Army's defense line and the White Guards. Schematic diagram of an attacking arrow.

"The situation is very serious. After the Kolchak gang captured Kazan with the help of the Czech Legion, they obtained a large amount of gold from the Tsarist Russian Curry, which allowed him to recruit and arm tens of thousands of White Guards, mainly demobilized Cossacks. Although we repelled Kolchak's tentative attack in the direction of Moscow this week, we paid a huge price!"

Trotsky obviously had a headache for Kolchak and the Czech Army. When he rushed back to Moscow in early March, he had only Kamenev on hand. He urgently armed two Moscow Worker Divisions and a Black Sea Navy Brigade. With a team of 3 people, there is a shortage of machine guns and cannons.

The ability to stop the Kolchak gang in the industrial town of Nizhny Novgorod, the hometown of Gorky, 400 kilometers east of Moscow, relies on the worker divisions mobilized and organized by the Nizhny Novgorod Soviet to defend the city!This industrial city is one of the largest industrial production bases in Russia. The strength of the working class is particularly strong, and there are enough weapons to arm them.

As the front line against the attack of the White Guards, there are currently five working-class divisions stationed on this front, with a total strength of about 10. Of course, the number of the Red Army is still increasing, but what is lacking is food, but there are plenty of weapons. .

However, from the west of Nizhny Novgorod to Kazan, it is still under the control of the Siberian Autonomous Provisional Government and the Kolchak White Guards. In just two weeks, people from all directions gathered in Kazan Kolchak There are at least 10 White Guards under its flag.

Of course, some of the Czech Legion seemed unwilling to fight. Some wanted to go east along Siberia to Vladivostok and return home, while others surrounded Kolchak and asked him to provide military pay and travel expenses.But in any case, the former Tsarist Russian soldiers who were forcibly demobilized on the front line, especially those officers, because of their family background and education, more defected to Kolchak, the temporary government's subordinate, than Toro The Red Army that Tsky formed.

"The Red Army under the leadership of the Bolsheviks must be formed on a larger scale, the political commissar system must be adopted, the ranks of the Cheka must also be expanded, the influence of the old Russian army must be eliminated, the working class must be relied on, the poor peasants and the intellectuals must be united , resolutely crack down on the problem of the rich peasants’ food storage, and don’t talk about humanitarianism to the landlord class, they will not become one of us, this is determined by their class nature!”

Ulyanov put his hands on his hips and waved his hands vigorously, expressing his views to the central committee members in the conference room, or in other words, giving everyone encouragement and specific action instructions!

"The key issue is food, Comrade Ulyanov, without food, even a purely working-class division will not be able to persist on the front line, and now there are temporary political parties of Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and Constituent Assembly everywhere. Rebellions and declarations of self-government, of course, where there is also our Soviet power, but obviously, far from Moscow, the influence and power of the Bolsheviks are far weaker than our enemies!"

Trotsky, chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council, spread his hands. He can't do anything without food. For example, the Eastern Front of the Soviet Russian Red Army is being formed to deal with the Kolchak gang, the biggest enemy of the Soviet Union at the moment. But if there is no food No matter how hard the Frunzes and Tukhachevsky tried subjectively, it was useless.

"There will be food, there will be bread. Hasn't Zhong Yang decided to nationalize all industries? I suggest implementing the grain monopoly policy in Russia as soon as possible, and implementing a surplus grain collection system in the countryside. Rich peasants and landlords must not Be soft, the local Soviets must take action as soon as possible!" Comrade Ulyanov once again resorted to the big killer of the surplus grain collection system.

"Comrade Ulyanov, I have to remind you and remind the central yang committee that the surplus grain collection system will greatly dampen the support of the countryside and peasants for our Soviet regime, and will inevitably push the middle peasants and even the poor peasants to our enemy Go there!" Zinoviev, who was older and prudent, couldn't help but shouted.

"My dear Comrade Zinoviev, in order to ensure that the soldiers of the Red Army can eat food, the necessary sacrifices are worthwhile. What's more, the poor peasants in the rural areas do not account for the majority of the grain class. Most of the food is distributed among middle peasants, rich peasants and In the hands of the landlords, if the Soviet regime cannot be kept, what is the use of supporting us from the countryside? What’s more, compared with the determined working class, the rural small peasants’ consciousness, vacillation, and weakness are much stronger. We have no choice but to do it. We must ensure that the regime is not overthrown!"

Ulyanov obviously didn't care about Zinoviev's vigilance. In his opinion, this Zinoviev always looked forward and backward at critical moments. Perhaps in this country, which has always been leftist, radical and tough In front of the famous leader, nothing can stop him from advancing towards the established goal!

"Comrade Trotsky, um, when will your Eastern Front Army be formed? We need to recapture Kazan as soon as possible and drive the Kolchak gang out of the Ural Pass. The Eastern Front is obviously the enemy we must deal with right now. What did you just do? You said, Kolchak has already recruited 10 White Guards relying on the gold from the Tsar’s treasury in Kazan? How can this happen! The Eastern Front must be formed and acted immediately!”

Ulyanov ignored Zinoviev and turned to Trotsky, chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council responsible for forming the Red Army!

In fact, the formation of the Red Army began as early as early 1918. From January to mid-February of 1918, the Central People’s Committee of the Soviet Union passed the decrees on the establishment of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army and the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Navy, stipulating that the army and navy of the Soviet Republic should be based on The voluntary principle is composed of persons of the working class.

In order to form the Red Army, the All-Russian Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Establishment Committee was established, responsible for the recruitment of soldiers, the promotion of laws and regulations, and the organization of military education for the army.All these measures destroyed the old army, which was the backbone of the old Russian state machine, and the formation of the Soviet state army - the Soviet Russian Red Army began.

At the beginning of March 1918, Ulyanov, who had just returned to the chairmanship of the Central Committee, approved the plan to establish a 3 million Red Army with a unified organization, forming 100 divisions and 58 group armies.

At the same time, it is planned to establish 11 military regions to be responsible for the formation, training and material supply of troops, and to establish township, county, provincial, and district military committees to be responsible for the registration, recruitment, formation and training of soldiers, which will serve as a duty to the working people in the future. The transition to military service created the conditions.

In order to effectively guide the national defense work of the Soviet Union, on March 1918, 3, the Supreme Military Committee affiliated to the Soviet government-the People's Committee was formally established to perform the duties of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces.Shortly thereafter, the All-Russian General Staff was established as the highest military executive organ, responsible for the formation, training, and drafting of the Red Army's organization and regulations.

"Comrade Chairman, the troops and detachments in the direction of Novgorod are the main ones. The Eastern Front has almost completed its formation. It governs the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Army Groups. The number of the entire army is about 10. , including 2 cavalry, 7 machine guns, and 1882 artillery pieces. The problem now is that the commander of the Eastern Front Army has not yet been decided. We need to listen to the opinions of you and other central committee members!"

Trotsky frowned slightly. Although he deeply sympathized with what Zinoviev said just now that the surplus grain collection system would push the countryside and peasants to the opposite of the Soviet regime, what Ulyanov said And yes, what good do we want the support of the countryside and peasants if we can't get food and use it to maintain an army to defend the regime?

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