Beiyang 1917

Chapter 239 A Clear Occupation Area

In mid-March 1918, when the Central Committee of the Soviet Union formed the Red Army to expand and established the first front army of the Red Army-the Eastern Front Army and the Kolchak White Guards-Czech Army that occupied Kazan to compete in an offensive and defensive battle.

On the West Siberia Plain to the west of the Yenisei River, the three divisions of the Japanese West Siberia Expedition Army with Taishet at the northwest end of Irkutsk as the temporary base camp launched a military intervention to occupy the West Siberia Plain.

Acting as the vanguard of the dispatched army is the 3rd Division of the Japanese Army - the famous Nagoya Division. Due to the complicated situation in various parts of West Siberia in March, the Soviet regime and their opponents, social revolutions, appeared in every city Party, Menshevik and Cadets organized rebellion and created a provisional government.

The military operation of the Japanese Third Division to occupy West Siberia was as smooth as the Chinese army's occupation of the eastern area of ​​Lake Baikal. The local Soviet Russian local regime had already fought hard with the rebels, and they were armed to the teeth with all their strength. The three divisions of Japan are like hounds breaking into a duck farm, and the ducks are croaking and flying all over the sky.

Due to the interference of the Allied Powers, China, Britain, France and the United States and China's de facto silence, the Japanese occupation army's plan to capture Omsk was abruptly stopped on the grounds that the local Soviet regime had been overthrown. The part of the Kolchak White Guards, about 3 Czech legions, who had a problem with treatment and military pay, turned around and withdrew from Kazan, and went straight to Omsk.

Of course, the banner under the banner is still the banner of the Siberian Temporary Autonomous Government with its capital in Ufa. This is a Cossack led by most of the Czech Legion and the Cossack leader Semyonov who has defected to the temporary government. The troops of the division occupied Omsk before Japan sent troops to West Siberia.

Of course, the Japanese West Siberia Dispatch Army is unwilling. The commander of the dispatch army, known as Utsunomiya Taro, one of the Japanese Army Santaro, does not have such a good temper, but the Japanese West Siberia Dispatch Army looks at the three divisions. A team of 7 people entered this West Siberia, and there were 4 to 50 large and small towns along the way.

Japan also has a small land and the people are exhausted and afraid. Now I am looking at three divisions in Siberia, and they are spreading pepper noodles to 50 towns. Think about how much each town can get?There is only one brigade of troops, and if they have to fight against the [-] Czech elites who occupied Omsk and the nearly [-] Semyonov gangs, they may not be sure of winning.

Utsunomiya Taro held his breath and had no choice but to set up the headquarters of his dispatched army headquarters in Novosibirsk. This city was later the third largest city in Russia after Moscow and Petrograd. Of course, in March 1918 , the city has a population of only 3.

Don't underestimate cities with a population of 20. There are not too many cities like this in mainland China. In the vast Siberia, Novosibirsk with a population of 1918 in 20 was one of the largest cities.

Oba Jiro's Nagoya Division Headquarters is stationed in Kuibyshev, 250 kilometers west of Novosibirsk. As the westernmost division guarding the gate, it has a brigade in its hands. The rest of the troops and the Seventh Division Like the troops of the No. 12 Regiment and the No. [-] Division, they occupied those towns with ten fingers pressing fleas on the vast West Siberia Plain.

The No.12 Division of Tong Shiigoro of China is stationed in the easternmost Krasnoyarsk. This is a big station on the Trans-Siberian Railway. This guy only holds a regiment of troops. All the rest were scattered among the Russian towns dotted hundreds of miles around.

The Seventh Division of Fujii Yukizuki was divided into two. Utsunomiya Taro, the commander of the dispatched army, surrounded a brigade of troops himself, and only gave Fujii a regiment. The division headquarters was stationed in Novokuzne, far away from the railway line. Tsk.Hundreds of miles around are dense Russian towns, not big or small, but there are no trains, and all have to go by road.

After crossing more than 3000 kilometers of the Trans-Siberian Railway under the control of the Chinese participating army, the submissive Japanese West Siberian dispatched army, who were stationed in towns and stations along the line to maintain law and order with iron-blooded hands, arrived at the designated station for Ri. On the Great Plains of West Siberia that Ben himself occupied, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the military discipline of Japan's dispatched army, although it cannot be said how bad it really is, after all, this newly occupied land, according to the results of secret consultations between China and Japan, will be given to Japan to operate as an overseas colony in the future Yes, since it is our own territory in the future, the food should not be too ugly, so the military discipline of the Japanese occupation army is barely passable.

However, the Japanese Army Department is not as extravagant as the Chinese participating army. There is no such thing as distributing rations to residents for free in towns and stations along the Siberian Railway in the occupied area. It is open to local residents, but it is not free. The most expensive thing sold is the penicillin temporarily allocated by the Chinese to the Japanese dispatched army.

Moreover, Japan does not transport a large amount of food and logistical support materials from the northeast to the garrisons in Siberia and the Far East like China does. Therefore, the food transported by Japan from Kanto Prefecture to Japan in West Siberia, which is 4000 kilometers away, is only enough to meet half of the needs of the three local divisions.

For the remaining half of the food supply, the Japanese Army Ministry asked Utsunomiya Taro to collect food on the spot in West Siberia to solve it by himself. If you say that the West Siberia Plain is still a little more developed in agriculture, there is almost no industry and mining.

But at this moment, the whole of Russia is experiencing a huge and terrible food shortage, and the food in the rural areas of West Siberia is already becoming tense. If the Japanese occupation army collects food like this, it will immediately have a very bad image compared with the Chinese army participating in the war in the east of Lake Baikal.

Speaking of grain collection, it is the same as the so-called surplus grain collection system of the Soviet Red Army. When the army or work teams go to the countryside to purchase grain, the farmers hide the grain and do not sell it. According to the decree issued by the Soviet Russian government, all hidden grain The peasants who refused to sell were the enemies of the new regime, and if they were enemies, they would be dealt with with blood and iron.

The food collection operations in the Japanese occupied area are essentially no different from the surplus grain collection system in Soviet Russia. In late March, when the famine was spreading, the large-scale food collection activities of the Japanese occupation army quickly aroused resistance from the local residents, and then the Naturally, it evolved into the activities of the Japanese occupation army going to the countryside to grab food.

The residents of Maozi began to riot and in turn robbed the food of the garrison along the railway line. The guerrillas came and went everywhere. !

Unlike the West Siberia Plain occupied by Japan, the Chinese-occupied area extends from Irkutsk on the west of Lake Baikal to Chita to Nerchinsk to Hailanpao, Khabarovsk, Shuangchengzi and Vladivostok. The density of towns and stations is much smaller, and because the Chinese occupying forces provide free rations and medical services in health centers on the left hand, and ruthlessly suppress all rebels on the right hand.

Therefore, the public security situation, the prosperity of the market, and the lives of ordinary people in the Chinese-occupied area are much better than those in the Japanese-occupied area. By the end of March, China officially established the Baikal Military Region, the Far East Military Region, and Irkut Tsk Military District.

From Vladivostok, Shuangchengzi, Khabarovsk, Hailanpao, to Skovorodino, it is under the jurisdiction of the Far Eastern Military District and the Far Eastern Krai, mainly including the Primorsky Krai and Khabarovsk Krai of the former Tsarist Russia and Amur Oblast The territorial area in the north extends to the Grabizi River, the ridge of the Outer Xing'an Mountains, and Temple Street at the mouth of the Heilongjiang River.

The headquarters of the Far Eastern Military District and the capital of the Far Eastern Krai are still located in Khabarovsk (Khabarovsk).

From Skovorodino to the west, Mogocha, Slitensk, Nerchinsk, Balei, Shilka, Chita, Shilok, Petrovsk, Ulan-Ude, Selenginsk All the way to Babush metal on the shore of Lake Baikal is in the Baikal Military District and the Baikal Krai.

The capital of the Baikal Krai was changed from Chita to Ulan-Ude, where the Baikal Military Region is also located.

From Baikalsk, Slyudyanka, Kurtuk, Sherekhov, Irkutsk, Angarsk, Mikhailovka, Cheremhovo, Zima, Tulun, Lower Uginsk, Arzamai to Taishet are the Irkutsk Military District and the Irkutsk Territory, and the capital is still in Irkutsk.

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